Repository for the paper
by Katia Jodogne-del Litto1, Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau1.
1 Polytechnique Montréal
CenterDisks: Real-time instance segmentation with disk covering
Initial image | Disks covering |
- python 3.8
- pytorch (1.8.0, cuda 10.2)
- mmdetection (for DCN)
- various common packages (opencv, numpy...)
- experiments/: scripts for the experiments.
- Data path expected usually is /store/datasets/DATASET_NAME (changeable in code)
- src/lib/trains/ is the training file
- src/lib/datasets/sample/ is the sampling file
- src/lib/detectors/ is the detector file
For general debugging and help to run the scripts:
- This code is built upon: and
- The pre-trained weights are all available at this location
Datasets (test sets) | AP | AP50% | Runtime (s) | weights |
cityscapes | 7.36 | 25.89 | 0.040 | link |
KITTI | 11.75 | 37.24 | 0.032 | link |
IDD | 6.70 | 21.40 | 0.033 | link |
The code for this paper is mainly built upon CenterPoly and CenterNet, we would therefore like to thank the authors for providing the source code of their paper. We also acknowledge the support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and the support of IVADO [MSc-2022-4713306544].
CenterDisks is released under the MIT License. Portions of the code are borrowed from CenterPoly, CenterNet, CornerNet (hourglassnet, loss functions), dla (DLA network), mmdetection(deformable convolutions), and cityscapesScripts (cityscapes dataset evaluation). Please refer to the original License of these projects (See NOTICE).