INFO [2024-05-13 09:47:20] numbat version: 1.4.0 scistreer version: 1.2.0 hahmmr version: 1.0.0 Running under parameters: t = 0.00001 alpha = 0.0001 gamma = 20 min_cells = 50 init_k = 3 max_cost = 2310.6 n_cut = 0 max_iter = 2 max_nni = 100 min_depth = 0 use_loh = auto segs_loh = None call_clonal_loh = FALSE segs_consensus_fix = None multi_allelic = TRUE min_LLR = 5 min_overlap = 0.45 max_entropy = 0.5 skip_nj = FALSE diploid_chroms = None ncores = 16 ncores_nni = 16 common_diploid = TRUE tau = 0.3 check_convergence = FALSE plot = TRUE genome = hg38 Input metrics: 7702 cells INFO [2024-05-13 09:47:20] Mem used: 1.99Gb INFO [2024-05-13 09:47:34] Approximating initial clusters using smoothed expression .. INFO [2024-05-13 09:47:34] Mem used: 1.99Gb INFO [2024-05-13 09:55:01] running hclust... INFO [2024-05-13 10:08:20] Iteration 1 INFO [2024-05-13 10:08:22] Mem used: 10.9Gb INFO [2024-05-13 10:08:40] Expression noise level (MSE): high (3.4). Consider using a custom expression reference profile. INFO [2024-05-13 10:08:41] Running HMMs on 5 cell groups.. INFO [2024-05-13 10:09:07] diploid regions: 1b,2b,3a,3c,3e,3g,3i,9b,10a,10c,12b,12d,16b,20a INFO [2024-05-13 10:14:22] Running HMMs on 3 cell groups.. INFO [2024-05-13 10:14:46] diploid regions: 1e,2b,3a,3c,3e,3g,3i,9b,10a,10c,12b,12d,16b,20a INFO [2024-05-13 10:17:25] Testing for multi-allelic CNVs .. INFO [2024-05-13 10:17:26] 5 multi-allelic CNVs found: 11a,19a,19i,1d,22a INFO [2024-05-13 10:17:26] Evaluating CNV per cell .. INFO [2024-05-13 10:17:27] Mem used: 6.22Gb INFO [2024-05-13 11:26:35] All cells succeeded INFO [2024-05-13 11:29:59] Expanding allelic states.. INFO [2024-05-13 11:31:36] Building phylogeny .. INFO [2024-05-13 11:31:37] Mem used: 6.84Gb INFO [2024-05-13 11:31:37] Using 32 CNVs to construct phylogeny INFO [2024-05-13 11:54:00] Using UPGMA tree as seed.. INFO [2024-05-13 11:54:01] Mem used: 7.22Gb INFO [2024-05-13 11:58:44] opt_move:10b->7a, cost=2.78 INFO [2024-05-13 11:58:44] opt_move:13a->5d, cost=4.18 INFO [2024-05-13 11:58:44] opt_move:8b->1d_bdel, cost=8.53 INFO [2024-05-13 11:58:44] opt_move:19a_bdel->19i_bdel, cost=13.9 INFO [2024-05-13 11:58:44] opt_move:6d->19h, cost=14.6 INFO [2024-05-13 11:58:44] opt_move:11c->17a, cost=17.8 INFO [2024-05-13 11:58:44] opt_move:2a->1a,6a, cost=25.5 INFO [2024-05-13 11:58:44] opt_move:4d->13a,5d, cost=29.7 INFO [2024-05-13 11:58:45] opt_move:15a->2d, cost=40.7 INFO [2024-05-13 11:58:45] opt_move:1b->15a,2d, cost=88.1 INFO [2024-05-13 11:58:45] opt_move:1d_bdel,8b->1a,6a,2a, cost=99.2 INFO [2024-05-13 11:58:45] opt_move:10b,7a->22a_del, cost=282 INFO [2024-05-13 11:58:45] opt_move:10b,7a,22a_del->19h,6d, cost=350 INFO [2024-05-13 11:58:45] opt_move:5e->19a_bdel,19i_bdel, cost=424 INFO [2024-05-13 11:58:45] opt_move:22a_bdel->11a_bdel, cost=1250 INFO [2024-05-13 11:58:45] opt_move:11a_bdel,22a_bdel->1a,6a,2a,1d_bdel,8b, cost=1090 INFO [2024-05-13 11:58:45] opt_move:11c,17a->13a,5d,4d, cost=1820 INFO [2024-05-13 11:59:12] Found 268 normal cells.. INFO [2024-05-13 11:59:31] Iteration 2 INFO [2024-05-13 11:59:32] Mem used: 7.52Gb INFO [2024-05-13 11:59:55] Running HMMs on 13 cell groups.. INFO [2024-05-13 12:00:32] diploid regions: 3a,10a,16b,20a INFO [2024-05-13 12:08:18] Running HMMs on 10 cell groups.. INFO [2024-05-13 12:08:41] diploid regions: 1c,3a,10a,16b,20a INFO [2024-05-13 12:11:45] Testing for multi-allelic CNVs .. INFO [2024-05-13 12:11:45] 2 multi-allelic CNVs found: 19i,1c INFO [2024-05-13 12:11:46] Evaluating CNV per cell .. INFO [2024-05-13 12:11:47] Mem used: 10.6Gb INFO [2024-05-13 12:59:05] All cells succeeded INFO [2024-05-13 13:01:48] Expanding allelic states.. INFO [2024-05-13 13:02:23] Building phylogeny .. INFO [2024-05-13 13:02:24] Mem used: 10.4Gb INFO [2024-05-13 13:02:24] Using 21 CNVs to construct phylogeny INFO [2024-05-13 13:13:43] Using UPGMA tree as seed.. INFO [2024-05-13 13:13:44] Mem used: 10.4Gb INFO [2024-05-13 13:16:31] opt_move:15a->6c, cost=0.43 INFO [2024-05-13 13:16:31] opt_move:8a->11f, cost=1.13 INFO [2024-05-13 13:16:31] opt_move:4d->17a, cost=16 INFO [2024-05-13 13:16:31] opt_move:19a->11c, cost=25.6 INFO [2024-05-13 13:16:31] opt_move:13a->17a,4d, cost=41.6 INFO [2024-05-13 13:16:31] opt_move:7a->15a,6c, cost=67.4 INFO [2024-05-13 13:16:32] opt_move:22a->11c,19a, cost=224 INFO [2024-05-13 13:16:32] opt_move:5c->13a,17a,4d, cost=272 INFO [2024-05-13 13:16:32] opt_move:15a,6c,7a->11f,8a, cost=272 INFO [2024-05-13 13:16:32] opt_move:3b->11f,8a,15a,6c,7a, cost=472 INFO [2024-05-13 13:16:32] opt_move:9b->11f,8a,15a,6c,7a,3b, cost=479 INFO [2024-05-13 13:16:32] opt_move:19i_bdel->11c,19a,22a, cost=895 INFO [2024-05-13 13:16:32] opt_move:11a->1a, cost=1030 INFO [2024-05-13 13:16:56] Found 2286 normal cells.. INFO [2024-05-13 13:17:27] Running HMMs on 9 cell groups.. INFO [2024-05-13 13:17:37] diploid regions: 1g,2c,3a,6a,7a,8c,9a,10a,12a,19b INFO [2024-05-13 13:17:38] quadruploid state enabled INFO [2024-05-13 13:17:38] diploid regions: 1a,11a,12a,14a,16b,17a,19a,20a,21a,22a INFO [2024-05-13 13:17:40] quadruploid state enabled INFO [2024-05-13 13:17:40] diploid regions: 1a,1c,1e,4b,8a,9b,12a,15a,16a,20a,21a INFO [2024-05-13 13:17:42] quadruploid state enabled INFO [2024-05-13 13:17:42] diploid regions: 1a,11a,14a,16b,17a,19a,20a,21a,22a INFO [2024-05-13 13:17:43] quadruploid state enabled INFO [2024-05-13 13:17:43] diploid regions: 1a,8a,9a,11b,11d,11f,12a,12c,12e,14a,16a,17a,19a,19c,20a,21a,22a INFO [2024-05-13 13:17:45] diploid regions: 1a,1c,1e,3a,4c,6b,8a,8d,9b,10a,12b,12d,16a,20a,21a INFO [2024-05-13 13:17:45] diploid regions: 1b,1d,2b,2d,3a,3c,3e,6b,9a,10a,12a,12c,12e,14a,16b,18a,19b,19d,20a INFO [2024-05-13 13:17:45] quadruploid state enabled INFO [2024-05-13 13:17:45] diploid regions: 1b,2d,3a,3c,3e,3g,4b,6b,9a,10a,12a,12c,12e,14b,16b,18a,19b,19d,20a INFO [2024-05-13 13:17:47] quadruploid state enabled INFO [2024-05-13 13:17:47] diploid regions: 1a,1c,2b,9b,12a,14b,16a,19d,20a,21b INFO [2024-05-13 13:21:11] All done!