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533e8bd · Dec 11, 2024


This branch is 54 commits behind line/armeria:main.


This directory contains a Gatsby project that generates the official web site for Armeria.

Build requirements

  • The build requirements in
  • svgbob_cli
    • brew install svgbob on Mac OS X

Working with the project

  1. Download and install node, npm and other dependencies as well as generating the required .json files into the gen-src directory.
    $ ../gradlew generateSiteSources
  2. Run Gatsby in development mode.
    $ ../gradlew develop
    $ npm run develop
  3. Start updating the pages in src/pages. All changes will be visible at

Note that you can also use your local npm or node installation, although you'll have to run ../gradlew generateSiteSources to generate the .json files into the gen-src directory at least once.

Adding a short URL

It's often useful to define a short URL such as /s/slack when you need to:

  • Shorten a long URL
  • Manage a URL that changes often

Define a short URL in gatsby-config.js. createPages in gatsby-node.js will create static redirect pages for it. For example, the following configuration will create a redirect from /s/foo to

module.exports = {
  siteMetadata: {
    shortUrls: [
        name: 'foo',
        href: '',
  // ...

Building the project for deployment

  1. Perform a clean production build.
    $ ../gradlew clean site
  2. Upload all files in the public directory into the gh-pages branch, e.g.
    $ cd ../../site-armeria
    $ rm -fr *
    $ mv ../../armeria/site/public/* .
    $ git add -A .
    $ git commit --amend -m 'Deploy the web site'
    $ git push --force

Checking for dependency updates

Use npm-check-updates

$ npx npm-check-updates --target latest

Checking what's taking space in .js bundles

Make sure the resource or component you're adding does not increase the bundle size too much. You can check which component or page is taking how much space using source-map-explorer.

  1. Run source-map task using npm.
    $ npm run source-map
  2. A web browser will show a tree map. See here to learn more about how to interpret the report.

Generating release notes

$ npm run release-note <version>

Note that you might encounter an API rate limit exceeded error from the GitHub response. Set GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable with the token that you have issued in to get a higher rate limit.