This guide is intended for users of Chef that would like to deploy Kaltura clusters using Chef recipes.
- Please review the frequently answered questions document for general help before posting to the forums or issue queue.
- If you don't know what Chef is, start by reading An Overview of Chef.
- If you're looking to install Kaltura on a signle machine, see: Installing Kaltura on a Single All-In-One Server (RPM)
- If you're looking to deploy a cluster manually or using other automation tools, see Deploying Kaltura Clusters.
- Kaltura Inc. also provides commercial solutions and services including pro-active platform monitoring, applications, SLA, 24/7 support and professional services. If you're looking for a commercially supported video platform with integrations to commercial encoders, streaming servers, eCDN, DRM and more - Start a Free Trial of the Hosted Platform or learn more about Kaltura' Commercial OnPrem Edition™. For existing RPM based users, Kaltura offers commercial upgrade options.
- Request this page:
- Select the 'Chef Server' tab
- Select your distribution, version and arch and download
- Download the RPM or deb package depending on your distribution.
- The post install will provide instructions as to what else needs to be done to set the instance up.
- Obtain chef-repo from
- Upload the Kaltura recipes to your Chef server using:
# knife cookbook upload kaltura
- We also recommend you use the ready made recipes for MySQL, NFS and NTP which can be taken from here:
**Note: you may also want to use this recipe for a simple Apache load balancer: **
Run the following:
# curl -L|sh
# mkdir -p /etc/chef
# knife configure client /etc/chef
Copy /etc/chef/validation.pem
from your Chef server onto /etc/chef
Create /etc/chef/client.rb
and paste the following lines into it.
Make sure to modify your Chef server url
log_level :info
log_location STDOUT
chef_server_url ''
validation_client_name 'chef-validator'
The run: # chef-client -i 3600
Repeat this action for each node in your Kaltura cluster.
To test it, on the Chef server, run:
# knife node list
You should see your new nodes when running:
[root@chef-server ~]# knife node list
Alternatively, log in to Chef's web with https://chef-server/
You should see your added nodes under the "Nodes" tab as well as the "Clients" tab.
Download NFS and MySQL recipes:
These recipes have dependencies you will need as well. Please follow documentation on the above URLs.
Configuring NFS and MySQL Recipes Before you upload the MySQL and NFS recipes to your chef server you need to configure them.
NFS Recipe
Add your mount point to the NFS recipe so each client that need access to it will be able to access.
At the end of the file add:
mount "/opt/kaltura/web" do
device ""
fstype "nfs"
options "rw"
action [:mount, :enable]
This will mount the shared folder automatically even if you restart the server.
MySQL Recipe
The MySQL recipe configures MySQL to listen on localhost only, you need to change this as the various nodes in your cluster will need access to it, also, set the master password for root here:
default['mysql']['server_root_password'] = 'yourpassword'
default['mysql']['allow_remote_root'] = true
Now edit:path/to/your-chef-repo/cookbooks/mysql/templates/default/5.1/my.cnf.erb
Note: navigate into the "default" folder to configure as your mysql version if not 5.1.
Inside the [mysqld] tag at the last line add:
open_files_limit = 20000
max_allowed_packet = 16M
Finally navigate to path/to/your-chef-repo/cookbooks/
and upload your configured cookbooks
knife cookbook upload nfs
knife cookbook upload mysql
# git clone
# cp -r sources/platform-install-packages/chef-repo/cookbooks/kaltura /var/chef/cookbooks/kaltura/
# knife cookbook upload --all
Then to verify use # knife cookbook list
You should see output along the lines of:
[root@chef ~]# knife cookbook list
build-essential 1.4.2
kaltura 0.1.0
line 0.5.1
mysql 4.0.20
nfs 0.5.0
ntp 1.5.5
openssl 1.1.0
The properties of your cluster should be set here: cookbooks/kaltura/attributes/default.rb
When done editing, run:
# knife cookbook upload kaltura
Now that we have our cluster nodes registered, and our recipe uploaded to the Chef server, we need to assign a recipe[s] for each node type. The syntax for it is:
# knife node run_list add $NODE_NAME $RECIPE
An example cluster deployment will be:
# knife node run_list add mynfs kaltura::nfs-server
# knife node run_list add mynfs nfs::server
# knife node run_list add my-mysql-machine mysql::server
# knife node run_list add my-batch-machine nfs
# knife node run_list add my-batch-machine kaltura::batch
# knife node run_list add my-sphinx-machine kaltura::sphinx
# knife node run_list add my-sphinx-machine kaltura::db_config
# knife node run_list add my-front-machine nfs
# knife node run_list add my-front-machine kaltura::front
# knife node run_list add my-dwh-machine nfs
# knife node run_list add my-dwh-machine kaltura::dwh
# knife node run_list add my-vod-machine kaltura::vod-packager
If at any point you would like to remove a role assignment, use:
# knife node run_list remove node 'recipe[COOKBOOK::RECIPE_NAME]'
Alternatively, log in to Chef's web I/F with https://chef-server
And deploy the cluster from the "Nodes"->"Edit" menu.
- The db_config runs from sphinx because it requires Kaltura's code which there is no reason to deploy on the DB machine.
- The above run lists are a recommedation, you can of course run more than one role per node.
- The order of the run_list is crucial. NFS needs to happen first. Note that your recipe should include creation of /opt/kaltura/web BEFORE the NFS recipe runs.
Installing on a node is done using the chef-client utility.
Note that the order in which you install the nodes matters!
It should be as following:
$ ssh my-mysql-machine
root@my-mysql-machine:~# chef-client -ldebug
$ ssh my-front-machine
root@my-front-machine:~# chef-client -ldebug
$ ssh my-sphinx-machine
root@my-sphinx-machine:~# chef-client -ldebug
$ ssh my-batch-machine
root@my-batch-machine:~# chef-client -ldebug
$ ssh my-dwh-machine
root@my-dwh-machine:~# chef-client -ldebug
$ ssh my-vod-machine
root@my-vod-machine:~# chef-client -ldebug
Please this howto about auto provisioning EC2 images: