You can find the new modules at the following address
There are some pre-requisites
wget (apt-get install wget on a debian / ubuntu system)
node.js & npm (download from and follow instructions there)
PySerial library. After getting python working, just run
sudo pip install pyserial
Open a terminal and create a folder where you like the fabmodules to be downloaded.
In my case its /opt/fabmodules, and I'm creating it with sudo and I'm changing the ownership for this folder to my user :
sudo mkdir /opt/fabmodules
sudo chown -R fiore /opt/fabmodules
At this point make sure you have wget installed. Start downloading the first file:
cd /opt/fabmodules
Now make it executable and run it:
chmod +x mod_get
If you followed all the instructions correctly you should now have inside /opt/fabmodules a folder named
You now need to copy it alogn with the mod_server folder to /usr/local/bin, make sure you use sudo if you don't have enough privileges. Also you need to make the mod_serve file executable:
sudo cp -R mod_serve mod_server /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mod_serve
We are almost done.
You now can run the mod_serve, check /usr/local/bin is in your path:
mod_serve &
listening for connections from on 12345
You can install mod_serve on all machines where you have machines attached. Then from the Fab Modules interface type in your server/port combination instead of
You can change the host and port inside the mod_server.js file, look at the top the two lines:
var server_port = '12345'
var client_address = ''
Changing client_address to will make the server listen for connections coming from any machine in the local network (or the whole internet if the machine has a public ip-address, not recommended).
You can also change the port to any greater than 1024 (otherwise you must launch mod_serve with sudo, again not recommended).
As you might notice you must launch the mod_serve manually every time you want to use Fab Modules.
You can automate this process, assuming you are running a Linux system supporting "Upstart" by creating a service entry for it.
Add a user to the system. I.e. fabmodules
sudo adduser fabmodules
Create (with sudo/root) a new file named /etc/init/fabmodules.conf, and add inside it
# upstart service file at /etc/init/fabmodules.conf
description "HTML5 Fab Modules"
author ""
# When to start the service
start on runlevel [2345]
# When to stop the service
stop on shutdown
# Automatically restart process if crashed
respawn limit 10 5
# drop root proviliges and switch to mymetorapp user
setuid fabmodules
setgid fabmodules
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
export NODE_PATH=/usr/lib/nodejs:/usr/lib/node_modules:/usr/share/javascript
# set to home directory of the user Meteor will be running as
export PWD=/home/fabmodules
export HOME=/home/fabmodules
exec /usr/local/bin/mod_serve >> /home/fabmodules/fabmodules.log
end script
You can test / start your service with
sudo service fabmodules start
Stop your service with
sudo service fabmodules stop
If you find any issue go and look into the /home/fabmodules/fabmodules.log file. Be aware the log might grow big in time. So you might replace the >> with single >, to replace the whole file at each startup rather than appending to it.
You can use the new Fab Modules in different ways:
Just open the index.html in your browser, and you should be going.
You can run your own webserver on the local folder. Assuming you have Python installed just run inside the folder:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
The open the page http://localhost:8000
Open your browser on the page and use the hosted version of the modules.
The file mod_settings contains the ports and speeds used for the modules operation. Make sure they match your actual devices.
You can load your mod_settings using the last menu item appearing when you open the index.html page.
Original tutorial by:
- Fiore Basile - [email protected] - Last updated 2015-01-26