- Prompts Genetic Algorithms
Documentation for these scripts:
The script generates text prompt phrases, which are used to compute prompt
embeddings to initialize a genetic algorithm population. The fitness function is
chad score. All scripts use Pygad as their GA library, with the exception of
Example Usage:
python scripts/ga_scripts/prompts_ga.py --generations 5 --mutation_probability 0.10 --crossover_type single_point --keep_elitism 0 --mutation_type swap --mutation_percent_genes 0.05 --population_size 5
Documentation for script at ./scripts/ga_scripts/ga_bounding_box_size.py
The script generates text prompt phrases, which are used to compute prompt embeddings to initialize a genetic algorithm population. The fitness function is located in ga/fitness_bounding_box_size.py. The fitness score will be 1.0 when the object occupies one-fourth of the full image.
Example Usage:
python scripts/ga_scripts/ga_bounding_box_size.py --generations 100 --mutation_probability 0.05 --crossover_type single_point --keep_elitism 0 --mutation_type random --mutation_percent_genes 0.05
Documentation for script at ./scripts/ga_scripts/ga_bounding_box_centered.py
The script generates text prompt phrases, which are used to compute prompt embeddings to initialize a genetic algorithm population. The fitness function is located in ga/fitness_bounding_box_centered.py. The fitness score will be 1.0 when the object is centered within the image.
Example Usage:
python scripts/ga_scripts/ga_bounding_box_centered.py \
--generations 100 \
--mutation_probability 0.05 \
--crossover_type single_point \
--keep_elitism 0 \
--mutation_type random \
--mutation_percent_genes 0.05
Documentation for script at ./scripts/ga_scripts/ga_latent.py
The script generates random latent vectors or can generate images from random prompt to initialize a genetic algorithm population. The fitness function is chad_score.
Example Usage:
python scripts/ga_scripts/ga_latent.py
--generations GENERATIONS
Number of generations to run.
--mutation_probability MUTATION_PROBABILITY
Probability of mutation.
--keep_elitism KEEP_ELITISM
1 to keep best individual, 0 otherwise.
--crossover_type CROSSOVER_TYPE
Type of crossover operation.
--mutation_type MUTATION_TYPE
Type of mutation operation.
--mutation_percent_genes MUTATION_PERCENT_GENES
The percentage of genes to be mutated.
--use_random_images USE_RANDOM_IMAGES
is the flag is strue, generate random latent vectors
--steps STEPS
number of steps for sampler
--device DEVICE
device to use
--num_phrases NUM_PHRASES
number of phrases in the random prompt generator
--cfg_strength CFG_STRENGTH
cfg_strength for the generated images
--sampler SAMPLER
sampler name (ddim, ddpm)
--cheackpoint_path CHEACKPOINT_PATh
stable diffusion model path, used to generate images
--image_width IMAGE_WIDTH
width of the generated textures
--image_height IMAGE_HEIGHT
height of the generated textures
--output OUTPUT
output path for the ga
Documentation for script at ./scripts/ga_scripts/ga_filesize.py
The script generates text prompt phrases, which are used to compute prompt embeddings to initialize a genetic algorithm population. The fitness function is located in ga/fitness_filesize.py.
Example Usage:
python scripts/ga_scripts/ga_filesize.py \
--generations 100 \
--mutation_probability 0.05 \
--crossover_type single_point \
--keep_elitism 0 \
--mutation_type random \
--mutation_percent_genes 0.05
Example Usage:
python scripts/ga_scripts/ga_leap_prompts.py --generations 100
Example Usage:
python scripts/ga_scripts/ga_leap_white_background.py --generations 100
Example Usage:
python scripts/ga_scripts/ga_leap_bounding_box_size.py --generations 100
Example Usage:
python scripts/ga_scripts/ga_leap_filesize.py --generations 100
--generations GENERATIONS
Number of generations to run.
--mutation_probability MUTATION_PROBABILITY
Probability of mutation.
--keep_elitism KEEP_ELITISM
1 to keep best individual, 0 otherwise.
--crossover_type CROSSOVER_TYPE
Type of crossover operation.
--mutation_type MUTATION_TYPE
Type of mutation operation.
--mutation_percent_genes MUTATION_PERCENT_GENES
The percentage of genes to be mutated.
- "sss": Steady state selection
- "rws": Roulette wheel selection
- "sus": Stochastic universal selection
- "random": Random selection
- "tournament": Tournament selection
- "rank": Rank selection
- "random": Random mutation
- "swap": Swap mutation
- "scramble": Scramble mutation
- "inversion": Inversion mutation
- "adaptive": Adaptive mutation
- "single_point": Single point crossover
- "two_points": Two points crossover
- "uniform": Uniform crossover
- "scattered": Scattered crossover
is the only CLI arg supported by the LEAP script at the moment.
LEAP is far more robust and flexible, but requires additional work.
If you encounter an error like this: "ImportError: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
you can resolve it by executing the following command:
apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx