- Highlights of what happens in Inter-group Dialogue (IGD)
- Reading a statement about a training or learning about whiteness and identifying a feeling that you associate with that statement
- Egs: "You think this training might not be about you", etc.
- Use an "emotions" cheat sheet
Flaws of IGD:
- reduces identity groups, audience limitations
- #s are never in favor of the marginalized groups
- some folks think its a "one and done" scenario
- compartmentalizing emotional work and anti-racist work to one space & time
- not conducive to the intersectional approach
- being emotional is in argument with being professional
- displacement of labor is on POC
their group is rarely white men, but when they do attend it is primarily that they do not engage at all or that they over-engage
white women "simply cannot believe that they are oppressed and still can be oppressive"
they approach from the standpoint of "do white people have anything to teach POC on race & racism? we think not."
Pop-Culture & White Feminism
- "Are you Mad? White Feminism 101"
- White Feminism 101
- Anti-intersectionality
- Gender essentialism
- White savior complex
- Gatekeeping
- Liberation == Achieving the white man's status
- Examples:
- Jennifer Lawrence and her disrespect to the Hawaiian historic landmarks
- Pepsi ad vs Jennifer
- Amy Poehler approving a rape joke on a show w/ Blue Ivy
- The consequences of these actions are not against these white feminist celebrities, they are against those who are in the minority groups
- White Tantrums
- highest consequence is on POC
- white impunity
- POC labor/harm
- cyclical
- Framework for analysis of a white tantrum:
- White tantrum
- Perceived white consequence(s)
- Actual consequence(s)
- Includes mental, physical, economic, and social consequences for POC
- My role
- Consider your identities, socially, professionally, where were you in the vent or the aftermath?
- My Emotional response
- How did you feel during and in the aftermath? It's okay if your emotional responses appear to be in conflict
- highest consequence is on POC