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Training RAPPPID Models

It's possible to train a RAPPPID model using the utility.

1. Prepare your Data

You'll first need a dataset in a format that RAPPPID understands. There are two options.

  1. If you wish to you use the datasets from the Szymborski & Emad manuscript, you can read the "Szymborski & Emad Datasets" heading in the docs.

  2. To prepare a new dataset, read the "Preparing RAPPPID Datasets" header in

2. Generate SentencePiece Tokens

First begin by generating a SentencePiece vocabulary using rapppid/

You can run this script from the CLI.


Some more details:

  • SEQ_PATH: is the location of the sequences Pickle file (see
  • TRAIN_PATH: is the location of the training pairs Pickle file (see
  • seed: int: Random seed for determinism.
  • vocab_size: int: The size of the vocabulary to be generated.
    • recommended value: a value of 250 was used in the paper.

This script makes sure that the SentencePiece model is only trained on sequence present in the training dataset to ensure no data leakage.

3. Run the utility

To train, validate, and test the model, run the python file in the rapppid folder. takes the following positional arguments:

  • batch_size: int The training mini-batch size
    • recommended value: a value of 80 was used in the paper on a RTX 2080, with 32 CPU cores clocked at 2.2GHz.
  • train_path: Path The path to the training files. RAPPPID training files can be found in the data/rapppid folder
  • val_path: Path The path to the validation files. RAPPPID training files can be found in the data/rapppid folder
  • test_path: Path The path to the testing files. RAPPPID training files can be found in the data/rapppid folder
  • seqs_path: Path The path to the file containing protein sequences. RAPPPID protein sequences can be found in the data/rapppid folder
  • trunc_len: int Sequences longer than the trunc_len will be truncated to this length.
    • recommended value: A value of 1500 was used in the paper, but values as large as 3000 and as small as 1000 have been used during development. A value of 3000 means almost all proteins won't be truncated, while 1500 still only truncates a small proportion of proteins. Larger values lead to vanishing gradients, so if training is unstable, this is a very good parameter to look at.
  • embedding_size: int The size of the token embeddings to use. This also dictates the number of parameters in the LSTM cells.
    • recommended value A value of 64 was used in the paper. 32 has also worked well.
  • num_epochs: int The maximum number of epochs to run. Testing will be run on the epoch with the lowest validation loss.
    • recommended value will update the model checkpoints when the validation loss reaches a new low. So in the paper, we set the number of epochs to 100, and reported the test metrics of the model with the lowest val loss (this is done automatically by
  • lstm_dropout_rate: float The rate at which connections are dropped in the LSTM layers (aka DropConnect)
    • recommended value See We tuned this hyperparameter and recommend you do so on new datasets as well.
  • classhead_dropout_rate: float The rate at which activates are dropped at the fully-connected classifier (aka Dropout)
    • recommended value See We tuned this hyperparameter and recommend you do so on new datasets as well.
  • rnn_num_layers: int Number of LSTM layers to use
    • recommended value See We tuned this hyperparameter and recommend you do so on new datasets as well.
  • class_head_name: str The kind of classifier head to use.
    • recommended value Use concat to replicate the RAPPPID manuscript.
    • Update: We've found using mult provides similar performance, reduces the number of parameters, and more deterministic.
  • variational_dropout: bool Whether the DropConnect applied on the LSTM layers is done using variational dropout or not.
    • recommended value False.
  • lr_scaing: bool Whether or not to scale learning rate with sequence length.
    • recommended value Set to False to replicate RAPPPID manuscript, other values are poorly supported.
  • model_file: str Path to the SentencePiece model file generated in Step 2
  • log_path: Path Where to store logging files (saved weights, tensorboard files, hyper-parameters)
    • n.b.: the directory in log_path must have the following directories below is:
      • args: The args folder will hold (in JSON files) all the hyperparameters, as well as the training, validation, and testing metrics. The most useful information is usually here.
      • chkpts: Pytorch Lightning Model Checkpoints are stored here. They hold both hyperparameters as well as model weights.
      • tb_logs: Holds the tensorboard logs
      • onnx: ONNX files are meant to be saved here, but serialization usually fails, so best to use the weights from chkpts.
      • charts: Quick ROC and PR charts for the testing dataset are generated for each trained model.
  • vocab_size: int The size of the sentencepiece vocabulary. Use the value set in Step 2.
  • embedding_droprate: float The rate at which embeddings are dropped (aka Embedding Dropout)
    • recommended value See We tuned this hyperparameter and recommend you do so on new datasets as well.
  • transfer_path: str If you wish to load weights that were pre-trained, include the checkpoint file from /logs/chkpts/yourmodelname.chkpt
  • optimizer_type: str The optimizer to use. Valid values are ranger21 and adam.
    • recommended value We use ranger21 in the manuscript, but adam also works well.
  • swa: bool Enable Stochastic Weight Averaging.
    • recommended value True in the manuscript.
  • seed: int Seed to use for training.
    • We used 8675309, 5353457, and 1234 in the paper. LSTMs suffer from indeterminism when cuDNN is enabled, so while setting the seed helps towards replicable runs, there is always stochasticity in training the network.

4. Check the Output

The path in log_path contains model checkpoints, as well as logs, and evaluation metrics. You can monitor loss and various metrics live on tensorboard as well.

Training, validation, and testing metrics as well as hyperparameters are all present in the args folder in JSON format. Simply look for the file with your model name (unix timestamp + two random words).