diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store
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diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d3993f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This is a repo containing the most current code for doing model-based spike train inference from calcium imaging. Manuscripts explaining the theory and providing some results on simulated and real data are available from the fast-oopsi, smc-oopsi, and pop-oopsi github repositories. Those repositories also contain code that you may run and data to download to play with things. Any question, ask them in the issues tab. Please let me know of any positive or negative experiences. Much Obliged, joshua
diff --git a/fast_oopsi.m b/fast_oopsi.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..649f595
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fast_oopsi.m
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+function [n_best P_best V C]=fast_oopsi(F,V,P)
+% this function solves the following optimization problem:
+% (*) n_best = argmax_{n >= 0} P(n | F)
+% which is a MAP estimate for the most likely spike train given the
+% fluorescence signal. given the model:
+% \begin{align}
+% C_t &= \gamma*C_{t-1} + n_t, \qquad & n_t & \sim \text{Poisson}(n_t; \lamda_t \Delta)
+% F_t &= \alpha(C_t + \beta) + \sigma \varepsilon_t, &\varepsilon_t &\sim \mathcal{N}(0,1)
+% \end{align}
+% if F_t is a vector, then 'a' is a vector as well
+% we approx the Poisson with an Exponential (which means we don't require integer numbers of spikes).
+% we take an "interior-point" approach to impose the nonnegative contraint on (*).
+% each step is solved in O(T)
+% time by utilizing gaussian elimination on the tridiagonal hessian, as
+% opposed to the O(T^3) time typically required for non-negative
+% deconvolution.
+% Input---- only F is REQUIRED. the others are optional
+% F: fluorescence time series (can be a vector (1 x T) or a matrix (Np x T)
+% V. structure of algorithm Variables
+% Ncells: # of cells within ROI
+% T: # of time steps
+% Npixels:# of pixels in ROI
+% dt: time step size, ie, frame duration, ie, 1/(imaging rate)
+% n: if true spike train is known, and we are plotting, plot it (only required is est_a==1)
+% h: height of ROI (assumes square ROI) (# of pixels) (only required if est_a==1 and we are plotting)
+% w: width of ROI (assumes square ROI) (# of pixels) (only required if est_a==1 and we are plotting)
+% fast_poiss: 1 if F_t ~ Poisson, 0 if F_t ~ Gaussian
+% fast_nonlin: 1 if F_t is a nonlinear f(C_t), and 0 if F_t is a linear f(C_t)
+% fast_plot: 1 to plot results after each pseudo-EM iteration, 0 otherwise
+% fast_thr: 1 if thresholding inferred spike train before estiamting {a,b}
+% fast_iter_max: max # of iterations of pseudo-EM (1 to use default initial parameters)
+% fast_ignore_post: 1 to keep iterating pseudo-EM even if posterior is not increasing, 0 otherwise
+% est_sig: 1 to estimate sig
+% est_lam: 1 to estimate lam
+% est_gam: 1 to estimate gam
+% est_b: 1 to estimate b
+% est_a: 1 to estimate a
+% P. structure of neuron model Parameters
+% a: spatial filter
+% b: background fluorescence
+% sig: standard deviation of observation noise
+% gam: decayish, ie, tau=dt/(1-gam)
+% lam: firing rate-ish, ie, expected # of spikes per frame
+% Output---
+% n_best: inferred spike train
+% P_best: inferred parameter structure
+% V: structure of Variables for algorithm to run
+%% initialize algorithm Variables
+starttime = cputime;
+siz = size(F); if siz(2)==1, F=F'; siz=size(F); end
+% variables determined by the data
+if nargin < 2, V = struct; end
+if ~isfield(V,'Ncells'), V.Ncells = 1; end % # of cells in image
+if ~isfield(V,'T'), V.T = siz(2); end % # of time steps
+if ~isfield(V,'Npixels'), V.Npixels = siz(1); end % # of pixels in ROI
+if ~isfield(V,'dt'), % frame duration
+ fr = input('\nwhat was the frame rate for this movie (in Hz)?: ');
+ V.dt = 1/fr;
+% variables determined by the user
+if ~isfield(V,'fast_poiss'),V.fast_poiss = 0; end % whether observations are Poisson
+if ~isfield(V,'fast_nonlin'), V.fast_nonlin = 0; end
+if V.fast_poiss && V.fast_nonlin,
+ reply = input('\ncan be nonlinear observations and poisson, \ntype 1 for nonlin, 2 for poisson, anything else for neither: ');
+ if reply==1, V.fast_poiss = 0; V.fast_nonlin = 1;
+ elseif reply==2, V.fast_poiss = 1; V.fast_nonlin = 0;
+ else V.fast_poiss = 0; V.fast_nonlin = 0;
+ end
+if ~isfield(V,'fast_iter_max'), V.fast_iter_max=1; end % max # of iterations before convergence
+% things that matter if we are iterating to estimate parameters
+if V.fast_iter_max>1;
+ if V.fast_poiss || V.fast_nonlin,
+ disp('\ncode does not currrently support estimating parameters for \npoisson or nonlinear observations');
+ V.fast_iter_max=1;
+ end
+ if ~isfield(V,'fast_plot'), V.fast_plot = 0; end
+ if V.fast_plot==1
+ FigNum = 400;
+ if V.Npixels>1, figure(FigNum), clf, end % figure showing estimated spatial filter
+ figure(FigNum+1), clf % figure showing estimated spike trains
+ if isfield(V,'n'), siz=size(V.n); V.n(V.n==0)=NaN; if siz(1)1
+ options = optimset('Display','off'); % don't show warnings for parameter estimation
+ i = 1; % iteration #
+ i_best = i; % iteration with highest likelihood
+ conv = 0; % whether algorithm has converged yet
+ conv = 1;
+%% if parameters are unknown, do pseudo-EM iterations
+while conv == 0
+ if V.fast_plot == 1, MakePlot(n,F,P,V); end % plot results from previous iteration
+ i = i+1; % update iteratation number
+ V.fast_iter_tot = i; % record of total # of iterations
+ P = est_params(n,C,F,P,b); % update parameters based on previous iteration
+ [n C posts(i)] = est_MAP(F,P); % update inferred spike train based on new parameters
+ if posts(i)>post_max || V.fast_ignore_post==1% if this is the best one, keep n and P
+ n_best = n; % keep n
+ P_best = P; % keep P
+ i_best = i; % keep track of which was best
+ post_max= posts(i); % keep max posterior
+ end
+ % if lik doesn't change much (relatively), or returns to some previous state, stop iterating
+ if i>=V.fast_iter_max || (abs((posts(i)-posts(i-1))/posts(i))<1e-3 || any(posts(1:i-1)-posts(i))<1e-5)% abs((posts(i)-posts(i-1))/posts(i))<1e-5 || posts(i-1)-posts(i)>1e5;
+ MakePlot(n,F,P,V);
+ disp('convergence criteria met')
+ V.post = posts(1:i);
+ conv = 1;
+ end
+ sound(3*sin(linspace(0,90*pi,2000))) % play sound to indicate iteration is over
+V.fast_time = cputime-starttime; % time to run code
+V = orderfields(V); % order fields alphabetically to they are easier to read
+P_best = orderfields(P_best);
+% n_best = n_best./repmat(max(n_best),V.T,1);
+%% fast filter function
+ function [n C post] = est_MAP(F,P)
+ % initialize n and C
+ z = 1; % weight on barrier function
+ llam = reshape(1./lam',1,V.Ncells*V.T)';
+ if V.fast_nonlin==1
+ n = V.gauss_n;
+ else
+ n = 0.01+0*llam; % initialize spike train
+ end
+ C = 0*n; % initialize calcium
+ for j=1:V.Ncells
+ C(j:V.Ncells:end) = filter(1,[1, -P.gam(j)],n(j:V.Ncells:end)); %(1-P.gam(j))*P.b(j);
+ end
+ % precompute parameters required for evaluating and maximizing likelihood
+ b = repmat(P.b,1,V.T); % for lik
+ if V.fast_poiss==1
+ suma = sum(P.a); % for grad
+ else
+ M(d1) = -repmat(P.gam,V.T-1,1); % matrix transforming calcium into spikes, ie n=M*C
+ ba = P.a'*b; ba=ba(:); % for grad
+ aa = repmat(diag(P.a'*P.a),V.T,1);% for grad
+ aF = P.a'*F; aF=aF(:); % for grad
+ e = 1/(2*P.sig^2); % scale of variance
+ H1(d0) = 2*e*aa; % for Hess
+ end
+ lnprior = llam.*sum(M,2); % for grad
+ % find C = argmin_{C_z} lik + prior + barrier_z
+ while z>1e-13 % this is an arbitrary threshold
+ if V.fast_poiss==1
+ Fexpect = P.a*(C+b')'; % expected poisson observation rate
+ lik = -sum(sum(-Fexpect+ F.*log(Fexpect) - gamlnF)); % lik
+ else
+ if V.fast_nonlin==1
+ S = C./(C+P.k_d);
+ else
+ S = C;
+ end
+ D = F-P.a*(reshape(S,V.Ncells,V.T))-b; % difference vector to be used in likelihood computation
+ lik = e*D(:)'*D(:); % lik
+ end
+ post = lik + llam'*n - z*sum(log(n));
+ s = 1; % step size
+ d = 1; % direction
+ while norm(d)>5e-2 && s > 1e-3 % converge for this z (again, these thresholds are arbitrary)
+ if V.fast_poiss==1
+ glik = suma - sumF./(C+b');
+ H1(d0) = sumF.*(C+b').^(-2); % lik contribution to Hessian
+ elseif V.fast_nonlin==1
+ glik = -2*P.a*P.k_d*D'.*(C+P.k_d).^-2;
+ H1diag = (-P.a*P.k_d-2*(C+P.k_d).*D').*((C+P.k_d).^-4);
+ H1(d0) = H1diag;
+ else
+ glik = -2*e*(aF-aa.*C-ba); % gradient
+ end
+ g = glik + lnprior - z*M'*(n.^-1);
+ H2(d0) = n.^-2; % log barrier part of the Hessian
+ H = H1 + z*(M'*H2*M); % Hessian
+ d = -H\g; % direction to step using newton-raphson
+ hit = -n./(M*d); % step within constraint boundaries
+ hit(hit<0)=[]; % ignore negative hits
+ if any(hit<1)
+ s = min(1,0.99*min(hit(hit>0)));
+ else
+ s = 1;
+ end
+ post1 = post+1;
+ while post1>=post+1e-7 % make sure newton step doesn't increase objective
+ C1 = C+s*d;
+ n = M*C1;
+ if V.fast_poiss==1
+ Fexpect = P.a*(C1+b')';
+ lik1 = -sum(sum(-Fexpect+ F.*log(Fexpect) - gamlnF));
+ else
+ if V.fast_nonlin==1
+ S1 = C1./(C1+P.k_d);
+ else
+ S1 = C1;
+ end
+ D = F-P.a*(reshape(S1,V.Ncells,V.T))-b; % difference vector to be used in likelihood computation
+ lik1 = e*D(:)'*D(:); % lik
+ end
+ post1 = lik1 + llam'*n - z*sum(log(n));
+ s = s/5; % if step increases objective function, decrease step size
+ if s<1e-20; disp('reducing s further did not increase likelihood'), break; end % if decreasing step size just doesn't do it
+ end
+ C = C1; % update C
+ post = post1; % update post
+ end
+ z=z/10; % reduce z (sequence of z reductions is arbitrary)
+ end
+ % reshape things in the case of multiple neurons within the ROI
+ n=reshape(n,V.Ncells,V.T)';
+ C=reshape(C,V.Ncells,V.T)';
+ end
+%% Parameter Update
+ function P = est_params(n,C,F,P,b)
+ % generate regressor for spatial filter
+ if V.est_a==1 || V.est_b==1
+ if V.fast_thr==1
+ CC=0*C;
+ for j=1:V.Ncells
+ nsort = sort(n(:,j));
+ nthr = nsort(round(0.98*V.T));
+ nn = Z(1:V.T);
+ nn(n(:,j)<=nthr)=0;
+ nn(n(:,j)>nthr)=1;
+ CC(:,j) = filter(1,[1 -P.gam(j)],nn) + (1-P.gam(j))*P.b(j);
+ end
+ else
+ CC = C;
+ end
+ if V.est_b==1
+ A = [CC -1+Z(1:V.T)];
+ else
+ A=CC;
+ end
+ X = A\F';
+ P.a = X(1:V.Ncells,:)';
+ if V.est_b==1
+ P.b = X(end,:)';
+ b = repmat(P.b,1,V.T);
+ end
+ D = F-P.a*(reshape(C,V.Ncells,V.T)) - b;
+ mse = D(:)'*D(:);
+ end
+ if V.est_a==0 && V.est_b==0 && (V.est_sig==1 || V.est_lam==1),
+ D = F-P.a*(reshape(C,V.Ncells,V.T)+b);
+ mse = D(:)'*D(:);
+ end
+ % estimate other parameters
+ if V.est_sig==1,
+ P.sig = sqrt(mse)/V.T;
+ end
+ if V.est_lam==1,
+ nnorm = n./repmat(max(n),V.T,1);
+ if numel(P.lam)==V.Ncells
+ P.lam = sum(nnorm)'/(V.T*V.dt);
+ lam = repmat(P.lam,V.T,1)*V.dt;
+ else
+ P.lam = nnorm/(V.T*V.dt);
+ lam = P.lam*V.dt;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+%% MakePlot
+ function MakePlot(n,F,P,V)
+ if V.fast_plot == 1
+ if V.Npixels>1 % plot spatial filter
+ figure(FigNum), nrows=V.Ncells;
+ for j=1:V.Ncells, subplot(1,nrows,j),
+ imagesc(reshape(P.a(:,j),V.w,V.h)),
+ title('a')
+ end
+ end
+ figure(FigNum+1), ncols=V.Ncells; nrows=3; END=V.T; h=zeros(V.Ncells,2);
+ for j=1:V.Ncells % plot inferred spike train
+ h(j,1)=subplot(nrows,ncols,(j-1)*ncols+1); cla
+ if V.Npixels>1, Ftemp=mean(F); else Ftemp=F; end
+ plot(z1(Ftemp(2:END))+1), hold on,
+ bar(z1(n_best(2:END,j)))
+ title(['best iteration ' num2str(i_best)]),
+ axis('tight')
+ set(gca,'XTickLabel',[],'YTickLabel',[])
+ h(j,2)=subplot(nrows,ncols,(j-1)*ncols+2); cla
+ bar(z1(n(2:END,j)))
+ if isfield(V,'n'), hold on,
+ for k=1:V.Ncells
+ stem(V.n(2:END,k)+k/10,'LineStyle','none','Marker','v','MarkerEdgeColor','k','MarkerFaceColor','k','MarkerSize',2)
+ end
+ end
+ set(gca,'XTickLabel',[],'YTickLabel',[])
+ title(['current iteration ' num2str(i)]),
+ axis('tight')
+ end
+ subplot(nrows,ncols,j*nrows),
+ plot(1:i,posts(1:i)) % plot record of likelihoods
+ title(['max lik ' num2str(post_max,4), ', lik ' num2str(posts(i),4)])
+ set(gca,'XTick',2:i,'XTickLabel',2:i)
+ drawnow
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run_oopsi.m b/run_oopsi.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7f657ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run_oopsi.m
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+function varargout = run_oopsi(F,V,P)
+% this function runs our various oopsi filters, saves the results, and
+% plots the inferred spike trains. make sure that fast-oopsi and
+% smc-oopsi repository are in your path if you intend to use them.
+% to use the code, simply provide F, a vector of fluorescence observations,
+% for each cell. the fast-oopsi code can handle a matrix input,
+% corresponding to a set of pixels, for each time bin. smc-oopsi expects a
+% 1D fluorescence trace.
+% see documentation for fast-oopsi and smc-oopsi to determine how to set
+% variables
+% input
+% F: fluorescence from a single neuron
+% V: Variables necessary to define for code to function properly (optional)
+% P: Parameters of the model (optional)
+% possible outputs
+% fast: fast-oopsi MAP estimate of spike train, argmax_{n\geq 0} P[n|F], (fast.n), parameter estimate (fast.P), and structure of variables for algorithm (fast.V)
+% smc: smc-oopsi estimate of {P[X_t|F]}_{t 0
+ fprintf('\nfast-oopsi\n')
+ [fast.n fast.P fast.V]= fast_oopsi(F,V,P);
+ if V.save, save(V.name_dat,'fast','-append'); end
+% infer spikes using smc-oopsi
+if V.smc_iter_max > 0
+ fprintf('\nsmc-oopsi\n')
+ siz=size(F); if siz(1)>1, F=F'; end
+ if V.fast_iter_max > 0;
+ if ~isfield(P,'A'), P.A = 50; end % initialize jump in [Ca++] after spike
+ if ~isfield(P,'n'), P.n = 1; end % Hill coefficient
+ if ~isfield(P,'k_d'), P.k_d = 200; end % dissociation constant
+ if ~isfield(V,'T'), V.T = fast.V.T; end % number of time steps
+ if ~isfield(V,'dt'), V.dt = fast.V.dt; end % frame duration, aka, 1/(framte rate)
+ if ~exist('stupid')
+ bign1=find(fast.n>0.1);
+ bign0=bign1-1;
+ df=max((F(bign1)-F(bign0))./(F(bign0)));
+ P.C_init= P.C_0;
+ S0 = Hill_v1(P,P.C_0);
+ arg = S0 + df*(S0 + 1/13);
+ P.A = ((arg*P.k_d)./(1-arg)).^(1/P.n)-P.C_0;
+ end
+ P.C_0 = 0;
+ P.tau_c = fast.V.dt/(1-fast.P.gam); % time constant
+ nnorm = V.n_max*fast.n/max(fast.n); % normalize inferred spike train
+ C = filter(1,[1 -fast.P.gam],P.A*nnorm)'+P.C_0; % calcium concentration
+ C1 = [Hill_v1(P,C); ones(1,V.T)]; % for brevity
+ ab = C1'\F'; % estimate scalse and offset
+ P.alpha = ab(1); % fluorescence scale
+ P.beta = ab(2); % fluorescence offset
+ P.zeta = (mad(F-ab'*C1,1)*1.4785)^2;
+ P.gamma = P.zeta/5; % signal dependent noise
+ P.k = V.spikegen.EFGinv(0.01, P, V);
+ end
+ [smc.E smc.P smc.V] = smc_oopsi(F,V,P);
+ if V.save, save(V.name_dat,'smc','-append'); end
+%% provide outputs for later analysis
+if nargout == 1
+ if V.fast_iter_max > 0
+ varargout{1} = fast;
+ else
+ varargout{1} = smc;
+ end
+elseif nargout == 2
+ if V.fast_iter_max>0 && V.smc_iter_max>0
+ varargout{1} = fast;
+ varargout{2} = smc;
+ else
+ if V.fast_iter_max>0
+ varargout{1} = fast;
+ varargout{2} = V;
+ else
+ varargout{1} = smc;
+ varargout{2} = V;
+ end
+ end
+elseif nargout == 3
+ varargout{1} = fast;
+ varargout{2} = smc;
+ varargout{3} = V;
+%% plot results
+if V.plot
+ if isfield(V,'fig_dir'), ffig=V.fig_dir; end
+ V.name_fig = [ffig V.name]; % filename for figure
+ fig = figure(3);
+ clf,
+ V.T = length(F);
+ nrows = 1;
+ if V.fast_iter_max>0, nrows=nrows+1; end
+ if V.smc_iter_max>0, nrows=nrows+1; end
+ gray = [.75 .75 .75]; % define gray color
+ inter = 'tex'; % interpreter for axis labels
+ xlims = [1 V.T]; % xmin and xmax for current plot
+ fs = 12; % font size
+ ms = 5; % marker size for real spike
+ sw = 2; % spike width
+ lw = 1; % line width
+ xticks = 0:1/V.dt:V.T; % XTick positions
+ skip = round(length(xticks)/5);
+ xticks = xticks(1:skip:end);
+ tvec_o = xlims(1):xlims(2); % only plot stuff within xlims
+ if isfield(V,'true_n'), V.n=V.true_n; end
+ if isfield(V,'n'), spt=find(V.n); end
+ % plot fluorescence data
+ i=1; h(i)=subplot(nrows,1,i); hold on
+ plot(tvec_o,z1(F(tvec_o)),'-k','LineWidth',lw);
+ ylab=ylabel([{'Fluorescence'}],'Interpreter',inter,'FontSize',fs);
+ set(ylab,'Rotation',0,'HorizontalAlignment','right','verticalalignment','middle')
+ set(gca,'YTick',[],'YTickLabel',[])
+ set(gca,'XTick',xticks,'XTickLabel',[])
+ axis([xlims 0 1.1])
+ % plot fast-oopsi output
+ if V.fast_iter_max>0
+ i=i+1; h(i)=subplot(nrows,1,i); hold on,
+ n_fast=fast.n/max(fast.n);
+ spts=find(n_fast>1e-3);
+ stem(spts,n_fast(spts),'Marker','none','LineWidth',sw,'Color','k')
+ if isfield(V,'n'),
+ stem(spt,V.n(spt)/max(V.n(spt))+0.1,'Marker','v','MarkerSize',ms,'LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor',gray,'MarkerEdgeColor',gray)
+ end
+ axis([xlims 0 1.1])
+ hold off,
+ ylab=ylabel([{'fast'}; {'filter'}],'Interpreter',inter,'FontSize',fs);
+ set(ylab,'Rotation',0,'HorizontalAlignment','right','verticalalignment','middle')
+ set(gca,'YTick',0:2,'YTickLabel',[])
+ set(gca,'XTick',xticks,'XTickLabel',[])
+ box off
+ end
+ % plot smc-oopsi output
+ if V.smc_iter_max>0
+ i=i+1; h(i)=subplot(nrows,1,i); hold on,
+ spts=find(smc.E.nbar>1e-3);
+ stem(spts,smc.E.nbar(spts),'Marker','none','LineWidth',sw,'Color','k')
+ if isfield(V,'n'),
+ stem(spt,V.n(spt)+0.1,'Marker','v','MarkerSize',ms,'LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor',gray,'MarkerEdgeColor',gray)
+ end
+ axis([xlims 0 1.1])
+ hold off,
+ ylab=ylabel([{'smc'}; {'filter'}],'Interpreter',inter,'FontSize',fs);
+ set(ylab,'Rotation',0,'HorizontalAlignment','right','verticalalignment','middle')
+ set(gca,'YTick',0:2,'YTickLabel',[])
+ set(gca,'XTick',xticks,'XTickLabel',[])
+ box off
+ end
+ % label last subplot
+ set(gca,'XTick',xticks,'XTickLabel',round(xticks*V.dt*100)/100)
+ xlabel('Time (sec)','FontSize',fs)
+ linkaxes(h,'x')
+ % print fig
+ if V.save
+ wh=[7 3]; %width and height
+ set(gcf,'PaperSize',wh,'PaperPosition',[0 0 wh],'Color','w');
+ print('-depsc',V.name_fig)
+ print('-dpdf',V.name_fig)
+ saveas(fig,V.name_fig)
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/smc_oopsi.m b/smc_oopsi.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..16a8171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/smc_oopsi.m
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+function [M P V] = smc_oopsi(F,V,P)
+% this function runs the SMC-EM on a fluorescence time-series, and outputs the inferred
+% distributions and parameter estimates
+% Inputs
+% F: fluorescence time series
+% V: structure of stuff necessary to run smc-em code
+% P: structure of initial parameter estimates
+% Outputs
+% M: structure containing mean, variance, and percentiles of inferred distributions
+% P: structure containing the final parameter estimates
+% V: structure Variables for algorithm to run
+if nargin < 2, V = struct; end
+if ~isfield(V,'T'), V.T = length(F); end % # of observations
+if ~isfield(V,'freq'), V.freq = 1; end % # time steps between observations
+if ~isfield(V,'T_o'), V.T_o = V.T; end % # of observations
+if ~isfield(V,'x'), V.x = ones(1,V.T); end % stimulus
+if ~isfield(V,'scan'), V.scan = 0; end % epi or scan
+if ~isfield(V,'name'), V.name ='oopsi'; end % name for output and figure
+if ~isfield(V,'Nparticles'), V.Nparticles = 99; end % # particles
+if ~isfield(V,'Nspikehist'), V.Nspikehist = 0; end % # of spike history terms
+if ~isfield(V,'CaBaselineDrift'), V.CaBaselineDrift = 0; end %whether to include baseline drift in resting calcium concentration
+if V.CaBaselineDrift && V.freq > 1
+ warning('baseline drift is not supported for intermittent sampling, using fixed baseline instead');
+ V.CaBaselineDrift = 0;
+if ~isfield(V,'condsamp'), V.condsamp = 1; end % whether to use conditional sampler
+if ~isfield(V,'ignorelik'), V.ignorelik = 1; end % epi or scan
+if ~isfield(V,'true_n'), % if true spikes are not available
+ V.use_true_n = 0; % don't use them for anything
+ V.use_true_n = 1;
+ V.true_n = repmat(V.true_n',V.Nparticles,1);
+if ~isfield(V,'smc_iter_max'), % max # of iterations before convergence
+ reply = str2double(input('\nhow many EM iterations would you like to perform \nto estimate parameters (0 means use default parameters): ', 's'));
+ V.smc_iter_max = reply;
+if ~isfield(V,'dt'),
+ fr = input('what was the frame rate for this movie (in Hz)? ');
+ V.dt = 1/fr;
+% set which parameters to estimate
+if ~isfield(V,'est_c'), V.est_c = 1; end % tau_c, A, C_0
+if ~isfield(V,'est_t'), V.est_t = 1; end % tau_c (useful when data is poor)
+if ~isfield(V,'est_n'), V.est_n = 1; end % b,k
+if ~isfield(V,'est_h'), V.est_h = 0; end % w
+if ~isfield(V,'est_F'), V.est_F = 1; end % alpha, beta
+if ~isfield(V,'smc_plot'), V.smc_plot = 1; end % plot results with each iteration
+%% initialize model Parameters
+if nargin < 3, P = struct; end
+if ~isfield(P,'tau_c'), P.tau_c = 1; end % calcium decay time constant (sec)
+if ~isfield(P,'A'), P.A = 50; end % change ins [Ca++] after a spike (\mu M)
+if ~isfield(P,'C_0'), P.C_0 = 30; end % baseline [Ca++] (\mu M)
+if ~isfield(P,'C_init'),P.C_init= 20; end % initial [Ca++] (\mu M)
+if ~isfield(P,'sigma_c'),P.sigma_c= 10; end % standard deviation of noise (\mu M)
+if ~isfield(P,'sigma_cr'),P.sigma_cr= 10; end % standard deviation of noise (\mu M)
+if ~isfield(P,'n'), P.n = 1; end % hill equation exponent
+if ~isfield(P,'k_d'), P.k_d = 200; end % hill coefficient
+if ~isfield(V,'spikegen')
+ [sg,V] = get_spikegen_info('Bernoulli', P, V);
+ V.spikegen = sg;
+if V.freq > 1 && ~strcmpi(V.spikegen.name, 'bernoulli')
+ warning('only binary spiking is supported with intermittent sampling, switching to bernoulli spike count distributions');
+ [sg,V] = get_spikegen_info('Bernoulli', P, V);
+ V.spikegen = sg;
+if ~isfield(V, 'maxspikes'), V.maxspikes = 15; end
+if ~isfield(P,'k'), % linear filter
+ k = str2double(input('approx. how many spikes underly this trace: ', 's'));
+ P.k = V.spikegen.EFGinv(k / V.T);
+ %P.k = log(-log(1-k/V.T)/V.dt);
+if ~isfield(P,'alpha'), P.alpha = mean(F); end % scale of F
+if ~isfield(P,'beta'), P.beta = min(F); end % offset of F
+if ~isfield(P,'zeta'), P.zeta = P.alpha/5; end % constant variance
+if ~isfield(P,'gamma'), P.gamma = P.zeta/5; end % scaled variance
+if V.Nspikehist==1 % if there are spike history terms
+ if ~isfield(P,'omega'), P.omega = -1; end % weight
+ if ~isfield(P,'tau_h'), P.tau_h = 0.02; end % time constant
+ if ~isfield(P,'sigma_h'), P.sigma_h = 0; end % stan dev of noise
+ if ~isfield(P,'g'), P.g = V.dt/P.tau_h; end % for brevity
+ if ~isfield(P,'sig2_h'), P.sig2_h = P.sigma_h^2*V.dt; end % for brevity
+if ~isfield(P,'a'), P.a = V.dt/P.tau_c; end % for brevity
+if ~isfield(P,'sig2_c'),P.sig2_c= P.sigma_c^2*V.dt; end % for brevity
+if ~isfield(P,'sig2_cr'),P.sig2_cr= P.sigma_cr^2*V.dt; end % for brevity
+%% initialize other stuff
+starttime = cputime;
+P.lik = -inf; % we are trying to maximize the likelihood here
+F = max(F,eps); % in case there are any zeros in the F time series
+% P.k = [P.k; 1];
+S = smc_oopsi_forward(F,V,P); % forward step
+M = smc_oopsi_backward(S,V,P); % backward step
+if V.smc_iter_max>1, P.conv=false; else P.conv=true; end
+while P.conv==false;
+ P = smc_oopsi_m_step(V,S,M,P,F); % m step
+ S = smc_oopsi_forward(F,V,P); % forward step
+ M = smc_oopsi_backward(S,V,P); % backward step
+V.smc_iter_tot = length(P.lik);
+V.smc_time = cputime-starttime;
+V = orderfields(V);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/smc_oopsi_backward.m b/smc_oopsi_backward.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..de9a39b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/smc_oopsi_backward.m
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+function M = smc_oopsi_backward(S,V,P)
+% this function iterates backward one step computing P[H_t | H_{t+1},O_{0:T}]
+% Input---
+% Sim: simulation metadata
+% S: particle positions and weights
+% P: parameters
+% Z: a bunch of stuff initialized for speed
+% t: current time step
+% Output is a single structure Z with the following fields
+% n1: vector of spikes or no spike for each particle at time t
+% C0: calcium positions at t-1
+% C1: calcium positions at t (technically, this need not be output)
+% C1mat:matrix from C1
+% C0mat:matrix from C0
+% w_b: backwards weights
+fprintf('\nbackward step: ')
+Z.oney = ones(V.Nparticles,1); % initialize stuff for speed
+Z.zeroy = zeros(V.Nparticles);
+Z.C0 = S.C(:,V.T);
+Z.C0mat = Z.C0(:,Z.oney)';
+Z.constant_spikedistrib = 0;
+direct_ind_mat = (1:V.Nparticles)' * ones(1,V.T) + S.n * V.Nparticles;
+Z.constant_spikedistrib = 0;
+if V.Nspikehist==0 && all(S.p(:) == S.p(1))
+ Z.constant_spikedistrib = 1;
+ ln_Pn_allposs = V.spikegen.logdensity(S.p(1), P, V); %P[n] for all possible values of n_t. column vector.
+ Z.all_ln_Pn = ln_Pn_allposs(S.n + 1);
+if V.est_c==false && 0 %temporary hack (-dg), forces full sufficient statistics calc for now.
+ % if not maximizing the calcium parameters, then the backward step is simple
+ if V.use_true_n % when spike train is provided, backwards is not necessary
+ S.w_b=S.w_f;
+ else
+ for t=V.T-V.freq-1:-1:V.freq+1 % actually recurse backwards for each time step
+ Z = step_backward(V,S,P,Z,t);
+ S.w_b(:,t-1) = Z.w_b; % update forward-backward weights
+ end
+ end
+else % if maximizing calcium parameters,
+ % need to compute some sufficient statistics
+ M.Q = zeros(3); % the quadratic term for the calcium par
+ M.L = zeros(3,1); % the linear term for the calcium par
+ M.J = 0; % remaining terms for calcium par
+ M.K = 0;
+ for t=V.T-V.freq-1:-1:V.freq+1
+ % if V.use_true_n % force true spikes hack
+ % Z.C0 = S.C(:,t-1);
+ % Z.C0mat = Z.C0;
+ % Z.C1 = S.C(:,t);
+ % Z.C1mat = Z.C1;
+ % Z.PHH = 1;
+ % Z.w_b = 1;
+ % Z.n1 = S.n(t);
+ % else
+ % compute ln P[n_t^i | h_t^i]
+ Z.n1 = S.n(:,t); % for prettiness sake
+ if Z.constant_spikedistrib
+ Z.ln_Pn = Z.all_ln_Pn(:,t);
+ else
+ ln_Pn_allposs = V.spikegen.logdensity(S.p(:,t)', P, V)'; %P[n_t | h_t] for all possible values of n_t
+ Z.ln_Pn = ln_Pn_allposs(direct_ind_mat(:,t)); %P[n_t | h_t] for the n_t we sampled
+ end
+ if V.CaBaselineDrift %compute ln P[Cr_t^i | Cr_{t-1}^j]
+ Z.Cr0 = S.Cr(:,t-1);
+ Z.Cr1 = S.Cr(:,t);
+ Z.Cr1mat = Z.Cr1(:,Z.oney);
+ Z.Cr0mat = Z.Cr0(:,Z.oney);
+ Z.ln_PCr_Crn = -0.5 * (Z.Cr1mat - Z.Cr0mat').^2 / P.sig2_cr;
+ else
+ Z.ln_PCr_Crn = Z.zeroy;
+ end
+ % compute ln P[C_t^i | C_{t-1}^j, n_t^i]
+ Z.C0 = S.C(:,t-1); % for prettiness sake
+ Z.C1 = S.C(:,t);
+ Z.C1mat = Z.C1(:,Z.oney); % recall from previous time step
+ Z.C0mat = Z.C0(:,Z.oney); % faster than repmat
+ if V.CaBaselineDrift
+ Z.mu = (1-P.a) * S.C(:,t-1) + P.A * Z.n1 + P.a * S.Cr(:,t);% mean
+ else
+ Z.mu = (1-P.a) * S.C(:,t-1) + P.A * Z.n1 + P.a * P.C_0;% mean
+ end
+ Z.mumat = Z.mu(:,Z.oney)'; % faster than repmat
+ Z.ln_PC_Cn = -(0.5 / P.sig2_c) * (Z.C1mat - Z.mumat).^2; % P[C_t^i | C_{t-1}^j, n_t^i]
+ % compute ln P[h_t^i | h_{t-1}^j, n_{t-1}^i]
+ Z.ln_Ph_hn = Z.zeroy; % reset transition prob for h terms
+ for m=1:V.Nspikehist % for each h term
+ h1 = S.h(:,t,m); % faster than repmat
+ h1 = h1(:,Z.oney);
+ h0 = P.g(m)*S.h(:,t-1,m)+S.n(:,t-1);
+ h0 = h0(:,Z.oney)';
+ Z.ln_Ph_hn = Z.ln_Ph_hn - 0.5*(h0 - h1).^2/P.sig2_h(m);
+ end
+ % compute P[H_t^i | H_{t-1}^j]
+ Z.sum_lns = Z.ln_Pn(:,Z.oney) + Z.ln_PC_Cn + Z.ln_PCr_Crn + Z.ln_Ph_hn; % in order to ensure this product doesn't have numerical errors
+ Z.mx = max(Z.sum_lns,[],1); % find max in each of row
+ Z.mx = Z.mx(Z.oney,:); % make a matrix of maxes
+ Z.T0 = exp(Z.sum_lns-Z.mx); % exponentiate subtracting maxes (so that in each row, the max entry is exp(0)=1
+ %Tn = sum(T0,1); % then normalize
+ %T = T0 .* repmat(1./Tn, V.Nparticles, 1); % such that each column sums to 1
+ Z.Tninv = 1 ./ sum(Z.T0,1); % then normalize
+ Z.T = Z.T0.* Z.Tninv(Z.oney,:);
+ % compute P[H_t^i, H_{t-1}^j | O]
+ Z.PHHn = (Z.T*S.w_f(:,t-1)); % denominator
+ Z.PHHn(Z.PHHn==0) = eps;
+ Z.PHHn_inv = 1 ./ Z.PHHn;
+ Z.PHH = Z.T .* ((Z.PHHn_inv .* S.w_b(:,t)) * S.w_f(:,t-1)'); % normalize such that sum(PHH)=1
+ Z.sumPHH = sum(Z.PHH(:));
+ if Z.sumPHH==0
+ Z.PHH = ones(V.Nparticles)/(V.Nparticles);
+ else
+ Z.PHH = Z.PHH / Z.sumPHH;
+ end
+ Z.w_b = sum(Z.PHH,1); % marginalize to get P[H_t^i | O]
+ if any(isnan(Z.w_b))
+ return
+ end
+ if mod(t,100)==0 && t>=9900
+ fprintf('\b\b\b\b\b%d',t)
+ elseif mod(t,100)==0 && t>=900
+ fprintf('\b\b\b\b%d',t)
+ elseif mod(t,100)==0
+ fprintf('\b\b\b%d',t)
+ end
+ % end
+ S.w_b(:,t-1) = Z.w_b;
+ if V.smc_iter_max > 1
+ % below is code to quickly get sufficient statistics
+ C0dt = Z.C0*V.dt;
+ bmat = Z.C1mat-Z.C0mat';
+ bPHH = Z.PHH.*bmat;
+ M.Q(1,1)= M.Q(1,1) + sum(Z.PHH*(C0dt.^2)); % Q-term in QP
+ M.Q(1,2)= M.Q(1,2) - Z.n1'*Z.PHH*C0dt;
+ M.Q(1,3)= M.Q(1,3) - sum(sum(Z.PHH .* Z.C0mat')) * V.dt^2;
+ M.Q(2,2)= M.Q(2,2) + sum(Z.PHH'*(Z.n1.^2));
+ M.Q(2,3)= M.Q(2,3) + sum(Z.n1' * Z.PHH) * V.dt;
+ %M.Q(2,3)= M.Q(2,3) + sum( sum(Z.PHH(:).*repmat(Z.n1,V.Nparticles,1)) *V.dt);
+ M.Q(3,3)= M.Q(3,3) + sum(Z.PHH(:))*V.dt^2;
+ M.L(1) = M.L(1) + sum(bPHH*C0dt); % L-term in QP
+ M.L(2) = M.L(2) - sum(bPHH'*Z.n1);
+ M.L(3) = M.L(3) - V.dt*sum(bPHH(:));
+ M.J = M.J + sum(Z.PHH(:)); % J-term in QP /sum J^(i,j)_{t,t-1}/
+ M.K = M.K + sum(Z.PHH(:).*bmat(:).^2); % K-term in QP /sum J^(i,j)_{t,t-1} (d^(i,j)_t)^2/
+ end
+ end
+ if V.smc_iter_max > 1
+ M.Q(2,1) = M.Q(1,2); % symmetrize Q
+ M.Q(3,1) = M.Q(1,3);
+ M.Q(3,2) = M.Q(2,3);
+ end
+% copy particle swarm for later
+M.w = S.w_b;
+M.n = S.n;
+M.C = S.C;
+if V.CaBaselineDrift
+ M.Cr = S.Cr;
+ M.Crbar = sum(S.w_b.*S.Cr,1);
+if isfield(S,'h'), M.h=S.h; end
+M.nbar = sum(S.w_b.*S.n,1);
+M.Cbar = sum(S.w_b.*S.C,1);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/smc_oopsi_forward.m b/smc_oopsi_forward.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8ae942c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/smc_oopsi_forward.m
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+function S = smc_oopsi_forward(F,V,P)
+% the function does the backwards sampling particle filter
+% notes: this function assumes spike histories are included. to turn them
+% off, make sure that V.Nspikehist=0 (M is the # of spike history terms).
+% The backward sampler has standard variance, as approximated typically.
+% Each particle has the SAME backwards sampler, initialized at E[h_t]
+% this function only does spike history stuff if necessary
+% the model is F_t = f(C) = alpha C^n/(C^n + k_d) + beta + e_t,
+% where e_t ~ N[0, gamma*f(C)+zeta]
+% Inputs---
+% F: Fluorescence
+% V: Variables for algorithm to run
+% P: initial Parameter estimates
+% Outputs---
+% S: simulation states
+%% allocate memory and initialize stuff
+fprintf('\nT = %g steps',V.T)
+fprintf('\nforward step: ')
+P.kx = P.k'*V.x;
+A.nsmat = ones(V.Nparticles,1) * (0:V.maxspikes);
+A.repmat_msp1 = ones(V.maxspikes + 1,1);
+IsBernoulli = strcmpi(V.spikegen.name, 'bernoulli');
+% extize particle info
+S.p = zeros(V.Nparticles,V.T); %intialize the parameter describing the spiking distribution. in the case of Bernoulli and Poisson, this will also be the rate
+S.n = zeros(V.Nparticles,V.T); % extize spike counts
+S.next_n = zeros(V.Nparticles,1);
+S.C = P.C_init*ones(V.Nparticles,V.T); % extize calcium
+if V.CaBaselineDrift
+ S.Cr = P.C_init*ones(V.Nparticles,V.T); % extize resting calcium
+ A.epsilon_cr = randn(V.Nparticles,V.T); % generate noise on Cr
+S.w_f = 1/V.Nparticles*ones(V.Nparticles,V.T); % extize forward weights
+S.w_b = 1/V.Nparticles*ones(V.Nparticles,V.T); % extize forward weights
+S.Neff = 1/V.Nparticles*ones(1,V.T_o); % extize N_{eff}
+% preprocess stuff for stratified resampling
+ints = linspace(0,1,V.Nparticles+1); % generate intervals
+diffs = ints(2)-ints(1); % generate interval size
+A.U_resamp = repmat(ints(1:end-1),V.T_o,1)+diffs*rand(V.T_o,V.Nparticles); % resampling matrix
+% sample random variables
+A.U_sampl = rand(V.Nparticles,V.T); % random samples
+A.epsilon_c = randn(V.Nparticles,V.T); % generate noise on C
+A.constant_spikedistrib = 0;
+if V.Nspikehist>0 % if spike histories
+ S.h = zeros(V.Nparticles,V.T,V.Nspikehist); % extize spike history terms
+ A.epsilon_h = zeros(V.Nparticles, V.T, V.Nspikehist); % generate noise on h
+ for m=1:V.Nspikehist % add noise to each h
+ A.epsilon_h(:,:,m) = sqrt(P.sig2_h(m))*randn(V.Nparticles,V.T);
+ end
+else % if not, comput P[n_t] for all t
+ S.p = repmat(V.spikegen.nonlinearity(P.kx, P, V)',1,V.Nparticles)';
+ if V.freq == 1 && all(S.p(:) == S.p(1))
+ A.constant_spikedistrib = 1;
+ V.common_ln_n = V.spikegen.logdensity(S.p(:,1)', P, V)'; % compute log(P[n spikes], n = 0,1,2 ... each row is a particle, each column is a spike count
+ end
+% extize stuff needed for conditional sampling
+A.n_sampl = rand(V.Nparticles,V.T); % generate random number to use for sampling n_t
+A.C_sampl = rand(V.Nparticles,V.T); % generate random number to use for sampling C_t
+A.oney = ones(V.Nparticles,1); % vector of ones to call for various purposes to speed things up
+A.zeroy = zeros(V.Nparticles,1); % vector of zeros
+% extize stuff needed for REAL backwards sampling
+O.p_o = zeros(2^(V.freq-1),V.freq); % extize backwards prob
+mu_o = zeros(2^(V.freq-1),V.freq); % extize backwards mean
+sig2_o = zeros(1,V.freq); % extize backwards variance
+% extize stuff needed for APPROX backwards sampling
+O.p = zeros(V.freq,V.freq); % extize backwards prob
+O.mu = zeros(V.freq,V.freq); % extize backwards mean
+O.sig2 = zeros(V.freq,V.freq); % extize backwards var
+% initialize backwards distributions
+s = V.freq; % initialize time of next observation
+O.p_o(1,s) = 1; % initialize P[F_s | C_s]
+[mu_o(1,s) sig2_o(s)] = init_lik(P,F(s));
+O.p(1,s) = 1; % initialize P[F_s | C_s]
+O.mu(1,s) = mu_o(1,s); % initialize mean of P[O_s | C_s]
+O.sig2(1,s) = sig2_o(s); % initialize var of P[O_s | C_s]
+if V.freq>1 % if intermitent sampling
+ for tt=s:-1:2 % generate spike binary matrix
+ A.spikemat(:,tt-1) = repmat([repmat(0,1,2^(s-tt)) repmat(1,1,2^(s-tt))],1,2^(tt-2))';
+ end
+ nspikes = sum(A.spikemat')'; % count number of spikes at each time step
+ for n=0:V.freq-1
+ A.ninds{n+1}= find(nspikes==n); % get index for each number of spikes
+ A.lenn(n+1) = length(A.ninds{n+1}); % find how many spikes
+ end
+O = update_moments(V,F,P,S,O,A,s); % recurse back to get P[O_s | C_s] before the first observation
+%% do the particle filter
+for t=V.freq+1:V.T-V.freq
+ if IsBernoulli && V.freq > 1 && ~V.CaBaselineDrift && V.condsamp
+ S = cond_sampler_intermittent_bernoulli_nodrift(V,F,P,S,O,A,t,s);
+ elseif V.condsamp==0 || (F(s+V.freq)-P.beta)/P.alpha>0.98 || (F(s+V.freq)-P.beta)/P.alpha<0 % prior sampler with drift when gaussian approximation is not good
+ S = prior_sampler(V,F,P,S,A,t); % use prior sampler when gaussian approximation is not good
+ else % otherwise use conditional sampler
+ S = cond_sampler_nonintermittent(V,F,P,S,O,A,t,s);
+ end
+ S.C(:,t)=S.next_C; % done to speed things up for older
+ if V.CaBaselineDrift
+ S.Cr(:,t) = S.next_Cr;
+ end
+ S.n(:,t)=S.next_n; % matlab, having issues with from-function
+ if(isfield(S,'next_w_f')) % update calls to large structures
+ S.w_f(:,t)=S.next_w_f;
+ else
+ S.w_f(:,t)=S.w_f(:,t-1);
+ end
+ if V.Nspikehist>0 % update S.h & S.p
+ for m=1:V.Nspikehist, S.h(:,t,m)=S.h_new(:,1,m); end
+ S.p(:,t)=S.p_new;
+ end
+ % at observations
+ if mod(t,V.freq)==0
+ % S = strat_resample(V,S,t,A.U_resamp); % stratified resample
+ Nresamp=t/V.freq; % increase sample counter
+ S.Neff(Nresamp) = 1/sum(S.w_f(:,t).^2); % store N_{eff}
+ % if weights are degenerate or we are doing prior sampling then resample
+ if S.Neff(Nresamp) < V.Nparticles/2 || V.condsamp==0
+ [foo,ind] = histc(A.U_resamp(Nresamp,:),[0 cumsum(S.w_f(:,t))']);
+ [ri,ri] = sort(rand(V.Nparticles,1)); % these 3 lines stratified resample
+ ind = ind(ri);
+ S.p(:,t-V.freq+1:t) = S.p(ind,t-V.freq+1:t); % resample probabilities (necessary?) (yes, i think we need these for the backward step -- dg)
+ S.n(:,t-V.freq+1:t) = S.n(ind,t-V.freq+1:t); % resample spikes
+ S.C(:,t-V.freq+1:t) = S.C(ind,t-V.freq+1:t); % resample calcium
+ if V.CaBaselineDrift
+ S.Cr(:,t-V.freq+1:t) = S.Cr(ind,t-V.freq+1:t); % resample resting calcium
+ end
+ S.w_f(:,t-V.freq+1:t) = 1/V.Nparticles*ones(V.Nparticles,V.freq); % reset weights
+ if V.Nspikehist>0 % if spike history terms
+ S.h(:,t-V.freq+1:t,:) = S.h(ind,t-V.freq+1:t,:);% resample all h's
+ end
+ end %function
+ O = update_moments(V,F,P,S,O,A,t); % estimate P[O_s | C_tt] for all t'0 && imag(mu1)==0
+ mu_nm1power = mu1 .^ (P.n - 1);
+ gprime = P.alpha * P.n * mu_nm1power * P.k_d ./ ((mu1 .* mu_nm1power + P.k_d).^2);
+ SCa_at_mu1 = (F - P.beta) / P.alpha;
+ sig1 = (P.gamma * SCa_at_mu1 + P.zeta) ./ (gprime^2);
+ mu1=0;
+ sig1=0;
+end %init_lik
+%% update moments
+function O = update_moments(V,F,P,S,O,A,t)
+%%%% maybe make a better proposal for epi
+s = V.freq; % find next observation time
+[mu1 sig1] = init_lik(P,F(t+s));
+O.p(1,s) = 1; % initialize P[F_s | C_s]
+O.mu(1,s) = mu1; % initialize mean of P[O_s | C_s]
+O.sig2(1,s) = sig1; % initialize var of P[O_s | C_s]
+if s > 1
+ if V.CaBaselineDrift
+ error('intermittent sampling + baseline drift is not yet implemented');
+ end
+ if ~strcmpi(V.spikegen.name, 'bernoulli')
+ error('intermittent sampling is only implemented for bernoulli spiking');
+ end
+ mu_o(1,s) = mu1; % initialize mean of P[O_s | C_s]
+ sig2_o(s) = sig1; % initialize var of P[O_s | C_s]
+ if V.Nspikehist>0
+ hhat = zeros(V.freq,V.Nspikehist); % extize hhat
+ phat = zeros(1,V.freq+1); % extize phat
+ hs = S.h(:,t,:); % this is required for matlab to handle a m-by-n-by-p matrix
+ h(:,1:V.Nspikehist)= hs(:,1,1:V.Nspikehist); % this too
+ hhat(1,:) = sum(repmat(S.w_f(:,t),1,V.Nspikehist).*h,1); % initialize hhat
+ phat(1) = sum(S.w_f(:,t).*S.p(:,t),1); % initialize phat
+ end
+ if V.Nspikehist>0
+ for tt=1:s
+ % update hhat
+ for m=1:V.Nspikehist % for each spike history term
+ hhat(tt+1,m)=(1-P.g(m))*hhat(tt,m)+phat(tt);
+ end
+ y_t = P.kx(tt+t)+P.omega'*hhat(tt+1,:)'; % input to neuron
+ phat(tt+1) = 1-exp(-exp(y_t)*V.dt); % update phat
+ end
+ else
+ phat = 1-exp(-exp(P.kx(t+1:t+s)')*V.dt); % update phat
+ end
+ for tt=s:-1:2
+ O.p_o(1:2^(s-tt+1),tt-1) = repmat(O.p_o(1:2^(s-tt),tt),2,1).*[(1-phat(tt))*ones(1,2^(s-tt)) phat(tt)*ones(1,2^(s-tt))]';
+ mu_o(1:2^(s-tt+1),tt-1) = (1-P.a)^(-1)*(repmat(mu_o(1:2^(s-tt),tt),2,1)-P.A*A.spikemat(1:2^(s-tt+1),tt-1)-P.a*P.C_0); %mean of P[O_s | C_k]
+ sig2_o(tt-1) = (1-P.a)^(-2)*(P.sig2_c+sig2_o(tt)); % var of P[O_s | C_k]
+ for n=0:s-tt+1
+ nind=A.ninds{n+1};
+ O.p(n+1,tt-1) = sum(O.p_o(nind,tt-1));
+ ps = (O.p_o(nind,tt-1)/O.p(n+1,tt-1))';
+ O.mu(n+1,tt-1) = ps*mu_o(nind,tt-1);
+ O.sig2(n+1,tt-1)= sig2_o(tt-1) + ps*(mu_o(nind,tt-1)-repmat(O.mu(n+1,tt-1)',A.lenn(n+1),1)).^2;
+ end
+ end
+ if s==2
+ O.p = O.p_o;
+ O.mu = mu_o;
+ O.sig2 = repmat(sig2_o,2,1);
+ O.sig2(2,2) = 0;
+ end
+ while any(isnan(O.mu(:))) % in case ps=0/0, which yields a NaN, approximate mu and sig
+ O.mu(1,:) = mu_o(1,:);
+ O.sig2(1,:) = sig2_o(1,:);
+ ind = find(isnan(O.mu));
+ O.mu(ind) = O.mu(ind-1)-P.A;
+ O.sig2(ind) = O.sig2(ind-1);
+ end
+O.p=O.p+eps; % such that there are no actual zeros
+end %function UpdateMoments
+%% particle filtering using the prior sampler
+function S = prior_sampler(V,F,P,S,A,t)
+S = calc_next_spikedist_params(V,P,S,A,t);
+if V.use_true_n
+ S.next_n = V.true_n(:,t);
+ den = V.spikegen.density(S.p_new', P, V);
+ for pind = 1:V.Nparticles
+ cden = cumsum([0 den(:,pind)']);
+ cden(end) = 1 + eps;
+ S.next_n(pind,1) = find(A.U_sampl(pind,t) > cden,1,'last') - 1;
+ end
+if V.CaBaselineDrift
+ S.next_Cr = S.Cr(:,t-1) + sqrt(P.sig2_cr) * A.epsilon_cr(:,t);
+ S.next_C = (1-P.a) * S.C(:,t-1) + P.A * S.next_n + P.a * S.Cr(:,t) + sqrt(P.sig2_c) * A.epsilon_c(:,t);% sample C
+ S.next_C = (1-P.a) * S.C(:,t-1) + P.A *S.next_n + P.a*P.C_0 + sqrt(P.sig2_c) * A.epsilon_c(:,t);% sample C
+% get weights at every observation %THIS NEEDS FIX FOR EPI DATA
+if mod(t,V.freq)==0
+ S_mu = Hill_v1(P,S.next_C);
+ F_mu = P.alpha*S_mu+P.beta; % compute E[F_t]
+ F_var = P.gamma*S_mu+P.zeta; % compute V[F_t]
+ %%%% this must also change for epi
+ ln_w = -0.5*(F(t)-F_mu).^2./F_var - log(F_var)/2;% compute log of weights
+ ln_w = ln_w-max(ln_w); % subtract the max to avoid rounding errors
+ w = exp(ln_w); % exponentiate to get actual weights
+ % error('forgot to include the previous weight in this code!!!!')
+ % break
+ S.next_w_f = w/sum(w); % normalize to define a legitimate distribution
+function S = calc_next_spikedist_params(V,P,S,A,t) % if spike histories, sample h and update p
+if V.Nspikehist>0
+ S.h_new=zeros(size(S.n,1),1,V.Nspikehist);
+ for m=1:V.Nspikehist
+ S.h_new(:,1,m)=(1-P.g(m))*S.h(:,t-1,m)+S.n(:,t-1)+A.epsilon_h(:,t,m);
+ end
+ % update rate and sample spikes
+ hs = S.h_new; % this is required for matlab to handle a m-by-n-by-p matrix
+ h(:,1:V.Nspikehist) = hs(:,1,1:V.Nspikehist); % this too
+ y_t = P.kx(t)+P.omega'*h'; % input to neuron
+ S.p_new = V.spikegen.nonlinearity(y_t, P, V);
+ %S.p_new = 1-exp(-exp(y_t)*V.dt);% update rate for those particles with y_t<0
+ S.p_new = S.p_new(:);
+ S.p_new = S.p(:,t);
+function S = cond_sampler_intermittent_bernoulli_nodrift(V,F,P,S,O,A,t,s)
+S = calc_next_spikedist_params(V,P,S,A,t);
+k = V.freq-(t-s)+1;
+A.repmat_ktimes_mat = ones(k,1);
+m2 = O.mu(1:k,t-s); % mean of P[O_s | C_k] for n_k=1 and n_k=0
+v2 = O.sig2(1:k,t-s); % var of P[O_s | C_k] for n_k=1 and n_k=0
+prev_C = S.C(:,t-1);
+% compute P[n_k | h_k]
+ln_n = [log(S.p_new) log(1-S.p_new)]; % compute [log(spike) log(no spike)]
+m0 = (1-P.a) * prev_C + P.a * P.C_0; % mean of P[C_k | C_{t-1}, n_k=0]
+m1 = (1-P.a) * prev_C + P.a * P.C_0 + P.A ; % mean of P[C_k | C_{t-1}, n_k=1]
+v = P.sig2_c + v2;
+v = v(:,A.oney)'; % var of G_n(n_k | O_s) for n_k=1 and n_k=0
+%is the -0.5*log(2*pi.*v) term necessary ???
+ln_G0 = -0.5*log(2*pi * v) - 0.5 * (m0(:,A.repmat_ktimes_mat) - m2(:,A.oney)').^2 ./ v;
+ln_G1 = -0.5*log(2*pi * v) - 0.5 * (m1(:,A.repmat_ktimes_mat) - m2(:,A.oney)').^2 ./ v;
+mx = max(max(ln_G0,[],2),max(ln_G1,[],2));% get max of these
+mx = mx(:,A.repmat_ktimes_mat);
+%why calculate exp when we're soon going to multiply by something and then take logs again ???
+G1 = exp(ln_G1-mx); % norm dist'n for n=1;
+M1 = G1*O.p(1:k,t-s); % times prob of n=1
+G0 = exp(ln_G0-mx); % norm dist'n for n=0;
+M0 = G0*O.p(1:k,t-s); % times prob n=0
+ln_G = [log(M1) log(M0)]; % ok, now we actually have the gaussians
+% compute q(n_k | h_k, O_s)
+ln_q_n = ln_n + ln_G; % log of sampling dist
+mx = max(ln_q_n,[],2); % find max of each row
+mx2 = [mx mx]; % matricize
+q_n = exp(ln_q_n-mx2); % subtract max to ensure that for each row, there is at least one positive probability, and exponentiate
+sq_n = sum(q_n,2);
+q_n = q_n ./ [sq_n sq_n]; % normalize to make this a true sampling distribution (ie, sums to 1)
+% sample n
+S.next_n= A.n_sampl(:,t) cden_mat,2) - 1;
+% ---- STEP 2: Sample Cr if baseline is allowed to drift ----
+if V.CaBaselineDrift %sample Cr
+ mFCrn = (mCF - prev_C * (1 - P.a) - P.A * S.next_n) / P.a; %mean of P[F | Cr_t, n_t = S.next_n]
+ v_cr = (1 ./ vFCr + 1 / P.sig2_cr).^(-1); % variance of distribution for sampling Cr
+ m_cr = v_cr .* (prev_Cr / P.sig2_cr + mFCrn ./ vFCr); %mean of distribution for sampling Cr
+ S.next_Cr = m_cr + sqrt(v_cr) * A.epsilon_cr(:,t);
+ C_baseline = S.next_Cr;
+ C_baseline = P.C_0;
+% ---- STEP 3: Sample C ----
+v_c = 1/(1/vCF + 1/P.sig2_c); %variance of dist'n for sampling C
+m_givenspiking = (1-P.a) * S.C(:,t-1) + P.A * S.next_n + P.a * C_baseline; %expected calcium given spiking and previous calcium value
+m_c = v_c * (mCF / vCF + m_givenspiking / P.sig2_c);%mean of dist'n for sampling C
+S.next_C = m_c + sqrt(v_c) * A.epsilon_c(:,t);
+% ---- STEP 4: update weights ----
+S_mu = Hill_v1(P,S.next_C);
+F_mu = P.alpha*S_mu+P.beta; % compute E[F_t | C_t]
+F_var = P.gamma*S_mu+P.zeta; % compute V[F_t | C_t]
+log_PF_H = -0.5*(F(t)-F_mu).^2./F_var - log(F_var)/2; % compute log of P[F | H] !!!MUST CHANGE FOR EPI!!!
+direct_ind = (1:V.Nparticles)' + S.next_n * V.Nparticles; %index to access ln_n(pind, S.next_n(pind + 1) for pind = 1:V.nparticles
+log_n = ln_n(direct_ind);
+log_C_Cn = -0.5*(S.next_C-((1-P.a)*S.C(:,t-1)+P.A*S.next_n+P.a* C_baseline)).^2/P.sig2_c;%log P[C_k | C_{t-1}, n_k]
+log_q_n = log(q_n(direct_ind)); % compute what was the log prob of sampling the number of spikes we sampled, for each particle.
+log_q_C = -0.5*(S.next_C - m_c).^2./v_c;% log prob of sampling the C_k that was sampled
+if V.CaBaselineDrift
+ log_Cr_Cr = -0.5*(S.next_Cr - S.Cr(:,t-1)).^2 / P.sig2_cr;
+ log_q_Cr = -0.5*(S.next_Cr - m_cr).^2./v_cr ;% log prob of sampling the Cr_k that was sampled
+ log_Cr_Cr = 0;
+ log_q_Cr = 0;
+log_quotient = log_PF_H + log_n + log_C_Cn + log_Cr_Cr - log_q_n - log_q_C - log_q_Cr; %note that terms from baseline drift cancel
+sum_logs = log_quotient+log(S.w_f(:,t-1)); % update log(weights)
+w = exp(sum_logs-max(sum_logs)); % exponentiate log(weights)
+S.next_w_f = w./sum(w); % normalize such that they sum to unity
+if any(isnan(w)) %, Fs=1024; ts=0:1/Fs:1; sound(sin(2*pi*ts*200)),
+ warning('smc:weights','some weights are NaN')
+ keyboard;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/smc_oopsi_m_step.m b/smc_oopsi_m_step.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dc45d84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/smc_oopsi_m_step.m
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+function P = smc_oopsi_m_step(V,S,M,P,F)
+% this function finds the mle of the parameters
+% Input---
+% V: simulation parameters
+% R: real data
+% S: simulation results
+% M: moments and sufficient stats
+% P: old parameter estimates
+% Output is 'Enew', a structure with a field for each parameter, plus some
+% additional fields for various likelihoods
+Eold= P; % store most recent parameter structure
+P = update_params(V,S,M,P,F); % update parameters
+i = length(P.lik);
+fprintf('\n\nIteration #%g, lik=%g, dlik=%g\n',i,P.lik(end),P.lik(end)-Eold.lik(end))
+% when estimating calcium parameters, display param estimates and lik
+if V.est_c==1
+ dtheta = norm([P.tau_c; P.A; P.C_0]-...
+ [Eold.tau_c; Eold.A; Eold.C_0])/norm([Eold.tau_c; Eold.A; Eold.C_0; P.sigma_c]);
+ fprintf('\ndtheta = %.2f',dtheta);
+ fprintf('\ntau = %.2f',P.tau_c)
+ fprintf('\nA = %.2f',P.A)
+ fprintf('\nC_0 = %.2f',P.C_0)
+ fprintf('\nsig = %.2f',P.sigma_c)
+ fprintf('\nalpha = %.2f',P.alpha)
+ fprintf('\nbeta = %.2f',P.beta)
+ fprintf('\ngamma = %.2g\n',P.gamma)
+if V.est_n == true
+ fprintf('\nk = %.2f\n',P.k)
+% plot lik and inferrence
+if V.smc_plot
+ figure(100)
+ subplot(4,1,1), hold off, plot(P.lik,'o'), axis('tight')
+ subplot(4,1,2), plot(F,'k'), hold on,
+ plot(P.alpha*Hill_v1(P,sum(S.w_b.*S.C,1))+P.beta,'b'), hold off, axis('tight')
+ % plot spike train estimate
+ subplot(4,1,3), cla, hold on,
+ if isfield(V,'n'),
+ stem(V.n,'Marker','.','MarkerSize',20,'LineWidth',2,...
+ 'Color',[.75 .75 .75],'MarkerFaceColor','k','MarkerEdgeColor','k');
+ axis('tight'),
+ end
+ stem(M.nbar,'Marker','none','LineWidth',2,'Color',[0 .5 0])
+ ylabel('current n')
+ axis([0 V.T 0 1]),
+ % plot "best" spike train estimate
+ subplot(4,1,4), cla,hold on,
+ if isfield(V,'n'), stem(V.n,'Marker','.',...
+ 'MarkerSize',20,'LineWidth',2,'Color',[.75 .75 .75]); end
+ stem(M.nbar,'Marker','none','LineWidth',2,'Color',[0 .5 0]);
+ ylabel('best n');
+ axis([0 V.T 0 1]);
+ drawnow
+ %sound(3*sin(linspace(0,90*pi,2000))) % play sound to indicate iteration is over
+if i>=V.smc_iter_max
+ P.conv=true;
+ function Enew = update_params(V,S,M,E,F)
+ Enew = E; % initialize parameters
+ lik = []; % initialize likelihood
+ optionsQP = optimset('Display','off');
+ optionsGLM = optimset('Display','off','GradObj','off','TolFun',1e-6,'LargeScale','off');
+ %% MLE for spiking parameters
+ if V.est_n == true
+ % MLE for spike rate parameters: baseline (b), linear filter (k), and spike history weights (omega)
+ fprintf('\nestimating spike rate params\n')
+ RateParams=E.k; % vector of parameters to estimate (changes depending on user input of which parameters to estimate)
+ sp = S.n==1; % find (particles,time step) pairs that spike
+ nosp = S.n==0; % don't spike
+ % x = repmat(V.x,1,V.Nparticles); % generate matrix for gradinent
+ zeroy = zeros(V.Nparticles,V.T); % make matrix of zeros for evaluating lik
+ efunc = @(z) -V.spikegen.LLdata_for_spikeparams(z, S, P, V);
+ if V.Nspikehist == 0 && ismember(lower(V.spikegen.name), {'bernoulli','poisson'})
+ Enew.k = mean(sum(S.n.*S.w_b));
+ Enew.lik_r = -efunc(Enew.k);
+ else
+ if V.est_h == true && V.Nspikehist > 0
+ z0 = [E.k E.omega];
+ else
+ z0 = E.k;
+ end
+ [best_z, neglik] = fminunc(efunc, z0, optionsGLM);
+ Enew.k = best_z(1:end-V.Nspikehist);
+ if V.est_h == true && V.Nspikehist > 0
+ Enew.omega = best_z(end-V.Nspikehist + 1:end);
+ end
+ Enew.lik_r = -neglik;
+ end
+% old version has been commented out. was bernoulli-only and may have contained bugs --dg
+% if V.est_h == true %whether or not to estimate the filter denoted by "w" in Vogelstein et. al 2009
+% if V.Nspikehist>0 % if spike history terms are present
+% RateParams=[RateParams; E.omega]; % also estimate omega
+% % for i=1:V.Nspikehist % and modify stimulus matrix for gradient
+% % x(V.StimDim+i,:)=reshape(S.h(:,:,i),1,V.Nparticles*V.T);
+% % end
+% end
+% %[bko neglik] = fminunc(@f_bko,RateParams,optionsGLM);% find MLE
+% Z=ones(size(RateParams));
+% [bko neglik]=fmincon(@f_bko,RateParams,[],[],[],[],-10*Z,10*Z,[],optionsGLM);%fix for h-problem
+% Enew.k = bko(1:end-V.Nspikehist); % set new parameter estimes
+% if V.Nspikehist>0, Enew.omega = bko(end-V.Nspikehist+1:end); end % for omega too
+% else
+% for i=1:V.Nspikehist % and modify stimulus matrix for gradient
+% x(V.StimDim+i,:)=reshape(S.h(:,:,i),1,V.Nparticles*V.T);
+% end
+% [bk neglik] = fminunc(@f_bk,RateParams,optionsGLM); % find MLE
+% Enew.k = bk(1:end); % set new parameter estimes
+% end
+% Enew.lik_r = -neglik;
+ lik = [lik Enew.lik_r];
+ end
+ function [lik dlik]= f_bko(RateParams) % get lik and grad
+ xk = RateParams(1:end-V.Nspikehist)'*V.x; % filtered stimulus
+ hs = zeroy; % incorporate spike history terms
+ for l=1:V.Nspikehist, hs = hs+RateParams(end-V.Nspikehist+l)*S.h(:,:,l); end
+ s = repmat(xk,V.Nparticles,1) + hs;
+ f_kdt = exp(s)*V.dt; % shorthand
+ ef = exp(f_kdt); % shorthand
+ lik = -sum(S.w_b(sp).*log(1-1./ef(sp)))... % liklihood
+ +sum(S.w_b(nosp).*f_kdt(nosp));
+ if nargout > 1 % if gradobj=on
+ dlik = -x(:,sp)*(S.w_b(sp).*f_kdt(sp)./(ef(sp)-1))... %gradient of lik
+ + x(:,nosp)*(S.w_b(nosp).*f_kdt(nosp));
+ end
+ end %function f_bko
+ function [lik dlik]= f_bk(RateParams) % get lik and grad
+ xk = RateParams'*V.x; % filtered stimulus
+ hs = zeroy; % incorporate spike history terms
+ for l=1:V.Nspikehist, hs = hs+E.omega*S.h(:,:,l); end
+ s = repmat(xk,V.Nparticles,1) + hs;
+ f_kdt = exp(s)*V.dt; % shorthand
+ ef = exp(f_kdt); % shorthand
+ lik = -sum(S.w_b(sp).*log(1-1./ef(sp)))... % liklihood
+ +sum(S.w_b(nosp).*f_kdt(nosp));
+ if nargout > 1 % if gradobj=on
+ dlik = -x(:,sp)*(S.w_b(sp).*f_kdt(sp)./( ef(sp)-1))... % gradient of lik
+ + x(:,nosp)*(S.w_b(nosp).*f_kdt(nosp));
+ end
+ end %function f_bko
+ %% MLE for calcium parameters
+ if V.est_c == true && ~V.CaBaselineDrift
+ fprintf('estimating calcium parammeters\n')
+ if V.est_t == 0
+ [ve_x fval] = quadprog(M.Q(2:3,2:3), M.L(2:3),[],[],[],[],[0 0],[inf inf],[E.A E.C_0/E.tau_c]+eps,optionsQP);
+ Enew.tau_c = E.tau_c;
+ Enew.A = ve_x(1);
+ Enew.C_0 = ve_x(2)/E.tau_c;
+ else
+ [ve_x fval] = quadprog(M.Q, M.L,[],[],[],[],[0 0 0],[inf inf inf],[1/E.tau_c E.A E.C_0/E.tau_c]+eps,optionsQP);
+ Enew.tau_c = 1/ve_x(1);
+ Enew.A = ve_x(2);
+ Enew.C_0 = ve_x(3)/ve_x(1);
+ end
+ fval = M.K/2 + fval; % variance
+ Enew.sigma_c= sqrt(fval/(M.J*V.dt)); % factor in dt
+ Enew.lik_c = - fval/(Enew.sigma_c*sqrt(V.dt)) - M.J*log(Enew.sigma_c);
+ lik = [lik Enew.lik_c];
+ Enew.a = V.dt/E.tau_c; % for brevity
+ Enew.sig2_c = E.sigma_c^2*V.dt; % for brevity
+ elseif V.CaBaselineDrift
+ warning('calcium parameter estimation is not yet implemented for baseline drift models, and will be skipped');
+ end
+ % % %% MLE for spike history parameters
+ % % for m=1:V.Nspikehist
+ % % Enew.sigma_h(m)= sum(M.v{m})/V.T;
+ % % end
+ %% MLE for observation parameters
+ if V.est_F == true
+ keyboard
+ fprintf('estimating observation parammeters\n')
+ ab_0 = [E.alpha E.beta];
+ [Enew.lik_o ab] = f1_ab(ab_0);
+ Enew.alpha = ab(1);
+ Enew.beta = ab(2);
+ Enew.zeta=E.zeta*ab(3);
+ Enew.gamma = E.gamma*ab(3);
+ lik = [lik Enew.lik_o];
+ % Sbar = Hill_v1(E,sum(S.w_b.*S.C));
+ % siginv = 1./sqrt([E.gamma*Sbar+E.zeta]);
+ %
+ % ab_1 = [Sbar.*siginv; siginv]'\(F.*siginv)';
+ % resid = F - ab_1(1)*Sbar - ab_1(2);
+ %
+ % X=[Sbar; 1+0*Sbar]';
+ % H=X'*X;
+ % f=-resid*X;
+ % zg_1 = quadprog(H,f,-X,zeros(1,V.T));
+ % zg_1 = [Sbar; 1+0*resid]'\resid';
+ %
+ % Enew.alpha = ab_1(1);
+ % Enew.beta = ab_1(2);
+ % Enew.zeta = zg_1(1); %if Enew.zeta<0, Enew.zeta=0; end
+ % Enew.gamma = zg_1(2);
+ end
+ function [lik x] = f1_ab(ab_o)
+ %find MLE for {alpha, beta and gamma/zeta}
+ pfS=Hill_v1(E,S.C);
+ pfV=E.gamma*pfS+E.zeta;
+ % minimize quadratic form of E[(F - ab(1)*pfS - ab(2))^2/pfV]
+ % taken as weighted average over all particles (Fmean)
+ f1_abn=sum(sum(S.w_b,2)); % normalization
+ f1_abH(1,1) = sum(sum(pfS.^2./pfV.*S.w_b,2));% QF
+ f1_abH(2,2) = sum(sum(S.w_b./pfV,2));
+ f1_abH(1,2) = sum(sum(pfS./pfV.*S.w_b,2));
+ f1_abH(2,1) = f1_abH(1,2);
+ f1_abf=[0;0]; f1_abc=0; % LF and offset
+ for i=1:size(pfS,1) % over particles
+ f1_abf(1) = f1_abf(1) - sum(F(:)'.*pfS(i,:)./pfV(i,:).*S.w_b(i,:));
+ f1_abf(2) = f1_abf(2) - sum(F(:)'./pfV(i,:).*S.w_b(i,:));
+ f1_abc = f1_abc + sum(F(:)'.^2./pfV(i,:).*S.w_b(i,:));
+ end
+ % solve QP given ab(1)>0, no bound on ab(2)
+ [x lik] = quadprog(f1_abH,f1_abf,[],[],[],[],[0 -inf],[inf inf],[],optionsQP);
+ lik=(lik+f1_abc/2); % variance
+ x(3)=lik/f1_abn; % estimate gamma_new/gamma
+ lik=-lik-sum(sum(log(x(3)*pfV).*S.w_b,2))/2;
+ end %function f_ab
+ Enew.lik=[E.lik sum(lik)];
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/z1.m b/z1.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..17a7bd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z1.m
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+function x = z1(y)
+% linear normalize between 0 and 1
+x = (y-min(y(:)))/(max(y(:))-min(y(:)))+eps;
+% for multidimensional stuff, this normalizes each column to between 0 and
+% 1 independent of other columns
+% T=length(y);
+% y=y';
+% miny=min(y);
+% x = (y-repmat(miny,T,1))./repmat(max(y)-min(y),T,1);
\ No newline at end of file