1.1.6 (2016-10-04)
- build: change properties privacy to use in factories (19c0c61)
- datepicker: changing the date programatically selects the correct date (#1041) (fb6d532), closes #858
- datepicker: fixed broken bindings for aria-labelby and ids (#1055) (26d9209)
- datepicker: Fixing Colspan (#1057) (e71a8ae)
- datepicker: imlement ReactiveForms setDisabledState for TimepickerComponent (cd58c3b), closes #1024
- demo: fixed tabs demo (#1050) (969a61a)
- export: removed obsolete exports to avoid missusage (6993e97)
- modal: Call hideModal in ngOnDestroy if modal is shown (#1038) (b38db2a), closes #853 #1051 #1052
- package: development files added to .npmignore (887c6b2), closes #737
- pagination: Fix disabled class on next and last buttons (#1036) (01f4759), closes #922
- slider: Slide shouldnt enforce text alignment (#824) (ad2c5a6)
- template: templates should not use es6 templates (de26168)
- typeahead: Fix crash with
inputs (47b9fb1) - univeral: added hacks for missing type keywords (d20ccf1), closes #964
- utils: now attach to body should work for mixed ng1+ng2 apps (99f15c8), closes #1069 #1056
- build: added config file for wallabyjs (cec8bae)
- build: use ngc compiler to produce metadata (afabb9d), closes #1060 #992 #933
- buttons: update radio button directive to work with ReactiveForms (5d51939), closes #1023
- tabs: added custom class option (13fac37), closes #766 #842 #842
- tooltip: added tooltipStateChanged and exporting the directive (#939) (650b4f7)
1.1.5 (2016-09-16)
1.1.4 (2016-09-15)
- Update to Angular 2.0.0 (05a7b46)
1.1.3 (2016-09-14)
- modal: should fix 'no provider for ...' exception (4c3e4c9), closes #854 #951
- tests: "no provider" error when running tests (#963) (8483615)
1.1.2 (2016-09-12)
- datepicker: removed popup stub (d1a7d09)
- forms: add export of FormsModule where [ngModel] selector is present (#931) (b5c8448), closes #929 #929
1.1.1 (2016-09-02)
- dropdown: toggle does not close when clicking directly on an icon in Chrome (#851) (341dcf8), closes #851 #658
- window: fixed window usage (0b7012a), closes #909 #908 #906
1.1.0 (2016-09-01)
- build: restore coverage reports (#755) (26191eb)
- ci: upload test coverage report to codecov (#756) (4358773)
- datepicker: remove unused code (#837) (fa22c98)
- demo: fixed accordion demo (bd4cc96), closes #399
- modals: fixed modals fade in animation (2b95c95), closes #687
- collpase: add collapsed and expanded events to the collapse directive #576 (#779) (a6f9bb5)
- dropdown: added exportAs to dropdown directives (#785) (66531c7)
- dropdown: optionally add dropdown-toggle class (#772) (52d3167)
- timepicker: disabling meridian and hiding spinners if input is disabled (#768) (a19c841), closes #759
- tooltip: add implementation for tooltipClass (#664) (fa4475a)
- tooltip: html content as template (#751) (6489e38)
- tooltip: tooltip html content (#724) (9070125)
- typeahead: adding custom item template (#776) (1356ff7), closes #503 #652
- typeahead: adding support for nested properties and functions for typeaheadOptionField (#777) (b24dabf), closes #135 #523
1.0.24 (2016-07-18)
- tooltip: add implementation for tooltipClass (#664) (fa4475a)
- tooltip: tooltip html content (#724) (9070125)
1.0.23 (2016-07-14)
- build: fix rxjs typings issues on build (b4267aa)
- dropdown: Add the dropdown-menu class to dropdown menus (1bc316f), closes #541 #732
- modal: injected DOCUMENT token is undefined (48a9aa7), closes #575
- typeahead: Added form support (#723) (fa54e46)
1.0.22 (2016-07-12)
1.0.21 (2016-07-12)
1.0.20 (2016-07-11)
- package: removed peer dependency to router (c661772)
1.0.19 (2016-07-11)
- build: emit helpers (4771f6f)
- build: fixed prod build webpack config (753cc67)
- demo: add "dropdownMenu" (#580) (686a96e)
- docs: fix typo (#612) (7ddd532), closes #612
- docs: nonInput is by default (#581) (b23ced0)
- dropdown: explicitly markForCheck() (#566) (0ce4328)
- dropdown: prop disabled renamed to isDisabled (#615) (8a1d6f8)
- header-component: fix style (ccfe948)
- modal: don't hide on out click if backdrop === 'static' (#629) (df85712)
- modal: fix typo in MODAL_DIRECTIVES (#630) (8c4c125), closes #630
- modals: modal backdrop and onclick events handling (b39b856), closes #687 #703 #708
- package: include js map files in bundles (1ffd2b4), closes #632
- readme: alert component name fixed (e9a1d04), closes #552
- style: fix top menu z-index (e70e578)
- tests: fix failing test for buttons and accordion (8ea9c10)
- typeahead: removed incorrect behavior to do ENTER behavior on TAB. TAB should simply skip to next field as expected. (#715) (758ad1b), closes #686 #490 #689
- demo: new build process with ng2-webpack-config (5c8fcf1)
- docs: added modals section (6ab3a07)
- docs: applied new docs style (d84211a)
- docs: menues and contents updated (2155df6)
- package: angular updated to rc3, fix hash (active route) (#636) (70a84cf), closes #636
- typeahead: rxjs version (#584) (48b8abb), closes #536 #637
- dropdown: * dropdown property
renamed toisDisabled
- ng2-bootstrap: misprint MODAL_DIRECTVES renamed to MODAL_DIRECTIVES
1.0.17 (2016-05-31)
- datepicker: added ngOnChanges hook (ecffdb0), closes #543
- timepicker: added null value validation (f9ad7e7), closes #533
- tooltip: Fix tooltip arrows in bootstrap v4 (b4250d4), closes #141
- modals: added declarative modals component (#564) (1d0903f), closes #29
- tooltip: adds implementation to tooltipEnable (#517) (1470892)
- Added view provider required by modals (see modals docs for more information)
1.0.16 (2016-05-06)
- build: system.js bundler updated to rc.1(6945ad9)
- collapse: had to disable animation in order to update to rc.1(3443495)
- collapse: removed dependecy to animation builder(fed473f)
- docs: update to ButtonRadioDirective and ButtonCheckboxDirective (#476)(2e2d79b)
1.0.15 (2016-04-28)
- buttons: had incorrect import statement which breaks .d.ts and import (67ee5b5)
- universal: now plays well with ng2 universal (9d595d3), closes #61
1.0.14 (2016-04-26)
- accordion: Panel isn't resizing after content has changed (914ae1a), closes #454
- collapse: Setting overflow back to visible in Collapse (#433) (5c9434e), closes #372
- datepicker: added support for null value (8109dd2), closes #16 #445
- datepicker: If the date was set by ngModel it will be overwritten by default value (6321253)
- Tabset: add tab-container class to the Tabset component for correct display (2b951f7)
- package: updated angular2 to 0-beta.16 (75b3568)
- typeahead: show list of options on focuse when minLength=0 (f1c1909), closes #187 #413
All components was renamed accordingly to ng2 style guide (da131ea)
Before | After |
Accordion | AccordionComponent |
AccordionPanel | AccordionPanelComponent |
Alert | AlertComponent |
ButtonCheckbox | ButtonCheckboxDirective |
ButtonRadio | ButtonRadioDirective |
Carousel | CarouselComponent |
Slide | SlideComponent |
Collapse | CollapseDirective |
DatePicker | DatePickerComponent |
Dropdown | DropdownDirective |
Pager | PagerComponent |
Pagination | PaginationComponent |
Bar | BarComponent |
Progress | ProgressDirective |
Progressbar | ProgressbarComponent |
Rating | RatingComponent |
Tab | TabDirective |
TabHeading | TabHeadingDirective |
Tabset | TabsetComponent |
Timepicker | TimepickerComponent |
Tooltip | TooltipDirective |
Typeahead | TypeaheadDirective |
1.0.13 (2016-04-15)
- typeahead: blur event handler should not prevent item selection (847d375), closes #403 #418 #356
- typeahead: Blur hide with timeout, to allow other events to be triggered. (fixes #363) (1a719d0), closes #363 #395 #389 #363
1.0.12 (2016-04-15)
- deps: upgrade to angular2 beta.15 (00e6ad4)
1.0.11 (2016-04-08)
- build: generate source maps for systemjs bundles (fixes #367) (81e16b7), closes #367
- demo: added card clasess to pre tags in bs4 demo (0dfe7b2)
- lint: added usage of tslint-config-valorsoft (cad6af3)
- lint: enable tslint and codelyzer (fixes #309) (b60ce40), closes #309
- typeahead: prevent form submition when typeahead selected (fixes #359) (4297410), closes #359
- package: updated to angular2 beta.14 (243585b)
1.0.10 (2016-04-01)
- package: angular2 version updated to beta.13 (91e4ad1)
1.0.9 (2016-03-31)
- collapse: animate is not available for system.js (b28fd5d)
1.0.8 (2016-03-30)
- use synchronous event emitters as a workaround for dehydrated detector issues (s (9c9f290)
- build: reduce typings pain (686ef90), closes #128 #322
- carousel: Fix Typescript 7030 error (128db51)
- demo: including es6-shim and es6-promise (fixes #194) (80b73b4), closes #194
- dropdowns: dropdown should close correctly when used in modals (fixes #267, fixes #221) (a7a02ff), closes #267 #221
- ie9,10: usage of [hidden] replaced with *ngIf (fixes #238) (260e963), closes #238
- tooltip: fix tooltip after upgrade to angular2 2.0.0-beta.12 (87a57f5)
- tooltip: updated for beta.12 (fixes #296, closes #332) (413c2f1), closes #296 #332
- typeahead: Fixed potential error if value of typeahead is undefined. Fixes #345 (aeb2bc1), closes #345
- typeahead: Hide typeahead popup on blur. Fixes #351 (9c6f257), closes #351
- collapse: added animation, toggle\hide\show methods made public (closes #348, fixes #287) (2625b29), closes #348 #287
- datepicker: Added functionality to add a custom class to specific dates. Supports empty cust (0f6389f)
- package: angular2 version updated to 2.0.0-beta.12 (15c866f)
1.0.7 (2016-03-16)
- pagination: use inner html for pagination button text (66cc008)
1.0.6 (2016-03-09)
- datepicker-inner: When changing view on datepicker, and going left and right, selected date (97c8735)
- tooltip: fix positioning of tooltip container (5697574)
- datepicker: Added an attribute onlyCurrentMonth which if true will not show dates from previ (529af20)
1.0.5 (2016-02-24)
- datepicker: setting default value for SHOW_WEEKS (aa09451)
- daypicker: text center align in bootstrap 4 (dfd502f)
- tabs: destroy cycle, closes #180 (ae8c617), closes #180
1.0.4 (2016-02-24)
- build: fix npm start command, fixes #113 (217fe3a), closes #113
- build: rollback compression plugin version to 0.2, fixes #103 (3d59e2d), closes #103
- "outsideClick" still closed the dropdown on any click (6348f72), closes #124
- build: updated to use ts 1.8.2, fixes #116 (206770b), closes #116
- datepicker: setting default value for SHOW_WEEKS (f0079ad)
- datepicker: upgrade to beta 1, issue #38 (b1a5507)
- export: all the correct directives are now properly exported (b00a30b)
- pager: multiple times defined event numPages, fixes #111, closes #112 (780eebd), closes #111 #112
- pagination: multiple triggering of pageChanged event, fix #76, fix #138, closes #146 (91c4ec4), closes #76 #138 #146
- allow two-way binding on
(674fcb7) - build: update to use ng2 beta7 & use ts typings, fixes #212 (31e6300), closes #212
- datepicker: datepicker fixed for 0-beta.2, closes #120, fixes #38 (a3d9e1c), closes #120 #38
- dropdown: implement "nonInput" auto-close mode (94d9909)
- tabs: removable tabs (c465610)