Homework assignments for Nonprocedural Programming at Matfyz, Charles University in Prague.
Why? The reason I decided to publish my solutions to these "simple" educational tasks is my belief that one of the most efficient learning method is learning by examples, and I hope that students consulting Google and Stack Overflow for solutions for help with their own homework might come across this repository and get inspiration :)
(HW 1-1 Prolog) Implement division of two numbers in Prolog in succesor notation
(includes all basic arithmetical operations)add(+X, +Y, ?Z) sub(+X, +Y, ?Z) mod(+X, +Y, ?Z) div(+X, +Y, ?D, ?R) % x div y = d, x mod y = r log2(+X, ?N) % n is a base integer of log_2(x)
(HW 1-2 Prolog) Implement predicate for n-th Fibonacci's number
(includes "generalised version" enabling to define first two elements of the sequence)fib(+N, ?F) % f is the n-th Fibbonaci's number gFib(+N, +F0, +F1, ?R) % r is the n-th "Fibonacci's number" in a sequence starting with _f0_ and _f1_
(HW 2-1 Prolog) Implement list flattening.
flat(+List, ?Result) ==================== % Examples ?- flat([], R). R = []. ?- flat([[]], R). R = []. ?- flat([a,b,c], R). R = [a,b,c]. ?- flat([a,[[],b,[]],[c,[d]]], R). R = [a,b,c,d].
(HW 2-2 Prolog) Implement (rectangular) matrix transposition.
transp(+Matrix, ?Result) ======================== % Examples ?- transp([[a,b],[c,d],[e,f]], R). R = [[a,c,e],[b,d,f]]
(HW 4-1 Haskell) Implement functions on, while and pairwise:
on f g
applies g on both arguments and then applies fon :: (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> c > (max `on` abs) (-5) 4 5
while c f a
applies a given function f on its argument a as long as the argument satisfies condition cwhile :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a > while (<100) (*2) 1 128
pairwise f
applies function f on pairs in a given list and results puts in a new list; if the list length is odd, the last element is not changedpairwise :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] > pairwise (+) [1..9] [3,7,11,15,9]
sortWith op xs
sorts a list according to a given operator,ciSort
sorts an array of strings case insensitivelysortWith :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] > sortWith (<) [10,9..1] [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] ciSort :: [String] -> [String] > ciSort ["Sort", "me"] ["me","Sort"]