All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog
- Update externals in templates to recent versions (#193)
- Displaying answers depending on role (#23)
- Allow mailability to be set at multiple levels (#603)
- Auto mail job should also be able to send different kind of messages (#636)
- Send again button in communication log (#668)
- Reset sent mail - using checkbox in Token edit screen (#674)
- By period Token overview totals do not match (#685)
- Default view of MailLog does not show the time the mail was send (#667)
- Do not show more than 2000 patient numbers in the systemuser show screen (#675)
- Document the db (#16)
- Export of By patient Overview always returns empty output (#683)
- Print button in modal dialog shows empty page (#681)
- The answer popup during an embedded login has inconsistent output (#679)
- Token overviews fail on relations with a slash in the name (#684)
- Remember in the session that the user is embedded (#680)
- Focus tracking does not work on sub forms and element (#671)
- SelectModel drops sort columns silently #672
- Watermark in empty form-fields (#8)
- When using RespondentTrack->setEndDate the date should be set to manual (#670)
- Birthday sometimes stored incorrectly (#666)
- Embedded login sometimes fails with error instead of correct error log (#662)
- Export to Word chokes on & and h2 elements in questions (#653, partial quick fix)
- From e-mail address should be just that (#669)
- Prevent error message when getimagesize() fails to read a file (#663)
- RespondentRelations field error in TokenMailer (#664)
- SQL error in getOrganizationsByCode (#665)
- Survey sometimes tries to load empty events (#661)
- The parent child information for surveys is incorrect (#654)
- Token return is set to organisation url, even when logged in (#660)
- Url site management blocks access before update (#655)
- Url site management does not use specified layout and locale (#656)
- Reorganize and extend the documentation (#639)
- Add a new track field type for linking track to multiple other tracks (#621)
- Add an external survey name to a survey (#626)
- Add an external track name to a track (#625)
- Add insertable survey only shows part of the title (#602)
- Added Url site management (#618)
- Allow relation to ask for a token mail resend (#601)
- Allow mailability to be set at multiple levels (#603)
- Enable inserting more than one survey at a time (#617)
- Enable password editing on all sites (#648)
- Debug options for survey events (#613)
- Make display of family name in ask screen optional (#641)
- Add a header to the round editor to show where the conditions start (#635)
- Add group information for limesurvey questionnaires to survey preview and answer views (#34)
- Add survey question display to survey-maintenance-show questions (#541)
- Add translation of specific database fields, like Track name, survey name (#568)
- Enable removal of existing passwords and SSN's (#629)
- Enabled time use when editing and displaying Token valid from and until dates (#634)
- Improve mail template form use with multiple languages (#614)
- Show more information when editing appointment fields (#627)
- Show the most recently added track first in the track overviews of patients (#622)
- Track builder: filter survey list (#362)
- Add translation of specific database fields, like Track name, survey name (#568)
- Enable PDF export using PHP Office (#597)
- Feedback bij niet verstuurde reset mail (#278)
- Inappropriate access control for logs (#642)
- Inappropriate access for some track pages (#643)
- Prevent the wrong patient being shown during embedded login (#607)
- Prevent user defined query columns (#647)
- Remove the '1' privilege from the role editor (#631)
- Adding an insertable survey to an emptied phase goes wrong (#609)
- Appointment changes can affect conditions (#590)
- Appointment fields lack context during some track creation (#623)
- Codebook export screen improvements (#630)
- Error message WHERE token = 'xxx' (#595)
- Extend length if log IP address storage (#606)
- Incorrect valid until date set when putting a token in LimeSurvey (#612)
- Make email test language a choice (#61)
- Make synchronize LS surveys multibyte save (#598)
- PDF Open in browser downloads (#645)
- Remove token events from the listener after use (#611)
- Respondent Token does not switch to the correct organization and language (#646)
- Subscribe action generates fatal error (#638)
- The default roles no longer show the ask screen (#604)
- The unit tests seem to have been broken for quite a while (#619)
- Token 'Assigned by' shows Track assigner (#616)
- Use the organization contact name in e-mail from (#321)
- When using an appointment filter with a minimum start date difference tracks are repeatedly created (#628)
This is a sub-major version upgrade because of the introduction of modules
- Add Mailjob id to mail log (#512)
- Add respondent export to Word as an option (#528)
- Add track level conditions (#569)
- Add translations of database fields for Track name and track fields (#568)
- Added NOT ANY en NOT ALL agenda filters (#557)
- Allow activity / procedure agenda filter to select on NOT activity (#567)
- Allow filtering in mailjobs on a specific relation (#572)
- Allow the respondents to ask for a token resend (#580)
- Consent changes are logged and displayed automatically (#59)
- EPD login setup extended with new display, security and routing options (#551)
- Episodes of care can use appointment filters and changes can trigger track creation (#378)
- LimeSurvey source usable by different installations (#574)
- Log changes in field values (#583)
- Log out on answering survey (#223)
- Manually block recalculation of track fields (#564)
- Added German, French and Italian translations (#549)
- Added max and min answer time to survey Duration calculated (#576)
- Adding environment version to header simplified (#524)
- Allow text searches in Track compliance and summary overviews (#526)
- Allow use of project level files (#525)
- Combine multiple excel export files as sheets in one excel file (#515)
- Form menu / cancel buttons display aligned with submit buttons (#562)
- Guide users to change password page when they use the back button to the reset password page (#578)
- Mailjob stepper (next, previous) like rounds have (#518)
- Remove required-asterisk from token ask screen (#575)
- Removed ask screen as default for logged in users (#222)
- Rename primary function to primary group (#566)
- Renamed Track field filter to Appointment filter (#558)
- Round Icon selection shows icon during selection (#45)
- Show more round information in Track compliance (#527)
- Simplify the display of the InsertSurveySnippet (#584)
- Track fields stepper (next, previous) like rounds have (#518)
- When changing answers: autoextend valid until date (#582)
- Allow included images to be used with an email template (#563)
- Allow the creation of external modules for Gemstracker (#553)
- Create relational submodels (#559)
- Force sending of mails in batch and number of jobs and mails sent (#561)
- PHP 5.6 incompatibility issue (#555)
- Support for PHP versions higher than 7.3 (#506)
- Use Redis for cache (#548)
- Use Events in Gemstracker (#553)
- Log respondent id during unsubscribe (#547)
- Throttle the subscribe and unsubscribe screens (#537)
- Automatically created directories get no permissions on linux (#546)
- Clearing parent role does not work in role editor (#565)
- Conditions should have a unique name (#581)
- Deleting rounds does not check for use of round in other rounds (#509)
- During patient edit the organization can be changed (#566)
- Error when sending mail from template editor (#279)
- Expired surveys in LimeSurvey should not be imported (#573)
- Form errors are sometimes not translated (#532)
- Incorrect translation item in automatic mailjob configuration #536
- It is impossible not to show the parent 'Cancel' button in respondent show (#552)
- Mail filter 'before expiration' is not working (#543)
- Mail jobs with round filter have incorrect cache tag (#513)
- Mailing to fall-back email does not work (#522)
- Notice in Trackdata when no survey languages can be found (#523)
- Review rights currently not assigned to any group (#405)
- Setup => Agenda sub-items do not filter correctly (#585)
- Source status check (ping) not logged (#535)
- The button to search all respondents could not be made invisible (#522)
- Track fields get wrong dependencies (#517)
- When inserting survey a manually set end date is not stored (#577)
- Add a database dump option that creates a dump without patient information (#435)
- Add a survey codebook export (#456)
- Add year/month option to survey answer export (#465)
- Add diagnosis as an appointment item (#375)
- Allow mails to be send to the staff (#477)
- Organizational fall-back email address for tokens (#32)
- Enable use of respondent data in track definitions (#469)
- New condition to use answer from the track (#461)
- Event to assign relations from survey answers (#458)
- Unsubscribe option for participants (#386)
- Allow to filter tracks on valid from/until dates (#459)
- Allow to disable or reset two factor authentication for a user by the admin (#475)
- Continue later option should not show when emailing not allowed (#470)
- Overview track field utilization can now filter on track dates (#441)
- Multi survey answer export has no defaults for export types (#473)
- Order of fields jumps in survey answer export (#472)
- Answer export preview shows no or incorrect data for track fields (#466)
- Questions without a label can not be exported (#450)
- Answer export for all surveys runs out of memory (#442)
- Export of tracks with conditions of type And/Or is incomplete (#446)
- Deleting a used condition breaks round viewing (#452)
- Deleting a track throws notices (#451)
- Notice when trying to add a survey when no track exists (#449)
- Masked fields should not be searchable in text fields (#455)
- Calendar does not correctly mask information (#457)
- Reset password form should not tell if a user is not found in the system (#454)
- User role not transformed to text after refresh (#474)
- Import using text throws a notice (#471)
- Location names should be longer (#468)
- Appointment import does not allow timezone specification (#467)
- Empty parameter for condition creates duplicates on import (#460)
- Template for linked accounts includes hidden chars (#444)
- Email with ampersand is not accepted (#431)
- Manual execution of mail jobs is not default logged (#407)
- Token valid dates are also injected in the survey system (#385)
- A basic continue later option was added to allow respondents to pause answering surveys (#387)
- Appointments have extra filter options for creating a second track instance, e.g. on a start date difference (419)
- Compliance overview now provides a better export (#381)
- Round conditions can now filter for contained text (#384)
- Round conditions can now filter for a value in a list (#415)
- Round conditions can be combined using AND / OR operators (#416)
- Round conditions now allow to use the gender of the respondent or the relation (#390)
- Organization contact email will now be notified when cron has not run on time, can be switched off (#172)
- Organizations can automatically create 'default' tracks for new or changed respondents (#420)
- Respondents can be enabled to self-subscribe and unsubscribe (#418)
- Bulk check for respondent update events for organizations (#420)
- Boolean trackfield was added (#399)
- A visual overview of a track in now available in the track builder (#408)
- Source survey id is visible in survey maintenance screen (#403)
- The progressbar will reach 100% now in Internet Explorer (#400)
- The project user can now switch to superadmin group (#404)
- Use of mcrypt no longer required, uses OpenSSL instead (#334)
- When exporting multiple survey results at the same time, SPSS export now adds a syntax file for each survey (#391)
- Used tracks can no longer be deleted, only deactivated (#414)
- Deleting a track also deletes linked rounds and fields (#414)
1.8.5 - 2018-10-10
- Survey answers can now be exported to R format (#213)
- Export classes can now add instructions for the downloaded file(s) (#371)
- The getRespondent() method in a controller was changed to public to allow better logging (#360)
- The meta.Content-Security-Policy was moved to the headers section (#352)
- Changelog now allows .md extension for markdown formatting, including github issue links (#351)
- Mailjobs can now be executed manually. This allows a combination of automatic and semi automatic as well as deactived jobs (#361)
- Agenda setup now allows to select on the filter attribute (#353)
- SPSS export no longer cuts of text answers at 64 chars and will default to numeric more often for list type answers (#335)
- Communication templates now use token as default source instead of staff (#367)
- The old ExcelHtml and Stata exports were removed, the new Excel and Stata exports remain (#342)
- getFullQuestionList was removed from LimeSurvey source, as it was not in the interface and unused (#186)
- Do not show name in Compliance and Field overview when user may not see the name (#374)
- Programming errors show debug trace in error log (#373)
- List elements in forms are no longer translated if form is set to disable translator (#370)
- Logging the organization for is improved, and logging survey export is now on by default (#360 #242)
- While browsing database tables the pagination now works when the number of items is changed (#346)
- Answer import of csv files now autosenses for colon or semicolon separator (#358)
- Bigger files can be handled during import without running out of memory (#354)
- LimeSurvey source now supports the ranking question (#341)
- Deleted tokens can be found again in overviews (#356)
- LDAP user domain is no longer hardcoded (#350)
- Respondent email can be set to empty when importing (#349)
- Tokens dates are updated when condition changes (#349)
- Fixes for login sequence (#363 #347 #365)
- Appointments can create a new track when there is no pre-existing track (#355)
- When viewing a mailjob selected token overview can be sorted by clicking on headers (#366)
1.8.4 - 2018-08-20
- Appointments can now be grouped into HL7 care episodes (#306)
- Conditions can determine if a round is applicable or not (#42), this reduces the need for track events
- New before answering and after completion events synchronize track fields with code the same as answer codes (#55)
- More options for appointments to create a track (#294)
- Patients van have different e-mail addresses at each organization in a project (#310)
- Privileges can be exported with their assignments (#313)
- Many rare bugs solved and speed and interface improvements
- Reset password did not work when the password was expired (#307)
- Sort links stopped working after search (#312)
- Added token states incomplete and partially answered (#280)
- Answers of partially answered tokens can be seen (#280)
- Groups and organizations IP Filters can use subnet masks and asterisk range notations, including IP6 addresses (#28)
- Monitor job overviews (#194)
- Token status is shown in show token screen (#280)
- Simplified project specific login procedures (#298)
- Projects can allow organizations to look into each others tokens and tracks (#300)
- Upgrade Compatibility Checks for deprecated project code (#269)
- CSV Injection protection
- Enhanced parameter filtering for added security (#298)
- Enhanced password hashing (#177, #209, #257)
- LDAP Authentication enabled (#317)
- Two factor authentication for users (#237)
- Conditions (on track fields) can be set for rounds (#42)
- Extended Open Rosa support including for nested rows and survey answering
- Organizations can share tracks and tokens (#300)
- Track can be created from appointments even when an older track is open (#294)
- When redoing a survey, the answers are injected before answering instead of during replacement (#301)
- Automatic mail
- Email can now also be sent x days before survey expiry
You can change the organization(s) a patient belongs to (and move his/her tracks)
Correct token button added to menu
Memo field type for tracks
(Re)import imported files
Automatic mail
- Preview option for automatic mailjobs
- Automatic mailjobs can now filter for relations, check your jobs!
- Automatic mail execution can be logged to file when set in the project.ini
Interface improvements:
- When a token is corrected links are visible when seeing the token to open the original / copy
- Improved interface for communication templates and automatic mail
- The Contact => Bugs and GemsTracker pages have been refreshed with a default bugs url (use Roles to make invisible)
- Editing staff and organizations uses extra defaults for smoother creation
- Different respondent search, edit and show screens can be set for a user group
- Different respondent edit and show screens can be set for each organization, overruling user group settings
- Different token ask screens can be set for each organization
Export improvements:
- Answers from inactive patients can now be exported
- Depending on rights patient numbers, patient gender and birth year and month can be exported with answers
- The types of staff that a user can create/edit are determined at the group level
- A default group for new users can be set at the user group level
- Roles only determine what menu items are allowed, you no longer need to have a right to assign it to another staff
- Private data can now be hidden or (partially) masked for groups, e.g. researchers need not see patient names
- Added "site administrator" role and group between local admin and super admin
- Administrators may now have the right to switch the used group to any they may set
- The full Gems version number is only displayed after login
- All recalculate, check, synchronize, patch and run commands log the item they are started for
- Delete, deactivate and reactivate actions are logged correctly
- New security headers and meta tags can be set from the project.ini
- All staff users have to follow the password rules for staff, even if their role does not inherit staff
- Before field save events allows changing the fields after their new values have been calculated
- Respondent changed events can be set at the organization level
- It is easier to change part of the display in ShowTrackTokenSnippet
- Less compile now uses relativeUrls during compilation, added logoFile and logoHeight variables
Blocked users were not blocked
Surveys could be answered during maintenance mode
The APC Cache was cleared incorrectly
The var/tmp directory is created when needed and it does not exist
Users can no longer export data from patients in other organizations
- On acceptance and demonstration mail only respondent mails are bounce, staff mails are sent to receiver
- Administrators may now have the right to switch the used group to any they may set
- Rounds can be sorted using drag and drop
- Round icons are now in the token table just like the round descriptions
- Mail jobs are now executed in batch, one job at a time
- Individual jobs can be executed from the interface
- Jobs can be sorted manually using the sort button, check the sort order after upgrade!
- For survey responses, when available the respondent relation is exported (field name and relation id)
- Various bugfixes, check output carefully
- Searching for respondents by track or lack of track
- Customize respondents screen using Snippets\Respondent\RespondentTableSnippet
- Track structure can be exported, imported and merged with an existing track
- Tracks answers, fields and rounds can be checked at the respondent and respondent track level
- (Re)checking for answers now possible at the single token level
- When using the gemsdata__responses table, views will be created for each survey
- A new after completion event allows the setting of the informed consent through a survey
- Fixed survey activation when survey not active in source
- LimeSurvey equation questions now use help text for question or question code when empty
- A new cron job checks whether the mail cron job has finished correctly
- The check cron job is also checked before each login
- Imports through the interface are logged in the activity log
- The menu remains fully visible when an error occurs
- Staff import now respects organization default user class
- Inserted surveys now have class 'inserted' added to the row in track overview
- Most search screens have been updated and all work the same
Changes were deleted from the changelog. Check the history in GitHub if you are really interested.