- Support cron syntax for backup interval
- Add Telegram notifications
- Let user define the request timeout
- Increase clone timeout to allow for larger repos and slower connections
- Performance improvement
- Add Slack notifications
- Minor fixes and updates
- Fix bug introduced in 1.2.13 where daemon exits on run error
- Improved error handling to catch and report provider errors
- Return non-zero exit code for runs with failures
- Remove pause after run if not daemonized
- Enable limiting GitHub repo backups to user owned
- Add support for Azure DevOps respositories
- Bugfix for notification error handling
- Adds new feature to enable publishing to ntfy topic on completion
- Adds new feature to enable sending webhooks on completion
- Improve feedback for invalid BitBucket authentication
- Minor fixes and security updates
- Dependency updates
- Minor updates
- Backup interval can now be specified in minutes
- Minor output improvements
- GitHub user repositories can now be skipped by setting GITHUB_SKIP_USER_REPOS=true
- All GitHub Organizations can now be backed up by specifying * instead of individual names
- GitLab API calls will now be retried if they initially fail
- Add support for Gitea
- Fix goreleaser to build and distribute docker release
- Notarize binaries produced for MacOS to remove unknown developer warning
- note: missing docker release
- Improve refs comparison mode
- Fixes edge case where refs with spaces returned an error and forced clone in when in refs mode
- Fix for refs comparison for BitBucket
- Minor logging improvements
- Fixes bug where only first 100 GitHub Organisation repositories are backed up
- Introduce retries for BitBucket API calls and cloning
- Maintenance release
- Adds new feature to prevent having to clone a repository before comparing with the latest local backup.
- Some minor tweaks and output improvements.
Fixes issues that resulted in only a subset of GitLab Projects being backed up.
All Projects across GitLab will now be returned, based on the user's minimum access level. The default level is 'Reporter' and can be overriden by setting environment variable:
to the numeric value associated with the level shown here.
Thanks to @drummingdemon for all their help in testing this release.
Add feature to enable backup of project repos in GitLab groups
Add feature to enable backup of GitHub organisations' repositories
Resolve exit on backup failure issue