- Initialization
- KMC settings
- Quick search
- Search landing page
- Trending product search
- Category merchandising
- Product fetch
- Recommendations
- Purchase Analytics Event (buy)
This example is built with Typescript, React, @klevu/core, Vite (server) and @mui/material (styling)
To run the example:
npm install
npm start
Click here to run example in CodeSandbox.io
Click here to see working demo
Klevu configuration initialization is done in index.tsx before any other code.
import { KlevuConfig } from "@klevu/core"
url: "https://eucs23v2.ksearchnet.com/cs/v2/search",
apiKey: "klevu-160320037354512854",
Both the URL and API Key are provided to you when you create an account with Klevu.
It is possible to fetch KMC settings from Klevu to show information and data set by the user. For example, most popular searches are done this way. In index.tsx settings are fetched with KlevuKMCSettings()
function. It fetches the data and caches it to localstorage for one day. The return value is the settings.
The reason for running it in a startup is that it speeds up the subsequent calls to function by returning data from the cache.
QuickSearch component is located in the top right corner in the example. It has two functions. When the user focuses on to field then a popup is shown where trending products and last searches and displayed. As a second function when the user starts to type we will fetch matching products and search suggestions.
The logic for fetching trending products and KlevuLastSearches:
const fetchEmptySuggestions = async () => {
if (trendProducts.length > 0) {
const res = await KlevuFetch(
limit: 3,
setTrendingProducts(res.queriesById("trendingProducts")?.records ?? [])
The KlevuFetch function is the main method for triggering calls to Klevu's API through the SDK. The parameters passed to this function are the actual searches you intend to make. The Klevu SDK comes with many built-in search functions that can be passed into KlevuFetch. In the above example, we pass in a search by calling trendingProducts with a configuration object limiting the results to just 3.
The response of KlevuFetch contains an object with helper methods. In the example above we only make a single search request within KlevuFetch and then call the queriesById method which will return data associated with that search. In this case, we pull up the trendingProducts search and access its records which are then passed back as an array to populate the UI.
Below is another example that shows the logic for running a search after each keypress:
const doSearch = async (term: string) => {
if (term.length < 3) {
const result = await KlevuFetch(
search(term, {
limit: 9,
typeOfRecords: [KlevuTypeOfRecord.Product],
const searchResult = result.queriesById("search")
setProducts(searchResult?.records ?? [])
setSuggestions(result.suggestionsById("suggestions")?.suggestions.map((i) => i.suggest) ?? [])
Since React is reactive we start by simply clearing out the trendingProducts we had previously.
Then we see KlevuFetch used again to make search requests to Klevu's API, but this time we are passing in two searches (search and suggestions). **KlevuFetch can be passed any number of searches.
The first search we make by calling the search function with two parameters. The first is the search term which we are pulling from the search input value in the UI. The second is an object where we limit the results to just 9 and we also limit the types of results to only display products.
The second search we make by calling the suggestions function with a single parameter, the search term to return search suggestions based on that term.
IMPORTANT NOTE Although the SDK also contains functions to send analytics data back to Klevu in order to update the AI, we recommend that you do not use these for doing a Quick Search.
Building from what we've covered so far, this example introduces the use of facets (filters) and sorting.
First, let's start with the search used in KlevuFetch. Here we are using the same search call as before, but this time we are passing in a few more parameters:
const res = await KlevuFetch(
id: "search",
limit: 36,
sort: sorting,
rangeFilterSettings: [
key: "klevu_price",
minMax: true,
filterManager: manager,
Next let's cover the sort option passed into the second parameter of the search function. The Klevu SDK includes an enumerable object called KlevuSearchSorting which exposes a number of sorting methods that can be used to rearrange the results.
The available sorting options are:
- Relevance (Relevance)
- Price Ascending (PriceAsc)
- Price Descending (PriceDesc)
- Name Ascending NameAsc)
- Name Descending (NameDesc)
- Rating Ascending (RatingAsc)
- Rating Descending (RatingDesc)
- New Arrivals Ascending (NewArrivalAsc)
- New Arrivals Descending (NewArrivalDesc)
As shown in the SearchResultPage view example, you do not need to include all sorting options. Also, since the SDK is written using TypeScript, most modern code editors will allow you to use autocomplete to discover which properties are available on all objects.
Next, we include a third parameter into the search function by calling the listFilters function. Just like the KlevuFetch function, the search function can have any number of parameters passed to it so you have the option of keeping things simple or making very complex requests. The listFilters function gets a configuration object passed to it which is specifying which filters should be used as sliders and the filterManager to use.
The filterManager is a feature provided by the Klevu SDK and can be initialized like this:
const manager = new FilterManager()
The filterManager abstracts the management of filter states to keep the implementation easy and simple.
The fourth parameter passed to the search function is a great example of the simplicity of using the filterManger. We simply pass the same instance to the applyFilterWithManager in order to filter the search results based on the current state of the filterManager.
As discussed in the previous section filters allow a user to drill down into search results and the Klevu SDK makes it easy to manage them. Once a search is performed, the filterManager is automatically updated with the current state of filters and can be accessed as arrays in manager.options and manager.sliders respectevely. We simply use these arrays in Reach to loop through the filters and display them:
<List key={i}>
{o.options.map((o2, i2) => (
onClick={() => {
manager.toggleOption(o.key, o2.name)
checked={o2.selected == true}
<ListItemText primary={`${o2.name} (${o2.count})`} />
The filter is basically just a checkbox input. We can call the manager.toggleOption method when the checkbox is toggled which can in turn emits a KlevuDomEvents.FilterSelectionUpdate event. When calling manager.toggleOption we pass in the key of the filter along with the name of the filter value as shown above.
We then need to add an event handler to listen for the KlevuDomEvents.FilterSelectionUpdate event and handle triggering a new search:
const stopListening = KlevuListenDomEvent(KlevuDomEvents.FilterSelectionUpdate, handleFilterUpdate)
See how filterManager makes it easy to manage filters 😉
In addition, the results of this search include a new function that we can use to log click events for products returned by this search and we can use this function to send click events that also show in KMC.
onClick={() => {
productId: p.id,
variantId: p.variantId || p.id,
In the example above, we pass in the ID of the product to the searchClickEvent function which we have called within a onClick handler.
Another Klevu SDK feature used in this example is the load more button at the bottom of the results.
Each response from a KlevuFetch search has a next method when there are still more results for that search. Otherwise, it returns false. We can use this function to call for more results without having to specify all the parameters we originally passed to the search function.
In this example we saved the response of the main product search to a variable called nextFunc, we then handle loading more results by calling the following function:
const fetchMore = async () => {
const nextRes = await nextFunc({
filterManager: manager,
const nextSearchResult = nextRes.queriesById("search")
setProducts([...products, ...(nextSearchResult?.records ?? [])])
nextFunc = nextSearchResult?.next
Nothing special here, but notice how we save the response of this additional search into nextFunc again, so we can continue loading more results.
As an example we chose to include another use of Klevu's search results, showing trending products in a component for your reference.
TrendingProductsGrid component uses all the same search functionality found in the previous SearchResultPage example except instead of calling search and passing in the searchTerm, we call the trendingProducts function instead and omit the first parameter.
const res = await KlevuFetch(
id: "search",
limit: 36,
sort: sorting,
rangeFilterSettings: [
key: "klevu_price",
minMax: true,
exclude: ["inventory_item_id", "rim_size", "category", "type", "tags"],
filterManager: manager,
Notice how we can also pass in the filters to exclude in the listFilters function.
This example includes category pages to organize products so to view an example look at CategoryPage view. The Klevu SDK has yet another search type we can use specifically for requesting results from a category or collection categoryMerchandising. It is very similar to the search function but instead of passing in a search term as the first parameter, we pass in the name of the category:
const res = await KlevuFetch(
id: "search",
limit: itemsOnPage,
sort: sorting,
rangeFilterSettings: [
key: "klevu_price",
minMax: true,
filterManager: manager,
This example also shows a search modifier specifically created to log analytics data for category pages, sendMerchandisingViewEvent which accepts the name/title of the category to display in KMC.
Second new feature shown in this example is abTest() modifier that automatically checks if there are A/B created for the category in KMC and enables them.
Just like on the search results landing page example above, the results of this category search include a new function that we can use to log click events for products returned by this search and we can use this function to send click events that also show in KMC.
onClick={() => {
productId: p.id,
variantId: p.variantId || p.id,
categoryTitle: title,
In the example above, we pass in the ID of the product along with the category name/title to the categoryMerchandisingClickEvent function which we have called within a onClick handler.
In Category page klevuFetch function there is a kmcRecommendation call included. It is created in KMC and it creates a product category recommendation. You need to pass current category id to it get correct results. Read more about KMC recommendations.
In Category page we are looking for a parameter called campaignId
; which is sent into the categoryMerchandising
call. We are not storing it in this demo as it is just implemented for demonstration purposes, but in production this ID can be stores in localStorage, a cookie, or a server-side session variable.
The Klevu SDK includes a convenient and simple search to quickly load a product called products and passing in the ID of the product.
const res = await KlevuFetch(products([params.id]))
This search returns all the information for a single product. Usually this is not used. One should use the platform specified API to fetch product data.
The Klevu SDK also supports recommendations created in KMC. In this example project we've create three types of recommendations:
- Trending Products (HomePage.tsx view)
- Similar Products (ProductPage.tsx view)
- Also Bought (CheckoutPage.tsx view)
Most of the recommendations are created by users in Klevu Merchant Center (KMC). This allows shop owners to modify the recommendations without need of developers. When recommendation is created in KMC it will provide a id to recommendation that is passed to kmcRecommendation()
function. Depending on type of recommendation additional parameters is required by the function. For example, in checkout recommendation is it required to pass current product and variant ids in cart.
The trending products recommendation search found in the HomePage.tsx view looks very similar to all the searches we've made so far as seen in the example below:
const result = await KlevuFetch(
id: "trendingrecs",
sendRecommendationViewEvent("Trending recommendations using KMC builder")
This type of search first needs to be created within the KMC. Then you are able to call kmcRecommendation and pass in the id. The next parameter is the query id (name) of the search, in our example, we called it trendingrects. The last parameter is the sendRecommendationViewEvent modifier which logs the view of this recommendation by a user.
The result of this search also returns a function we can use to log click events of the recommendation products by calling recommendationClickEvent as we have previously seen.
We can then use this function to handle the click event for our recommendation products:
title="Trending recommendations using KMC builder"
productClick={(productId, variantId, product, index) => {
The second example of making a recommendation search is found in ProductPage.tsx view. This is such a common search that it does not require creation in KMC.
In our example we call similarProducts and pass in the ID of the product we want to retrieve recommendations for:
const similarRes = await KlevuFetch(similarProducts([product.id]))
In this case, we can call the recommendationClick method of the KlevuEvents object to log click analytics events into KMC
title="Similar products"
productClick={(productId, variantId, product, index) => {
recsKey: "product-similar",
logic: KMCRecommendationLogic.Similar,
title: "Similar products",
We pass in an object with the information to log this recommendation click as being associated with similar products. Next, we pass in the product, and finally, we pass in the index of the current product.
Our final recommendations example is found in the CheckoutPage.tsx view. As the name implies it shows the user product recommendations based on the items in the user's cart.
const result = await KlevuFetch(
kmcRecommendation("k-95d0920b-be19-4528-a5b9-6ff80ccedc69", {
id: "alsobought",
cartProductIds: cart.items.map((p) => p.id),
Here the main difference to the first recommendations example is that instead of only passing in an id for the search we also include a reference to all the products ids in the cart.
Similar to the first example, we will also attach to the click event handler for each product recommendation:
title="Also bought together KMC recommendation"
productClick={(productId, variantId) => {
As our final use of the Klevu SDK we will show the use of the KlevuEvents.buy method.
In our example we simply created a button to trigger onClick:
<Button variant="contained" color="primary" onClick={buy} disabled={cart.items.length === 0}
Buy products
In your implementation this event would be triggered on the first time a thank you page is rendered or when an order is logged.
Our example implementation starts by grouping the products by ID. Then creates an array of products with their quantities. This array is then passed into KlevuEvents.buy to log the purchased items.
const buy = () => {
const groupedProducts = groupBy(cart.items, (i) => i.id)
const toBuy = Object.entries(groupedProducts).map((entry) => {
const data: KlevuRecord[] = entry[1] as KlevuRecord[]
return {
amount: data.length,
product: data[0],