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Releases: jscs-dev/node-jscs


15 Feb 15:32
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Version 2.10.0 (2016-02-15):

Happy Presidents Day!

In this release, it's just some additional rules to update to the airbnb preset, new rules, and fixes.

Preset Changes

  • Add maximumLineLength to the airbnb preset (reference) (Oleg Gaidarenko)
  • Add disallowSpacesInsideTemplateStringPlaceholders to the airbnb preset (not explicit but used in examples) (Oleg Gaidarenko)
  • Add disallowNewlineBeforeBlockStatements rule to the mdcs preset (reference) (Mauricio Massaia)

New Rules



Disallows spaces before and after curly brace inside template string placeholders.

// usage in config
"disallowSpacesInsideTemplateStringPlaceholders": true
// Valid
`Hello ${name}!`
// Invalid
`Hello ${ name}!`
`Hello ${name }!`
`Hello ${ name }!`

requireImportsAlphabetized (Ray Hammond)

Requires imports to be alphabetized

// usage in config
"requireImportAlphabetized": true
// Valid
import a from 'a';
import c from 'c';
import z from 'z';
// Invalid
import a from 'a';
import z from 'z';
import c from 'c';

Rule Updates

  • requireSpaceBeforeKeywords: skip function by default (gpiress)

Bug Fixes

  • requireNumericLiterals: miss if first argument is an Identifier (Robert Jackson)
  • disallowSpacesInsideTemplateStringPlaceholders: skip the edge case (Oleg Gaidarenko)
  • requirePaddingNewLinesBeforeExport: exclude if only statement in block (Brian Schemp)
  • maximumLineLength: some nodes might contain null values (Oleg Gaidarenko)


  • Correct date in the changelog (Oleg Gaidarenko)
  • Various rule corrections (Christopher Cook)


25 Jan 15:54
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Version 2.9.0 (2015-01-23):

Changed the changelog date format to be YYYY-MM-DD.

Whoo a release during this blizzard! Hopefully, this will be our last release before we start pushing out pre-release versions of 3.0. (If necessary, we can push bug fixes to 2.x)

The plan:

  • Push the 2.9.0 release
  • Create a 2.x branch off of master
  • Switch master to be the 3.0 branch
  • Merge in 2.x changes + cleanup stuff for a 3.0 alpha release.
  • Do what we can in our 3.0 milestone. We would really appreciate any help!
    • Especially for deprecating rules/options, rule merging, renames/inconsistencies that we don't catch.

New Rules

requireCapitalizedConstructorsNew (Alexander O'Mara)

// Description: Requires capitalized constructors to to use the `new` keyword

// Usage
"requireCapitalizedConstructors": {
  "allExcept": ["somethingNative"]

// Valid
var x = new Y();
var x = new somethingNative(); // exception

// Invalid
var x = Y();

Rule Updates

// can turn
var a = [0,

// into
var a = [

This was @joerideg's first PR, so congrats and hope to see more contributions (not necessarily here)!

I think we would need a seperate rule to both check/fix alignment properly.

class A {
  prop; // will add a semicolon here
  prop2 = 1; // and here
  • requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers: add extra options allowedPrefixes, allowedSuffixes, allExcept
    • This lets you specify a permitted array of String, RegExp, or ESTree RegExpLiteral values

For options: { allowedSuffixes: ["_dCel", {regex:{pattern:"_[kMG]?Hz"}}] }

// Extra valid options
var camelCase_dCel = 5;
var _camelCase_MHz = 6;
// Invalid
var camelCase_cCel = 4;
var CamelCase_THz = 5;
// Valid for requireNewlineBeforeBlockStatements
switch (a)
  case 1: break;

// Valid for disallowNewlineBeforeBlockStatements
switch (a) {
  case 1: break;


  • airbnb: Enforce rule 25.1 (Joe Bartlett)
    • This adds requireDollarBeforejQueryAssignment
  • airbnb: Enforce rule 7.11 (Joe Bartlett)
    • This fixes up function spacing issues (autofixable)
  • google: Enforce naming rules
    • This adds "requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers": { "allowedPrefixes": ["opt_"], "allExcept": ["var_args"] }

Bug Fixes



04 Jan 19:37
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Version 2.8.0

Happy new year! Small changes this time, small, but important fixes which still warrants the minor bump.

Aside from bug fixes, this update includes improvement for the airbnb preset and allExcept option for the disallowNewlineBeforeBlockStatements


09 Dec 00:31
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Version 2.7.0 (12-08-2015):

It's this time of the year again, 2.7 is here!

One new rule, cool amount of fixes and massive jsdoc rule set update.

New Rules

Although there's only one new rule in this release, it's pretty powerful! Say thanks to @ficristo!


// This is cool 
function test() {
     if (x) {
         return x;
     return y;

// This is not 
function test() {
    if (x) {
        return x;
    } else {
        return y;

This is one of the most popular patterns out there, such as in idiomatic and node-style-guide.


  • The idiomatic and node-style-guide presets now have the requireEarlyReturn rule.
  • Whereas the airbnb preset is better in treating JSX.

Bug Fixes

  • disallowTrailingWhitespace changes for autofix (thanks @lukeapage!)
  • requirePaddingNewlinesBeforeKeywords: allow function return on the same line
  • disallowMixedSpacesAndTabs: fix issue with erroring on block comments
  • auto-configure: set maxErrors to Infinity

Notable Changes in jsDoc

  • Improves ES6 support for enforceExistence: add exceptions for arrow functions and ES6 modules exports
  • Many fixes related to requireDescriptionCompleteSentence
  • Fixes for incorrecly sticked docblocks to IIFE
  • Docblocks without tags now parsing correctly
  • Adds @override to jsdoc3 preset
  • Arrow functions now treats as usual functions

See the full list in jscs-jsdoc changelog.


20 Nov 15:24
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Version 2.6.0 (11-18-2015):

Thanks to @seanpdoyle, we're able to move some of the ES6 rules from the ember-suave preset to JSCS!

New Rules

disallowVar (Sean Doyle)

Disallows declaring variables with var.

"disallowVar": true

// Valid
let foo;
const bar = 1;
// Invalid
var baz;

You can also use "disallowKeywords": ["var"]

requireArrayDestructuring (Sean Doyle)

Requires that variable assignment from array values are destructured.

"requireArrayDestructuring": true

// Valid
var colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'];
var [ red ] = colors;
// Invalid
var colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'];
var red = colors[0];

requireEnhancedObjectLiterals (Sean Doyle)

Requires declaring objects via ES6 enhanced object literals (shorthand versions of properties)

"requireEnhancedObjectLiterals": true

var obj = {
  foo() { },
var obj = {
  foo: function() { },
  bar: bar

requireObjectDestructuring (Sean Doyle)

Requires variable declarations from objects via destructuring

"requireObjectDestructuring": true

// Valid
var { foo } = SomeThing;
var { bar } =;
// Invalid
var foo =;
var bar =;

disallowSpacesInGenerator (Francisc Romano)

Checks the spacing around the * in a generator function.

"disallowSpacesInGenerator": {
    "beforeStar": true,
    "afterStar": true
var x = function*() {};
function*a() {};
var x = async function*() {};

New Rule Options

  • requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers: add strict option (Jan-Pieter Zoutewelle)

Also forces the first character to not be capitalized.

"requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers": {
  "strict": true
// Valid
var camelCase = 0;
var UPPER_CASE = 4;

// Invalid
var Mixed_case = 2;
var Snake_case = { snake_case: 6 };
var snake_case = { SnakeCase: 6 };
  • disallowSpace(After|Before)Comma: add allExcept: ['sparseArrays'] (Brian Dixon)
  • validateQuoteMarks: add "ignoreJSX" value (Oleg Gaidarenko)
  • requireMatchingFunctionName: add includeModuleExports option (George Chung)


  • Account for sparse arrays in rules with spacing and commas (Brian Dixon)
  • requireSpaceBeforeBinaryOperators: report "operator =" correctly when erroring (Rob Wu)
  • requireAlignedMultilineParams: do not throw on function without body (Oleg Gaidarenko)

Preset Changes

  • WordPress: add requireBlocksOnNewLines (Gary Jones)


06 Nov 18:39
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Version 2.5.1 (11-06-2015):

Just some bug fixes and an internal change before we integrate CST.


  • disallowUnusedParams: ignore eval exressions (Oleg Gaidarenko)
  • Configuration: do not try to load presets with function values (Oleg Gaidarenko)
  • requirePaddingNewLinesAfterBlocks - don't throw on empty block (Oleg Gaidarenko)
  • requireSpacesInGenerator - account for named functions (Henry Zhu)

Internal changes

  • Add Whitespace token in preparation for using CST (Marat Dulin)


29 Oct 16:44
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Version 2.5.0 (10-28-2015):

Preset Updates

Thanks to markelog and Krinkle, the built-in wikimedia preset will be hosted at

The purpose of this change is so that organizations can update their preset as needed without waiting for JSCS to update to another minor version (even though we are releasing more often anyway). The plan is to not update our preset dependencies until a new minor version of JSCS.


// JSCS package.json
"jscs-preset-wikimedia": "~1.0.0",
  • Wikimedia updates their preset to to 1.1.0
  • A new user runs npm install with jscs and will get version 1.0.0 of the wikimedia preset
  • If the user wants to update the preset themselves, they can add a direct dependency in their package.json
  • Otherwise they can wait for JSCS to have a minor version update (2.4.0 to 2.5.0) which will update all presets.

If you would like to maintain one of the default supported presets, please let us know.

New Rules

requireSpacesInGenerator (stefania11)

Checks the spacing around the * in a generator function.

"requireSpacesInGenerator": {
    "beforeStar": true,
    "afterStar": true
// allowed
var x = function * () {};
function * a() {};
var x = async function * () {};

Thanks to Stefania and Christopher for working on this rule this past Sunday during the JS Open Source workshop at the NY Javascript meetup!

New Rule Options

requireCurlyBraces (Henry Zhu)

"requireCurlyBraces": {
    "allExcept": ["return", "continue", "break", ...],
    "keywords": ["if", "else", "for", "while", ... ]
// allowed
if (x) return;
if (x) return 1;
if (x) continue;
if (x) break;

// still not allowed
if (x) i++;

requireSpaceAfterComma add option { allExcept: ['trailing'] } (Brian Dixon)

// allows
var a = [{
    test: /\.jsx?$/,
    exclude: /node_modules/,
    loader: 'babel',


Account for sparse arrays in comma spacing rules (Brian Dixon)

// allowed
var x = [1, , ,2];

Configuration: correct config dir detection (Oleg Gaidarenko)

Fixes a regression with loading additional rules in a .jscsrc


24 Oct 13:18
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Version 2.4.0 (10-22-2015):

We're releasing pretty often now, right? :-)

Fix option

  • The --fix CLI flag can now be used programatically and through a .jscsrc config.

This is be useful for plugin authors (not only for jscs plugins but also for grunt/gulp/etc...)

Preset updates

  • The jquery preset (and dependant ones like wordpress and wikimedia) is less strict, whereas idiomatic is now more meticulous.

Couple new rules

[1,2,3] // valid
[1, 2, 3] // invalid
var test = function(one, two,
/*indent!*/  three) {

Some new rule options

obj["ಠ_ಠ"] // This is wrong!
obj.ಠ_ಠ // Now you get it :-)
var whatDoesAnimalsSay = {
    cat: 'meow', dog: 'woof', fox: 'What does it say?' // this is cool now


// allows
var a = 1;

  let b = 1;


20 Oct 03:03
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Version 2.3.5 (10-19-2015):

Why not fix some more bugs!

Bug Fixes

  • Fix: requireSpacesInForStatement account for parenthesizedExpression (Henry Zhu)
// allows ()
for (var i = 0; (!reachEnd && (i < elementsToMove)); i++) {
  • Fix: disallowCommaBeforeLineBreak: fix for function params (Henry Zhu)
// allows
function a(b, c) {
  • Fix: requirePaddingNewLineAfterVariableDeclaration - allow exported declarations (Henry Zhu)
// allows
export var a = 1;
export let a = 1;
export const a = 1;
  • Fix: disallowSpaceAfterKeywords - fix issue with using default keyword list (Henry Zhu)
// fixes autofix from `return obj` to `returnobj`
  • Fix: disallowTrailingComma, requireTrailingComma - support ObjectPattern and ArrayPattern (Henry Zhu)
// disallow
const { foo, bar } = baz;
const [ foo, bar ] = baz;

// require
const { foo, bar, } = baz;
const [ foo, bar, ] = baz;


17 Oct 22:00
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Version 2.3.4 (10-17-2015):

Bug Fixes

  • Change requireVarDeclFirst to ignore let and const 2199ca4 #1783
  • Fixed an issue with all function spacing rules not accounting for the generators a2c009f #1175