This is primarily for Mac users at the moment but I'm sure it can also be used on a Windows or Linux machine with some adjustments.
This workflow operates by having a dumb receiver (your hosting server) receive files from a local setup via a deploy script that runs rsync. The files that are versioned (Git) are your theme files and some configuration files; that's it. The wordpress core and plugins are all downloaded locally (versioned via composer) and pushed up to the hosting server (same deploy script), so you probably want to set up your dev env locally to make sure everything is working properly but this can work without it.
This setup assumes that you are familiar with the following:
git clone my-new-site
cd my-new-site
This creates a build-config.json, a composer.json, installs composer, and installs wordpress and all the plugins in composer.json. Updating Plugins
build-config.json is used by the rsync tasks in the deploy script and by the default template to proxy your domain during local development. Replace the 'domain' and 'remote' key values with your own.
composer.json is used to specify the wordpress and wordpress plugin versions that you want to install for your setup. Don't remove the main wordpress key but add or remove plugins as needed. The current ones in this file are just a few favorites.
- Copy and rename the 'default' folder in the 'wp-content/themes' directory
- Change the 'default' theme reference in "activeThemes" in your build-config.json
- Download NPM Dependencies
(cd wp-content/themes/default && npm install)
This will deploy all the above code to your remote server. Make sure you run it from the root of your site.
node deploy.js
You can do this on the server or through the many helpful hosting control panel tools.
These are picked up by the root wp-config file.
There are two examples of htaccess files in this repo (local & remote). DO NOT make any changes to htaccess-remote and commit these changes, as it's very insecure to have a potentially public record of your environmental variables. Instead when you add all these files to your server, ssh into your server and copy the htaccess-remote file to a .htaccess file.
cp htaccess-remote .htaccess
Then you want to do the following for this remote .htaccess file:
- Generate wordpress secret keys and add them to .htaccess
- Add your database information to this .htaccess
When you are developing locally do the same as above but use the 'htaccess-local' file as your base and generate new secret keys and use different database variables.
In your web browser go to ''.
Make sure you read the following:
!Note! You may have to re-run the apache setup above if you've recently upgraded your OS.
Add an entry in '/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf'
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/Users/me/Sites/my-new-site"
ErrorLog "/private/var/log/apache2/"
CustomLog "/private/var/log/apache2/" common
ServerAdmin [email protected]
<Directory "/Users/jordalgo/Sites/eci">
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
- Start your MySQL server
- Create a local db (I use Sequel Pro but there are many other tools to do this.)
- Configure your local .htaccess
cp htaccess-local .htaccess
sudo apachectl start
cd wp-content/themes/default && npm run dev
In your web browser go to ''. This should point to your local instance of your wordpress setup and DB.
The current default theme is using gulp to generate the css and javascript files. This can be changed. You can use webpack, or grunt, or none of it. If there are things that need to get built in your theme before they get deployed to the remote host server, just make sure to add the script to your theme's package.json in the prod
php composer.phar update
You can add new plugins and update particular version of wordpress or plugins by editing the 'composer.json' file.
- Explore using Timber/Tig
- Add SEO Plugin
- Use Eslint in the default template instead of jshint
- Fix the development workflow
Developed by Jordan Rome '' [email protected]
Theme Based on the Bones (Responsive Edition) Wordpress Theme Developed by Eddie Machado '' [email protected]
And the wordpress install based on David Winter's Article ''