An Arff generator written in Pharo.
Arff is a format defined by Weka to be used for data importation. This project implements a representation of weka's arff concepts as objects in Pharo and is able to generate valid arff strings.
See Arff file spec to learn more about this format.
You can install this project using the Catalog Browser or by evaluating the following code in a fresh image:
Metacello new
baseline: 'Arff';
repository: 'github://juliendelplanque/Arff/repository';
Simply add this code snippet to your baseline:
spec baseline: 'Arff' with: [
spec repository: 'github://juliendelplanque/Arff/repository' ].
The following code:
doc := ArffDocument new.
relation: 'temperature';
addDateAttribute: 'time' format: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss';
addNumericAttribute: 'temperature';
addNominalAttribute: 'weather' specification: #('sunny' 'cloudy').
addInstance: #('2015-01-01 12:00:00' 5 'sunny');
addInstance: #('2015-02-01 18:40:00' 8 'sunny');
addInstance: #('2015-03-01 05:04:00' 3 'cloudy');
addInstance: #('2015-04-01 13:01:20' 15 'cloudy');
addInstance: #('2015-05-01 09:07:00' 12 'sunny');
addInstance: #('2015-06-01 12:20:00' 6 'cloudy').
doc asString
Generates the arff string:
@relation temperature
@attribute time date "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
@attribute temperature numeric
@attribute weather {sunny,cloudy}
"2015-01-01 12:00:00",5,"sunny"
"2015-02-01 18:40:00",8,"sunny"
"2015-03-01 05:04:00",3,"cloudy"
"2015-04-01 13:01:20",15,"cloudy"
"2015-05-01 09:07:00",12,"sunny"
"2015-06-01 12:20:00",6,"cloudy"
- Add messages in ArffDocument to make the DSL simpler.
- Add possibility to add comment in an ArffDocument.
Pull requests are welcome. :)