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base repository: kczx3/SQLiteViewer
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base: v0.1-beta
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head repository: kczx3/SQLiteViewer
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compare: master
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  • 1 commit
  • 9 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Apr 17, 2019

  1. Various updates

    - Holding ctrl will overwrite the word in the editor when dragging from
    - Implemented vertical splitter between editor and results ListView
    - Better handling of tabs, delete single tab by click with Middle Mouse
    - Implmented REGEXP operator for use in SQLite queries
    kczx3 committed Apr 17, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    8444b2c View commit details
Showing with 690 additions and 375 deletions.
  1. +86 −90 SQLiteViewer.ahk
  2. +26 −13 SQLiteViewer_DBTreeview.ahk
  3. +12 −5 SQLiteViewer_HistoryTab.ahk
  4. +115 −17 SQLiteViewer_QueryTabs.ahk
  5. +73 −19 SQLiteViewer_ResultsListview.ahk
  6. +31 −11 SQLiteViewer_Snippets.ahk
  7. +12 −1 SQLiteViewer_Snippets.json
  8. +256 −216 lib/Class_SQLiteDB.ahk
  9. +79 −3 lib/Scintilla.ahk