This is a very rudimentary version of a part of KasaDaka framework implemented in Laravel PHP Framework.
- The groundwork has been done to generate VXML files (refer file
- KasaDaka backend GUI needs to be coded.
- Provision a machine with Linux OS (preferable a version of Ubuntu)
- Follow the instructions here to install Nginx, MySQL, PHP.
- Install Composer (PHP dependency manager, like
for Python) as instructed here.
Git should be installed by default on any Linux machines.
git clone
to download this project into the kasadaka-php
composer install
to install all the various dependencies of the application.- Edit the Nginx configuration files to appropriately setup DNS names. Documentation here.
The Weather API used for this project is OpenWeatherMap. The API key used for fetching data is private so this repository doesn't have valid keys. Its used in the demo server. Please visit OpenWeatherMap API Page to register and get a valid API KEY.
The code that fetches weather data can be found here and here.
This particular application is already hosted at - Web UI and VoiceXML implementation.