obsidianUIMode |
preview |
An extension to mythicgme.sfile that provides graphical ui versions of shortcuts.
^sfile setup$
// Block loading if mythicv2 is already setup (incompatible shortcut-files)
if (_inlineScripts.inlineScripts.sfileIndices["mythicv2"])
return true;
__ Sets up this shortcut-file
^ui fate$
// Data
const odds =
"Impossible", "No way", "Very unlikely",
"Unlikely", "50 / 50", "Somewhat likely",
"Likely", "Very likely", "Near sure thing",
"Sure thing", "Has to be"
// Choose the odds to roll fate with
const pick = popups.pick("Choose the odds", odds, 4, 11);
if (pick === null) { return null; }
// Roll fate with the chosen odds
return expand("fate " + (pick - 4));
__ ui fate - Asks the user to choose the odds for this fate check. Displays the answer to a yes/no question, possibly with a random event attached.
^ui scene$
// Choose chaos adjustment for the scene advancement
const pick =
popups.pick("How was the previous scene?", [ "More controlled", "More chaotic" ],
1, 2);
if (pick === null) { return null; }
// Run the scene with the chosen chaos adjustments
return expand("scene " + (pick * 2 - 1));
__ ui scene - Asks the user to choose whether chaos increased or decreased last scene. Starts a new scene with the chosen chaos value adjustment.