$ sudo apt-get update # Update Package Lists
$ sudo apt-get upgrade # Download and Install Updated Packages
$ sudo rpi-update # Update firmware
$ sudo apt-get clean # Clean Old Package Files
$ sudo raspi-config # Pi Configuration Tool
$ ls # List Directory Contents
$ cd # Change Directories
$ mkdir/md # Create a Dir
$ rmdir/rm -rf # remove a Dir
$ mv # Move a file
$ tree -d # show a tree of Dir
$ pwd # Show the Current Dir
$ clear # Clearing the Terminal Window
$ sudo power-off/sudo halt # Shoud down pi
$ sudo reboot # Reboot pi
$ startx # start Desktop
$ ifconfig # Show pi's IP/MAC address etc
$ vim/nano # editor
$ cat # Shows The Contents of a File
$ rm # remove file * Do not type rm *
$ cp # copy a file or Dir
$ history # Show commands' history
$ pinout # Check GPIO
| oooooooooooooooooooo J8 +====
| 1ooooooooooooooooooo | USB
| +====
| Pi Model ???V1.3 |
| +----+ +====
| |D| |SoC | | USB
| |S| | | +====
| |I| +----+ |
| |C| +======
| |S| | Net
| pwr |HDMI| |I||A| +======
`-| |--------| |----|V|-------'
Revision : a020d3
SoC : BCM2837
RAM : 1024Mb
Storage : MicroSD
USB ports : 4 (excluding power)
Ethernet ports : 1
Wi-fi : False
Bluetooth : False
Camera ports (CSI) : 1
Display ports (DSI): 1
3V3 (1) (2) 5V
GPIO2 (3) (4) 5V
GPIO3 (5) (6) GND
GPIO4 (7) (8) GPIO14
GND (9) (10) GPIO15
GPIO17 (11) (12) GPIO18
GPIO27 (13) (14) GND
GPIO22 (15) (16) GPIO23
3V3 (17) (18) GPIO24
GPIO10 (19) (20) GND
GPIO9 (21) (22) GPIO25
GPIO11 (23) (24) GPIO8
GND (25) (26) GPIO7
GPIO0 (27) (28) GPIO1
GPIO5 (29) (30) GND
GPIO6 (31) (32) GPIO12
GPIO13 (33) (34) GND
GPIO19 (35) (36) GPIO16
GPIO26 (37) (38) GPIO20
GND (39) (40) GPIO21
For further information, please refer to https://pinout.xyz/