diff --git a/tcms/static/js/testrun_actions.js b/tcms/static/js/testrun_actions.js
index c5c116021e..027786fb8e 100644
--- a/tcms/static/js/testrun_actions.js
+++ b/tcms/static/js/testrun_actions.js
@@ -237,12 +237,6 @@ Nitrate.TestRuns.Details.on_load = function() {
jQ('#btn_delete').bind('click', function() {
window.location.href = jQ(this).data('param');
- jQ('#btn_export_csv').bind('click', function() {
- window.location.href = jQ(this).data('param') + '?format=csv&' + jQ('#id_form_case_runs').serialize();
- });
- jQ('#btn_export_xml').bind('click', function() {
- window.location.href = jQ(this).data('param') + '?format=xml&' + jQ('#id_form_case_runs').serialize();
- });
jQ('.js-remove-tag').bind('click', function() {
var params = jQ(this).data('params');
removeRuntag(jQ('.js-tag-ul')[0], params[0], params[1]);
diff --git a/tcms/templates/run/get.html b/tcms/templates/run/get.html
index 76ace0c853..250afcb718 100644
--- a/tcms/templates/run/get.html
+++ b/tcms/templates/run/get.html
@@ -66,8 +66,6 @@
{% endifequal %}
{% endifequal %}
{% endif %}
{{ test_run.summary }}
diff --git a/tcms/testruns/helpers/serializer.py b/tcms/testruns/helpers/serializer.py
index 61a1b73157..285e9cc266 100644
--- a/tcms/testruns/helpers/serializer.py
+++ b/tcms/testruns/helpers/serializer.py
@@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-A serializer to import/export between model objects and file formats.
-import csv
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
@@ -17,108 +11,3 @@ def escape_entities(text):
@rtype: str
return escape(text, {'"': '"'}) if text else text
-# TODO: rewrite export module to export TestCaseRuns, TestPlans and other
-# Nitrate objects.
-class TCR2File(object):
- '''
- Write TestCaseRun queryset into CSV or XML.
- '''
- ROOT = 'testcaseruns'
- HEADERS = ("Case Run ID", "Case ID",
- "Category", "Status", "Summary",
- "script", "Automated", "Log Link",
- "Bug IDs")
- def __init__(self, tcrs):
- self.root = self.ROOT
- self.headers = self.HEADERS
- qs = tcrs.select_related('case',
- 'case_run_status')
- self.tcrs = qs.only('case__summary',
- 'case__script',
- 'case__is_automated',
- 'case__category__name',
- 'case_run_status__name')
- self.rows = []
- def tcr_attrs_in_a_list(self, tcr):
- if tcr.case.script is None:
- case_script = ''
- else:
- case_script = tcr.case.script.encode('utf-8')
- line = (tcr.pk, tcr.case.pk,
- tcr.case.category.name.encode('utf-8'),
- tcr.case_run_status.name.encode('utf-8'),
- tcr.case.summary.encode('utf-8'),
- case_script,
- tcr.case.is_automated,
- self.log_links(tcr),
- self.bug_ids(tcr))
- return line
- def log_links(self, tcr):
- '''
- Wrap log links into a single cell by
- joining log links.
- '''
- return '\n'.join(
- (url.encode('utf-8')
- for url in tcr.links.values_list('url', flat=True))
- )
- def bug_ids(self, tcr):
- '''
- Wrap bugs into a single cell by
- joining bug IDs.
- '''
- bug_ids = tcr.case_run_bug.values_list('bug_id', flat=True)
- return ' '.join((str(pk) for pk in bug_ids.iterator()))
- def tcrs_in_rows(self):
- tcr_attrs_in_a_list = self.tcr_attrs_in_a_list
- for tcr in self.tcrs.iterator():
- row = tcr_attrs_in_a_list(tcr)
- yield row
- def write_to_csv(self, fileobj):
- writer = csv.writer(fileobj)
- writer.writerow(self.headers)
- writer.writerows(self.tcrs_in_rows())
- def write_to_xml(self, output):
- write_to_output = output.write
- tcr_start_elem = u''
- def write_loglink(link):
- return write_to_output(
- u'' % (link.name, link.url))
- def write_bug(bug):
- return write_to_output(u'' % bug.bug_id)
- write_to_output(u'<%s>' % self.root)
- for tcr in self.tcrs.iterator():
- summary = escape_entities(tcr.case.summary)
- script = escape_entities(tcr.case.script)
- write_to_output(tcr_start_elem % (tcr.pk, tcr.case.pk,
- tcr.case.category.name or u'',
- tcr.case_run_status.name,
- summary or u'',
- script or u'',
- str(tcr.case.is_automated)))
- write_to_output(u'')
- map(write_loglink, tcr.links.iterator())
- write_to_output(u'')
- write_to_output(u'')
- map(write_bug, tcr.case_run_bug.iterator())
- write_to_output(u'')
- write_to_output(u'')
- write_to_output(u'%s>' % self.root)
diff --git a/tcms/testruns/tests/test_views.py b/tcms/testruns/tests/test_views.py
index 2c2b34cd56..d837b6f62b 100644
--- a/tcms/testruns/tests/test_views.py
+++ b/tcms/testruns/tests/test_views.py
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import os
import json
import http.client
from datetime import timedelta
-from mock import patch
-from xml.etree import ElementTree
from django.utils import formats
from django.urls import reverse
@@ -1023,43 +1020,6 @@ def test_delete_env_value_from_runs(self):
-class TestExportTestRunCases(BaseCaseRun):
- """Test export view method to export test case runs"""
- @classmethod
- def setUpTestData(cls):
- super(TestExportTestRunCases, cls).setUpTestData()
- cls.export_url = reverse('testruns-export',
- args=[cls.test_run.pk])
- @patch('tcms.testruns.views.time.strftime', return_value='2017-06-17')
- def test_export_to_xml_file(self, strftime):
- response = self.client.get(self.export_url, {'format': 'xml'})
- self.assertEqual(
- 'attachment; filename=tcms-testcase-runs-2017-06-17.xml',
- response['Content-Disposition'])
- @patch('tcms.testruns.views.time.strftime', return_value='2017-06-17')
- def test_export_to_csv_file(self, strftime):
- response = self.client.get(self.export_url, {'format': 'csv'})
- self.assertEqual(
- 'attachment; filename=tcms-testcase-runs-2017-06-17.csv',
- response['Content-Disposition'])
- def test_export_all_case_runs_to_csv_by_default(self):
- response = self.client.get(self.export_url, {'format': 'csv'})
- self.assertEqual(self.test_run.case_run.count(),
- # Do not count header line
- len(str(response.content, encoding=settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET).strip().split(os.linesep)) - 1)
- def test_export_all_case_runs_to_xml_by_default(self):
- response = self.client.get(self.export_url, {'format': 'xml'})
- xmldoc = ElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
- case_run_nodes = xmldoc.findall('testcaserun')
- self.assertEqual(self.test_run.case_run.count(), len(case_run_nodes))
class TestBugActions(BaseCaseRun):
"""Test bug view method"""
diff --git a/tcms/testruns/urls/run_urls.py b/tcms/testruns/urls/run_urls.py
index c499758ea2..023935e1ce 100644
--- a/tcms/testruns/urls/run_urls.py
+++ b/tcms/testruns/urls/run_urls.py
@@ -26,5 +26,4 @@
url(r'^(?P\d+)/cc/$', views.cc, name='testruns-cc'),
url(r'^(?P\d+)/update/$', views.update_case_run_text,
- url(r'^(?P\d+)/export/$', views.export, name='testruns-export'),
diff --git a/tcms/testruns/views.py b/tcms/testruns/views.py
index 9d7c1b698d..58d6d960cb 100755
--- a/tcms/testruns/views.py
+++ b/tcms/testruns/views.py
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
import datetime
import itertools
import json
-import time
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from functools import reduce
@@ -47,7 +46,6 @@
from tcms.testruns.data import TestCaseRunDataMixin
from tcms.testruns.forms import MulitpleRunsCloneForm, PlanFilterRunForm
from tcms.testruns.forms import NewRunForm, SearchRunForm, EditRunForm, RunCloneForm
-from tcms.testruns.helpers.serializer import TCR2File
from tcms.testruns.models import TestRun, TestCaseRun, TestCaseRunStatus, TCMSEnvRunValueMap
from tcms.issuetracker.types import IssueTrackerType
@@ -1386,31 +1384,6 @@ def update_case_run_text(request, run_id):
-def export(request, run_id):
- timestamp_str = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
- case_runs = request.GET.getlist('case_run')
- format = request.GET.get('format', 'csv')
- # Export selected case runs
- if case_runs:
- tcrs = TestCaseRun.objects.filter(case_run_id__in=case_runs)
- # Export all case runs
- else:
- tcrs = TestCaseRun.objects.filter(run=run_id)
- response = HttpResponse()
- writer = TCR2File(tcrs)
- if format == 'csv':
- writer.write_to_csv(response)
- response['Content-Disposition'] = \
- 'attachment; filename=tcms-testcase-runs-%s.csv' % timestamp_str
- else:
- writer.write_to_xml(response)
- response['Content-Disposition'] = \
- 'attachment; filename=tcms-testcase-runs-%s.xml' % timestamp_str
- return response
def env_value(request):
"""Run environment property edit function"""