Demo of spatial interpolation soft weight sharing layer. It is a compromise between the locally connected layers as in “DeepFace” and the hard weight sharing that is usually found in convolutional layers.
Instead of the global weight sharing that forces all weights to be exactly the same irrespective of the spatial location, this layer uses kernels that are each given a ’centroid’. For brevity, we will refer to these units as kernel centroid pairs (KCP). What we want is that the activations of neurons near a KCP’s centroid are close to those that would have been obtained when using the KCP’s kernel, and less like the activations that would have been obtained when using the kernels of more distant KCPs. Additionally, when a spatial location is somewhere in between two centroids, it should inherit some of the weights of both kernel centroid pairs.
We can do accomplish this by defining a similarity function that is defined on the spatial domain of the convolutional output. The column and row indices will be translated to cartesian coordinates which will be used to compute local weighting coefficients. For now this similarity function is some exponential similarity function.
The kind of soft weight sharing is accomplished by using multiple KCPs.
Each KCP first computes its activation, just like a single convolutional
layer would do. Then, we linearly combine the results of these KCPs by
using spatial coefficients which are determined by the spatial cells in
the output tensors with respect to the centroids of each KCP. As a
result, when a spatial cell is close to a certain KCP’s centroid, its
‘local’ kernel will look most like the kernel of that particular KCP.
Note that each locally determined output is still factored by several
convolution kernels. Hence, to a certain extent, one could regard this
as soft weight sharing or distance based weight sharing. This should
result in a gradual change of local kernels when moving from centroid to
centroid, allowing the features to be significantly more complex with
relatively few extra parameters. Put mathematically, we define the
output of a spatial weight sharing layer as follows:
is the output tensor,
are rank 4 weight tensors,
is the rank 4 input tensor,
is a rank 4 similarity tensor with
parameterizes the centroid of the
denote element-wise operations with optional
broadcasting along singleton dimensions. The function
the ‘similarity’ of a spatial cell located at
respect to some convolution’s centroid
It is intresting to
see whether the network can also learn optimal centroids by also varying
This repo contains a minimal example demonstration in which the layer is used for the MNIST digit classification task. This task is perhaps less suitable than the frontalized faces data that Taigman et al. worked on, because the local specialization of neurons by means of these KCPs will be more beneficial if the spatial structure across the images in the data is roughly consistent, which is not the case for MNIST. Nevertheless, the visualizations in TensorBoard help to understand what’s going on!
The spatial weight sharing layer can be found in
To run the code with default parameters, simply do:
Optionally, you might want to check out the other parameters:
usage: [-h] [--color_coding]
[--centroid_grid CENTROID_GRID [CENTROID_GRID ...]]
[--n_centroids N_CENTROIDS] [--logdir LOGDIR]
[--centroids_trainable] [--log_verbosity LOG_VERBOSITY]
[--n_filters N_FILTERS [N_FILTERS ...]] [--n_epochs N_EPOCHS]
Demonstration of the soft spatial weight sharing layer
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--color_coding Whether to use color coding in TensorBoard
--centroid_grid CENTROID_GRID [CENTROID_GRID ...]
Grid in which the centroids are arranged at
--n_centroids N_CENTROIDS
If n_centroids is given, the centroids are initialized
--logdir LOGDIR Specify dir for TensorFlow logs, defaults to [project_folder]/tensorboard
If given, the centroid positions will be trainable
--log_verbosity LOG_VERBOSITY
TensorBoard log verbosity
--n_filters N_FILTERS [N_FILTERS ...]
Number of filters in the conv layers.
--n_epochs N_EPOCHS Number of training epochs.
So you could do something like:
python3 --centroids_trainable --n_filters 24 48 --centroid_grid 3 3
This runs the program in which the centroids are included as trainable parameters, the first convolutional layer uses 24 output features, the second convolutional layer uses 48 output features and the centroid grid is initialized as 3 x 3.
To get a good impression of what's going on inside these layers, have a look at TensorBoard. By default, the logging folder is [project_folder]/tensorboard, so by doing:
tensorboard --logdir tensorboard
Then head over to the image tab to see the visualization of locally weighted kernels. Below in the image on the left you see the color coding that indicates which centroid is closest. In this case the centroids were initialized in a grid-like fashion.
And here is what you obtain when you also let the centroids be trainable:
In the plot below you can see the intermediary results for gender recognition on the Adience data set, although I must say that these results were obtained using an older version of the code with slightly different centroid initializations.