The instructions have not been written/finished, but you can already try out the resource files provided here. They might not fully work yet, but should be fixed soonish. The Instructions will be added soon, too. |
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
# Start Minikiube with 8GB of RAM
minikube start --memory 4096
# Enable metrics-server and heapster for measuring
minikube addons enable metrics-server
minikube addons enable heapster
# Create deployment for out random service
kubectl create -f deployment.yml
# For V1 HPA
kubectl autoscale deployment random-generator --min=1 --max=10 --cpu-percent=50
# Same for V2
kubectl create -f hpa.yml
# Put some load on the system
port=$(kubectl get svc random-generator -o jsonpath={.spec.ports[0].nodePort})
while true; do curl -s http://$(minikube ip):port?burn=10000 >/dev/null; done
# In other terminal:
watch kubectl get pods,deploy,hpa
# Delete HPA again
kubectl delete hpa random-generator
Vertical Pod Autoscaler
# Check that HPA is deleted
# Install VPA according to
git clone [email protected]:kubernetes/autoscaler.git
cd ./autoscaler/vertical-pod-autoscaler
# Deploy app if not already deployed
kubectl create -f deployment.yml
# Apply VPA resource
kubectl create -f vpa.yml
# Check VPA recommendations
kubectl describe vpa random-generator