In a large cluster and distributed application, configuration should not be dispersed in the cluster nodes, but centrally managed.
- JAVA 7+
- TOMCAT 7+ for ConfigWeb
Release notes:
Old doc: V2.x document
- Config Toolkit - Encapsulate the access of the configurations for applications
- ConfigWeb - Configuration GUI
- Centralized management cluster configuration
- Hot update of configurations
- Multi source support, built-in support for zookeeper、local file and HTTP.
- Spring integration
- Overrides in configuration sources
- Configuration GUI
- Version control, support gated launch
- Comments support
- 翻译 - 周赟
ZookeeperConfigProfile configProfile = new ZookeeperConfigProfile("zoo.host1:8181", "/projectx/modulex", "1.0.0");
GeneralConfigGroup propertyGroup1 = new ZookeeperConfigGroup(configProfile, "property-group1");
FileConfigProfile configProfile = new FileConfigProfile("UTF8", "properties");
ConfigGroup configGroup = new FileConfigGroup(configProfile, "");
FileConfigProfile configProfile = new FileConfigProfile("UTF8", "xml");
ConfigGroup configGroup = new FileConfigGroup(configProfile, "classpath:property-group1.xml");
FileConfigProfile configProfile = new FileConfigProfile("UTF8", "properties");
ConfigGroup configGroup = new FileConfigGroup(configProfile, "file:/Users/yuxuanwang/Work/git/config-toolkit/config-toolkit-demo/src/main/resources/");
FileConfigProfile configProfile = new FileConfigProfile("UTF8", "properties");
ConfigGroup configGroup = new FileConfigGroup(configProfile, "");
- ConfigProfile - Configuration parameters for configuration sources
- ConfigGroup - A group of configs
ConfigGroup encapsulates a set of configuration data, and loads the data in specified source.
ConfigGroup encapsulates the changes of the data sources,guarantees that the configurations in ConfigGroup are always be the latest.
In order to weaken the invasive of Config Toolkit,ConfigGroup inherited from Map,and users can inject ConfigGroup into the business bean by the form of Map.
Spring users generally use PlaceHolder to load the properties files,Config Toolkit provides ZookeeperSourceFactory class to compatible with Spring Placeholder.
Note that the Spring Placeholder injected the configuration information into bean at initialization stage, in this way the feature of the configuration hot update is unavailable.
Not all configurations are necessary to be hot updated,such as database connection pool, the cost of re-initialization is high; the suggested use case for hot update is the business parameters which often needs adjustment.
<bean id="configProfile" class="com.dangdang.config.service.zookeeper.ZookeeperConfigProfile">
<constructor-arg name="connectStr" value="zoo.host1:8181,zoo.host2:8181,zoo.host3:8181" />
<constructor-arg name="rootNode" value="/projectx/modulex" />
<constructor-arg name="version" value="1.0.0" />
<bean id="configGroupSources" class="" factory-method="create">
<constructor-arg name="configGroups">
<bean class="com.dangdang.config.service.zookeeper.ZookeeperConfigGroup" c:configProfile-ref="configProfile" c:node="property-group1" />
<bean class="com.dangdang.config.service.zookeeper.ZookeeperConfigGroup" c:configProfile-ref="configProfile" c:node="property-group1" />
<bean class="">
<property name="order" value="1" />
<property name="ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders" value="true" />
<property name="propertySources" ref="configGroupSources" />
Since ConfigGroup is implementation of Map, and is supported by SPEL expressions, you can use the #{systemProperties.myProp} format to inject attribute values into bean in the XML file or @Value.
With SPEL the feature of hot update is unvailable also.
Old util properties style:
<util:properties id="configToolkitCommon" location="" />
Config-toolkit style:
<bean id="configToolkitCommon" class="com.dangdang.config.service.zookeeper.ZookeeperConfigGroup">
<constructor-arg name="configProfile" ref="configProfile" />
<constructor-arg name="node" value="config-toolkit" />
As spring's limitation,if you need inject ConfigGroup
as Map<String, String>
to beans,you must use SPEL or @Resource
private Map<String, String> configGroup;
private Map<String, String> configGroup;
Configurations can override each other.
[For example] Override zookeeper configs with local file configs:
ZookeeperConfigProfile configProfile = new ZookeeperConfigProfile("zoo.host1:8181", "/projectx/modulex", "1.0.0");
ConfigGroup zkConfigGroup = new ZookeeperConfigGroup(configProfile , "property-group1");
FileConfigProfile fileConfigProfile = new FileConfigProfile("UTF8", "properties");
ConfigGroup configGroup = new FileConfigGroup(zkConfigGroup, fileConfigProfile, "");
Implements com.dangdang.config.service.ConfigGroup
Implements com.dangdang.config.service.file.protocol.Protocol
Create file META-INF/toolkit/com.dangdang.config.service.file.protocol.Protocol
Content format:xxprotocol=xx.XxProtocol
Config Toolkit internal implements:
Implements com.dangdang.config.service.file.contenttype.ContentType
Create file META-INF/toolkit/com.dangdang.config.service.file.contenttype.ContentType
Content format:xxContentType=xx.XxContentType
Config Toolkit internal implements:
Config Web provides GUI interface to manage the configuration data in zookeeper easily.
Password is SHA1-HEXed.
Initial scripts:
python -c "import hashlib;print hashlib.sha1('abc').hexdigest();"
# a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d
echo "set /aaa/bbb a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d" |./ -server localhost:2181