Vent is a Microblogging (twitter-like) application. The purpose of this tutorial is to learn the basics of Clojure, with some guidance from a tutor.
Clone edge and go into the tutorial
$ git clone $ cd edge/examples/tutorial.vent
Start a REPL
$ ../bin/rebel --cljs -A:dev:build:dev/build
Start the server
dev=> (go)
There is a front-end you can browse at http://localhost:3000.
In src/tutorial/vent/lib.clj there are a number of functions which haven’t yet been implemented. The majority of challenges require:
Fetching information from a "db" (A file on disk)
Manipulating that data
Writing new data to the db
There are 3 operations for the database:
This will reset the database to a known good state
(db/store new-db)
Save a new version of the database
Fetch the current version of the database
These are available in your REPL.
Vents are stored in the database as a sequence. Each Vent has these keys:
A globally unique id for this message, a number works. |
The text of the actual vent |
The username of the author, a string. |
(Optional) Either |
(Optional) The data of the User (see below) who created it. This should be added after reading from the database, it should not be stored in the database. |
{:id 2
:text "Lord but I dislike poetry. How can anyone remember words that aren't put to music?"
:username "arl_the_bard"
:favorite? true}
{:id 2
:text "Lord but I dislike poetry. How can anyone remember words that aren't put to music?"
:author {:name "Arliden"
:following? true}
:username "arl_the_bard"
:favorite? true}
{:vents [{:id 1 :text "Text" :username "foo"} …]}
Users are stored in the database as a map. This is like a dictionary or hash map in other languages. The keys are usernames, and the values are Users.
Users look like so:
A full name |
A list of usernames this user follows |
(Optional) |
{:name "John Smith"
:follows ["janesmith" "arl_the_bard"]
:following? false}
{:users {"jsmith" {:name "John Smith"
:follows ["janesmith" "arl_the_bard"]
:following? true}
"arl_the_bard" {:name "Arliden"
:follows ["janesmith"]}}}
These can all be achieved by modifying files in src/tutorial/vent/lib.clj.
Currently, the vents from all
are hard-coded.
It would be great if all
would return all the vents from the database.
Use (db/read) and get the :vents key out of it.
Add the ability to create a new vent.
Take the list of vents in the database, and filter them to show only the favorites on the favorites page.
Use filter and anonymous functions to filter the list of vents. |
Depends on Fetch database vents.
Now that vents are being fetched from the database, the user details are missing!
Fetch the user information from the database based on the :username
key in the vent, and add it to the vents as the :author
Add the ability to see who you follow.
select-keys over users in your :follows key.
Add the ability to see who your followers are.
select-keys on users, based on a keep on the :users which have username in their :follows .
You will need to complete Implement Followers page to see this working.
Make it so that Follow/Unfollow buttons toggle the current state.
You won’t be able to see this working until you’ve done Implement favorites list.
Add the ability for the user to make a vent a favorite.
Use map and check using = if the current vent is the one you’re supposed to update. You might want to the current value. |