All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Embedded new base classes leveraging RESTfly for connection logic instead of the custom-coded ones.
- Added base schema for filtering using marshmallow.
- Added Tenable.ot support using new base class.
- Refactored the Downloads class to use the new RESTfly-based classes.
- New unit tests will now start to use responses over pytest-vcr when possible.
- tenable.downloads.Downloads now will warn about deprecation.
- history_uuid is now a field that can be used in TenableIO.scans
- Relaxed type checking for scan_id in TenableIO.scans
- TenableSC.FeedsAPI.process pointed to the wrong URL. #201
- TenableIO.ScansAPI didn't distinctly call out that unknown keyword args are shunted to settings #202
- Explicitly called out the common themes section of the documentation for TenableSC #200
- Adjusted case sensitivity guidelines for plugin_family in TenableIO.exports.vulns #199
- Added assign tags method to TenableIO.assets package #194
- Errant id check in audit file template list #195
- BytesIO import didn't exist in TenableSC.audit_files package #197
- Response timeout settings exposed and defaults set. #192 #193
- Improved handling of export chunks.
- Added Error handling of JSON decode errors
- Added retry logic of chunks that appear to be broken (networking issue?)
- Added automatic retiring and re-fetch to ignore empty chunks of data.
- Retry documentation wasn't correct, adjusted the default values as necessary.
- TenableSC.queries.create() did not pass filters to the constructor #191
- TenableIO.tags.list_categories() was pointing to values instead of categories #186
- TenableSC instantiation does not support base path customization #187
- Documentation Examples for TenableSC.feeds use feed instead of feeds #178
- Documentation Examples for TenableSC.files used feed instead of files. #179
- TenableSC.credentials used the incorrect parameter for oracleAuthType. #180
- TenableSC.AssetListAPI constructor improperly referred to fobj instead of kw['fobj'] #177
- TenableSC.ScannerAPI.edit improperly attempted to merge the scanner details into the PATCH call #176
- Increased default chunk sizing for TenableIO.exports.assets to 1000
- Increased default num_assets chunk sizing for TenableIO.exports.vulns to 500
- Increased default page sizing for TenableSC.analysis calls to 1000
- Improved debug logs for all API calls. Debug logs now effectively log before, during, and after.
- Improved debug log format. Pre-Request logs now output a standard JSON format.
- Will now attempt to retry on lower-level ConnectionErrors.
- ExportIterator will now backoff on status calls up to 30 seconds between calls.
- Exporting WAS scans nor functions as intended. #175
- TenableIO.TagAPI filter check erroneously used self.check instead of self._check
- API Key support for TenableSC as version 5.13 introduced key support.
- TenableSC now supports context management for authentication. (with TenableSC...)
- Dyanamic tag filter field support for TenableIO.tags create and edit methods. #174
- TenableSC.login user && passwd parameters now called username && password
- Upped Revision on 0.3.29
- Testing in travis for Python 3.7 and 3.8
- New UA String code was failing on windows hosts as os.uname isn't x-platform #164
- Implicit "all" hostType was not set when creating an accepted risk. #162
- Converted to new UA String format in an effort to normalize UA strings.
- Query filters can now be overloadable and removable for TenableSC.analysis
- Documentation was incorrectly calling the wrong method #156
- Incorrect timezone documentation for SC #145
- repeatRule parameter for schedules was incorrectly documented as rrule #144
- host_tracking for scans constructor was documented, however unimplemented #152
- Unable to set the max scan time to unlimited #149
- Failed to add necessary requirement for the "ipaddress" python package.
- Added the ScansAPI.history endpoint #141
- Added the ability for's PolicyAPI.list() iterator to graft on plugin family details.
- Spelling type in ScansAPI.launch when generating diagnostic passwords #142
- Incorrect policy UUID passed to scans created in w/ an existing policy. #143
- Switched the Nessusv2 file parser to diffusedxml per recommendation with bandit
- TenableSC SSL verification flags were not set in the session builder, which meant that login was a one-time event. #139
- Improved documentation for creating scans to include credentials
- Access Group API Added and Tested #98
- Networks API Added and Tested #129
- Managed Credentials API Added and Tested #130
- tio.policies.template_details wasn't correctly constructing the document from the editor API #136
- tio.agent_groups.list was missing from the documentation
- Asset List API Added and Tested #13
- Export wait logic is now centralized. Both scan export and workbench export now use this new method.
- Multiple chapters should be merged with ; and not , in Workbenches exports
- Chapter "vuln_by_asset" was missing from the choices for workbench export #127
- Docstrings incorrectly state that chapters are only necessary for PDF and HTML #127
- Scan types weren't being set when passing the subordinate attribute #128
- scans.export now supports explicitly defining the filters attribute as well as the implicit argument list #124
- Doc examples for TenableSC credentials.create were incorrect. #122
- SC API Reference incorrectly stated authType of "publickey" instead of "publicKey". #122
- SC Analysis Query Expander wasn't expanding numerid ids
- SC Credential privilegeEscalation attr pre-fill wasn't restricted to just specific types #126
- SC Users docs weren't linked into the documentation.
- Added support for the new plugins list endpoint.
- Support for extensible retry logic using the retry_on param.
- Tested out CSv2 API endpoints #8 #9
- Homogenized the docstrings for TenableSC #115
- Updated docs in tio.scans.create to denote that the name is required. #118
- Streaming responses in TenableSC weren't working as expected #114
- Files weren't uploading properly in TenableSC Credentials endpoints #122
- User permissions parameter type #121
- Typo in docs #120
- Scanner listing when WAS wasn't enabled caused an error #117
- All API doc links have been re-pointed to the new developer portal. #111
- tio.editor.edit has been renamed to tio.editor.template_details as it was misnamed.
- tio.editor.list has been renamed to tio.editor.template_list to more accurately describe it's function.
- Added the asset delete method to the workbenches TenableIO module #110
- Added and tested out the TenableSC plugin family additions to the plugins module #78
- Added and tested out the TenableSC OrganizationAPI module #77
- Added and tested out the TenableSC QueryAPI module #79
- Various documentation issues reported by sphinx addressed
- TenableSC.scan_instances.list can now support non-standard timeframes #108
- Added and tested out support for TenableSC Credentials #76
- Analysis filters now allow for collapsing lists if id dicts into lists of
integer ids. e.g.
('name', '=', [{'id': 1}])
is now('name', '=', [1])
- Added and tested out support for TenableSC AuditFileAPI #75
- Exports iterator now has uuid, chunk_id, chunks, and processed publicly exposed.
- Addressed issue where UnexpectedValueError was sometimes raised when specifying a scanner by name in tio.scans._create_scan_document.
- Added and tested out support for TenableSC UserAPI #24
- Added and tested out support for TenableSC GroupAPI #24
- Added and tested TenableIO.agent_groups.list() #105
- Schedule document validation extended to support
for scans #102
- Added and tested out support for TenableSC RoleAPI #24
- Retries would throw an error as they weren't floats.
- Exports would erroneously set an option if set to none.
- The scan history test cassette was modified to match the new call.
- Corrected Doc Issue where the downloads API was incorrectly referencing sc.alerts
- Fixed issue with scan history deletion where the path was incorrect #101
- Tested out TenableSC StatusAPI #22
- Tested out TenableSC SystemAPI #22
- Tested out TenableSC ScanZoneAPI #21
- Tested out TenableSC ScannerAPI #21
- Tested out Downloads API
- RetryError no longer itself throws an error due to logging.
- Fixed type mismatch bug in IO workbench filters #97
- Corrected issue with ScanZone updates using the wrong HTTP method #95
- Corrected doc issue with ScanResultAPI.export not referring to the fact that the exported scan is zipped.
- Corrected the raw HTTP method docs
- Added view parameter for TenableSC.analysis.scan #73
- Added accept_risks module #18 (untested)
- Added system module and converted the TenableSC module to use it over a raw call #22
- Added status module #22 (untested)
- Fixed issue with TenableSC.analysis.scan not properly passing a view. #73
- Added proxy support for the IO, SC, etc. #72
- Fixed issue where supplied sessions weren't being properly passed to _build_session.
- Added example for Workbench CSV Downloads for IO
- Added support for multi-value filters in IO.
- Added Request-UUID logging for all responses when available.
- Added TenableSC scan_instances endpoints and associated tests #19.
- Added TenableSC scan policies endpoints and associated tests #20.
- TenableIO can now pull API keys directly from environment variables as well.
- Added doc page detailing how to run the tests.
- Added TenableSC repositories endpoint and associated tests #17
- Exports methods in TenableIO now respect 0 integers being passed #69.
- Errored scan exports in TenableIO will no longer wait forever.
- Scan Exports using multiple chapters now works as expected #71 #70
- schedule_* parameters in scans have been removed in favor of direct checking and documentation of the schedule dictionary. This has larger implications down the line with repositories, alerts, etc.
- Added the
parameter for scan import. - Added Changelog and backfilled changes from 0.1.0 to current
- Added testing for user outputs #26
- Added testing for scanner outputs #30
- Added testing for permissions #34
- Added testing for groups #35
- Adjusted the doc format to no longer pin the sidebar #61
- Added redaction to sensitive pathways #66
- Added tagging support #44
- files module was incorrectly pointing to instead of
- Launching a scan with alt_targets sends an array instead of a string #64
- Analysis will now handle Query IDs #63
- Agent-Delete within Was using the wrong Endpoint #59
- Refactored TIOIterator to use less code when subclassing.
- Documented iterators and other common models.
- Added TioExportsError to handle status error
- Tagging support for asset export
- Added scans.status in
- Added scans module for
- Added logging support for the whole of pyTenable
- Corrected pathway to acceptRiskRule for package
- Scans.update renamed to Scans.edit in
- analysis_type from being sent to the API
- login testing
- Analysis testing #10
- Fixed iterator looping issue
- Travis now runs all tests
- Converted pytest to use conftest standard
- Improved VCRpy testing
- Container Security v1 tests (not VCRed)
- Fixed iterator first page problem
- Adjusted model constructors to all behave the same uniform way
- Added tagging support for vulnerability export
- Added VCRpy to all unit tests
- Added accept_risks Model to TenableSC
- Moved get_status checking for iterators to conform to DRY
- lxml is now an optional dependency
- Added scan_instances to TenableSC
- tio.scanners.linking_key is now a method instead fo a property
- Removed a lot of stubbed models that haven't been worked on yet
- Documentation refactored
- Mocked up some of the libraries for improved testing
- Fixed typo bug in sc.scans
- Documented asset_activity to TenableIO
- Re-pointed all SecurityCenter references to TenableSC instead
- Refactored schedule sub-document creation into a separate constructor for re-use
- Documentation improvements
- Added unit tests for Inputs & Outputs for IO Scanner Groups
- Added unit tests for Inputs & Outputs for IO Policies
- Added unit tests for Inputs & Outputs for IO Plugins
- Added unit tests for Inputs & Outputs for IO Folders
- Added unit tests for Inputs & Outputs for IO Filters
- Added unit tests for Inputs & Outputs for IO Asset Lists
- Added unit tests for Inputs & Outputs for IO Target Groups
- Added unit tests for Inputs & Outputs for IO Sessions
- Added RetryError
- Inlined all of the Documentation into the code itself
- Documentation refactoring effort for the whole package
- Unit test improvements
- Refactored long-description to better suit PyPI inclusion
- Inlined the Readme
- Added TenableSC Analysis Model
- Added TenableSC Feeds Model
- Added TenableSC Files Model
- Added NessusReportv2 Model
- Refactored the sub-package pathing
- Modified importing to be relative
- Added TenableIO Exports Model
- Added TenableIO Scans Model
- Added
- Fixed Time Conversion Issue #6