this integration of the core resuspend
library w/ the Redux state management library provides a <ConnectedSuspension/>
component which uses selectors, actions, and store state as the basis for implementing your suspension logic
To install the latest stable version:
npm i -s resuspend @resuspend/redux
here's a simple example of Redux based suspension logic.
starting with a base component:
import React from "react";
export const UserProfile = (props) => (
<button onClick={props.onRefresh}>Refresh</button>
set up a typical connection between the base component and the store state:
import React, { useCallback } from "react";
// action creators
const setUser = (payload) => ({ type: 'SET_USER', payload });
const refreshUser = (payload) => ({ type: 'REFRESH_USER', payload });
// selectors
const getUserWithId = (userId) => (state) => state.userById[userId];
export const ConnectedUserProfile = (props) => {
const getUser = useCallback(getUserWithId(props.userId), [props.userId]);
const user = useSelector(getUser);
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const onRefresh = useCallback(() => {
dispatch(refreshUser({ userId: props.userId }));
}, [dispatch, props.userId]);
return <UserProfile user={user} onRefresh={onRefresh} />;
then finally, you can define the suspension logic w/ selectors and assign it to the props of a <ConnectedSuspension>
import React, { useCallback } from "react";
import { ConnectedSuspension } from '@resuspend/redux';
import * as mocks from "../mocks"; // mock users for simulating fetch below
// activation status via a store selector
const noUserWithId = (userId) => (state) => !getUserWithId(userId)(state);
// activation effect via an action selector
const fetchUserWithId = (userId) => (state) => /* thunk you! */ (dispatch) => {
// simulate fetch
setTimeout(() => {
const user = mocks.users[userId];
dispatch(setUser({ user }));
}, 2000);
export const SuspendableConnectedUserProfile = (props) => {
const noUser = useCallback(noUserWithId(props.userId), [props.userId]);
const fetchUser = useCallback(fetchUserWithId(props.userId), [props.userId]);
return (
<ConnectedSuspension activeSelector={noUser} onActiveSelector={fetchUser}>
<ConnectedUserProfile {...props} />