API Machinery |
api-machinery |
* Daniel Smith, Google * David Eads, Red Hat
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Wednesdays at 11:00 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly)
Apps |
apps |
* Matt Farina, Samsung SDS * Adnan Abdulhussein, Bitnami * Kenneth Owens, Google
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Mondays at 9:00 PT (Pacific Time) (weekly)
Architecture |
architecture |
* Brian Grant, Google * Jaice Singer DuMars, Google
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Thursdays at 19:00 UTC (weekly)
Auth |
auth |
* Mike Danese, Google * Mo Khan, Red Hat * Tim Allclair, Google
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Wednesdays at 11:00 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly)
Autoscaling |
autoscaling |
* Marcin Wielgus, Google * Solly Ross, Red Hat
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Mondays at 14:00 UTC (biweekly/triweekly)
aws |
* Justin Santa Barbara * Kris Nova, Heptio * Nishi Davidson, AWS
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Fridays at 9:00 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly)
Azure |
azure |
* Stephen Augustus, Red Hat * Dave Strebel, Microsoft
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Wednesdays at 16:00 UTC (biweekly)
Big Data |
big-data |
* Anirudh Ramanathan, Rockset * Erik Erlandson, Red Hat * Yinan Li, Google
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Wednesdays at 17:00 UTC (weekly)
cli |
* Maciej Szulik, Red Hat * Sean Sullivan, Google
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Wednesdays at 09:00 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly)
Cloud Provider |
cloud-provider |
* Andrew Sy Kim, DigitalOcean * Chris Hoge, OpenStack Foundation * Jago Macleod, Google
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Wednesdays at 1:00 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly) * (cloud-provider-extraction) Weekly Sync removing the in-tree cloud providers led by @cheftako and @d-nishi: Thursdays at 13:30 PT (Pacific Time) (weekly)
Cluster Lifecycle |
cluster-lifecycle |
* Robert Bailey, Google * Lucas Käldström, Luxas Labs (occasionally contracting for Weaveworks) * Timothy St. Clair, Heptio
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Tuesdays at 09:00 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly) * kubeadm Office Hours: Wednesdays at 09:00 PT (Pacific Time) (weekly) * Cluster API office hours: Wednesdays at 10:00 PT (Pacific Time) (weekly) * Cluster API Provider Implementers' office hours (EMEA): Wednesdays at 15:00 CEST (Central European Summer Time) (weekly) * Cluster API Provider Implementers' office hours (US West Coast): Tuesdays at 12:00 PT (Pacific Time) (weekly) * Cluster API (AWS implementation) office hours: Mondays at 10:00 PT (Pacific Time) (weekly) * kops Office Hours: Fridays at 09:00 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly) * Kubespray Office Hours: Wednesdays at 07:00 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly)
Cluster Ops |
cluster-ops |
* Rob Hirschfeld, RackN * Jaice Singer DuMars, Google
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Thursdays at 20:00 UTC (biweekly)
Contributor Experience |
contributor-experience |
* Elsie Phillips, CoreOS * Paris Pittman, Google
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Wednesdays at 9:30 PT (Pacific Time) (weekly)
Docs |
docs |
* Zach Corleissen, Linux Foundation * Andrew Chen, Google * Jennifer Rondeau, Heptio
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Tuesdays at 17:30 UTC (weekly - except fourth Tuesday every month) * APAC SIG Meeting: Wednesdays at 02:00 UTC (monthly - fourth Wednesday every month)
gcp |
* Adam Worrall, Google
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Thursdays at 16:00 UTC (biweekly)
IBMCloud |
ibmcloud |
* Khalid Ahmed, IBM * Richard Theis, IBM * Sahdev Zala, IBM
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Wednesdays at 14:00 EST (biweekly)
Instrumentation |
instrumentation |
* Piotr Szczesniak, Google * Frederic Branczyk, Red Hat
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Thursdays at 17:30 UTC (biweekly)
Multicluster |
multicluster |
* Christian Bell, Google * Quinton Hoole, Huawei
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Tuesdays at 9:30 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly) * Federation v2 Working Group: Wednesdays at 7:30 PT (Pacific Time) (weekly)
Network |
network |
* Tim Hockin, Google * Dan Williams, Red Hat * Casey Davenport, Tigera
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Thursdays at 14:00 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly)
Node |
node |
* Dawn Chen, Google * Derek Carr, Red Hat
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Tuesdays at 10:00 PT (Pacific Time) (weekly)
OpenStack |
openstack |
* Chris Hoge, OpenStack Foundation * David Lyle, Intel * Robert Morse, Ticketmaster
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Wednesdays at 16:00 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly)
PM |
pm |
* Aparna Sinha, Google * Ihor Dvoretskyi, CNCF * Caleb Miles, Google
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Tuesdays at 18:30 UTC (biweekly)
Release |
release |
* Caleb Miles, Google * Stephen Augustus, Red Hat * Tim Pepper, VMware
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Tuesdays at 21:00 UTC (biweekly)
Scalability |
scalability |
* Wojciech Tyczynski, Google * Bob Wise, AWS
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Thursdays at 16:30 UTC (bi-weekly)
Scheduling |
scheduling |
* Bobby (Babak) Salamat, Google * Klaus Ma, IBM
* Slack * Mailing List |
* 10AM PT Meeting: Thursdays at 17:00 UTC (biweekly starting Thursday June 7, 2018) * 5PM PT Meeting: Thursdays at 24:00 UTC (biweekly starting Thursday June 14, 2018)
Service Catalog |
service-catalog |
* Carolyn Van Slyck, Microsoft * Michael Kibbe, Google * Doug Davis, IBM * Jay Boyd, Red Hat
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Mondays at 13:00 PT (Pacific Time) (weekly)
Storage |
storage |
* Saad Ali, Google * Bradley Childs, Red Hat
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Thursdays at 9:00 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly)
Testing |
testing |
* Aaron Crickenberger, Google * Erick Feja, Google * Steve Kuznetsov, Red Hat * Timothy St. Clair, Heptio
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Tuesdays at 13:00 PT (Pacific Time) (weekly) * (testing-commons) Testing Commons: Wednesdays at 07:30 PT (Pacific Time) (bi-weekly)
UI |
ui |
* Dan Romlein, Google * Sebastian Florek, Fujitsu
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Thursdays at 18:00 CET (Central European Time) (weekly)
VMware |
vmware |
* Fabio Rapposelli, VMware * Steve Wong, VMware
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Thursdays at 18:00 UTC (bi-weekly) * Cloud Provider vSphere monthly syncup: Wednesdays at 16:00 UTC (monthly - first Wednesday every month) * Cluster API Provider vSphere bi-weekly syncup: Wednesdays at 18:00 UTC (bi-weekly)
Windows |
windows |
* Michael Michael, Apprenda * Patrick Lang, Microsoft
* Slack * Mailing List |
* Regular SIG Meeting: Tuesdays at 12:30 Eastern Standard Time (EST) (weekly)