Version 1.16.1
An Restful OpenAPI implementation that converts an IFC Step file into Linked Building Data RDF defined in the B4R-DM ontology. The output is compatible with Building Topology Ontology defined in
To activate the Stardog connection, copy the Tomcat_config/ to your /conf directory and edit the properties to contain the needed values. When set, the converter sends the resulting LBD content to the RDF Store.
OpenAPI interface of the IFC-B4R DM converter accepts an IFC STEP formatted file as an input. HTTP POST protocol is used where two content-types for input data are accepted. They are plain text-based application/ifc that was defined in BIM4Ren WP2 D2.2., and MULTIPART_FORM_DATA Multimedia Internet Message Extensions (MIME).
The proposed IFC-B4R DM converter can handle IFC files from all actively used IFC schemas, from IFC2x3 TC1 till IFC4x3. The converter first uses the existing IFC-to-RDF converter internally to transform the original IFC file to a temporary ifcOWL Abox graph according to the ifcOWL ontology.
This work uses bSDD buildingSMART Data Dictionary data that is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.
- 24th September, 2021: Added Stardog connection and project reference.
- namespace fixes
- IFCtoLBD was added. BOT+SMLS has a separate REST interface
- BIMserver integration is functional. Some beta testing is still needed.
Install Docker Desktop:
Command-line commands needed to start the server at your computer;
docker pull jyrkioraskari/ifc2b4r:latest
docker container run -it --publish 8081:8080 jyrkioraskari/ifc2b4r
Then the software can be accessed from the local web address: http://localhost:8081/IFCtoB4R_OpenAPI
author = {Jyrki Oraskari},
title = {{jyrkioraskari/IFCtoB4R-DM\_OpenAPI: Restful API for
IFC - B4R-DM version 1.12}},
month = sep,
year = 2020,
publisher = {Zenodo},
version = {1.14},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4046603},
url = {}
This work has been written in RWTH-Aachen. The research was funded by the EU through the H2020 project BIM4REN.