- Docs for the latest stable npm release of Sails are on the website
- This is mirrored by the master branch of the
repo on github- The content in the Github repo is eventually pushed to the website.
- It is usually a several commits ahead, and is the go-to place for the most up-to-date information.
- This will become more automated as we're able to get more time to automate our tools (will open-source these asap post v0.10 release)
- Help us improve the documentation
- Contribute to the Sails core
- Create/contribute to a plugin
- Contribute to the sailsjs.org website
- Report suspected bug with the Sails core itself
- Got a feature request or idea?
The latest stable version in npm is always a safe bet (see the badge above.). The latest stable npm release corresponds with the stable
branch in the Sails repo. Installing is easy- just follow the instructions in the README or on the Sails website (e.g. npm install sails
To install the beta/ pre-release version of Sails, install from the beta
tag on npm (e.g. npm install sails@beta
). This is a great way to try out a coming release ahead of time and start upgrading before the release becomes official. Except for extreme situations, the API in the release candidate should be consistent with the upcoming stable release it corresponds with. The beta npm release candidate corresponds with the beta
branch in the Sails repo.
Finally, if you like living on the edge, or you're working on adding a feature or fixing a bug in Sails, install the edge version from the master
branch on github. The edge version is not published on the registry since it's constantly under development, but you can still use npm to install it (e.g. npm install sails@git://github.com/balderdashy/sails.git
For more instructions on installing the stable, beta, and edge versions of Sails, check out the contribution guide.
Sails is tested with node versions 0.8.22 and 0.10.x, and built on the rock-solid foundations of Express and Socket.io. It also depends on other great modules, like grunt, waterline, and fs-extra. Click the badge above for the full list of dependencies.
- Ask a question on StackOverflow
- Get help from the Google Group
- Get help on IRC (#sailsjs on freenode)
- Tweet @sailsjs
Sails is used by services companies small and large, all over the world. This small list is definitely not authoratative-- we haven't had the opportunity to collect that information yet. In the mean time, if you're using Sails in your company/product/service, we'd love to hear about it! Please click
to submit a pull request updating this list.
- Cuckoo Quack - An antique clock turned into a notification system
- Portfolio Page - By Isaac T. Wooten
- Insight Replay - Instant replay for athletes and coaches
- Taskboard - a Sails application to mimic "scrum-ban" taskboard
The companies below provide custom development, services, training, and/or support for teams building applications on Sails. These groups also happen to be some of our greatest allies, and have made significant contributions to the development and stability of the framework.
Sails is maintained by Balderdash, an interactive development studio in Austin, TX. Heather and I started the company in 2012, on the promise that Node.js could be used to build production back-end applications from start to finish. We created Sails to support that mission, and over 2 years later, the experiment has been a resounding success. As you might expect, we do a lot of custom Sails+Node.js development, but our team has experience across the full stack, including: advanced interaction design, practical/scalable development of huge HTML 5 applications, and building rich user experiences across many different devices and screen resolutions. We also provide training services for teams looking to increase their efficiency w/ Node.js.
appendTo is a leader in front-end software solutions, specializing in JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5 and Mobile Development. We offer a variety of solutions for everyone from small businesses to enterprise clientele.
- JavaScript, HTML5, Responsive Web, and Full Stack JavaScript for the Enterprise
- Follow us on Twitter: @appendto
- Visit us on Facebook
- Subscribe to our Newsletter - The Modern Web Observer
- If you are the author of a tutorial or guide about Sails, please send us a pull request editing this file. We'll check it out!
- SailsCasts - Short screencasts that take you through the basics of building traditional websites, single-page/mobile apps, and APIs using Sails. Perfect for both novice and tenured developers, but does assume some background on MVC.
- Sails.js Development channel on Medium
- Angular + Sails! Help! - Sails Resources Service for AngularJS
- Intro to Sails.js screencast
- Intro to Sails.js - talk @ NodePDX
- Working With Data in Sails.js tutorial on NetTuts
- How to Create a Node.js App using Sails.js on an Ubuntu VPS
- Sails.js - How to render node views via Ajax, single page application, SPA
- Desarrollar Webapps Realtime:
- Angular + Sails.js (0.10.0-rc5) with angular-sails socket.io
- Sails.js and Heroku
- Sails API development (1/2): Datalayer -models, connections, waterline
- Sails API development (2/2): Custom methods, overriding default actions, and related
- If you are the author of an article about Sails, please send us a pull request editing this file. We'll check it out!
- If you are a company interested in doing a press release about Sails, please contact @mikermcneil on Twitter (and er.. remind him if necessary!) We'll do what we can to help.
- Austin startup finds success in responsive design
- Interact ATX
- Startup America
- Sails.js featured in 5 Minutes of JavaScript
- [Sails.js - Awesome MVC for Node.js] (http://sethetter.com/sails-js/)
- Interview w/ Tim Heckel on InfoQ
- Case Technical Blog
- [Sails.js - Une Architecture MVC pour applications real-time Node.js] (http://www.lafermeduweb.net/billet/sails-js-une-architecture-mvc-pour-applications-real-time-node-js-1528.html)
- Hacker News
- Sail.js : un framework MVC pour Node.js
- Sails.js — Build custom, enterprise-level Node.js apps
- Build Custom & Enterprise Node.js Apps with Sails.js
- New tools for web design and development: March 2013
- Sails 0.8.9: A Rails-Inspired Real-Time Node MVC Framework
- 30 Fresh jQuery Tools and Plugins
- [Node.js の MVCフレームワーク Sails.js が良さげなので少し試してみた] (http://nantokaworks.com/?p=1101)
- New web design tools that you need to check out
- Live code Sails.js avec Mike McNeil
- #hack4good adds cities and welcomes Sails.js creator to speak and hack in Paris!
- Backend фреймворк SailsJS + BackboneJS + MySQL
- realtime chat with sails and react