First off, thank you for considering contributing to study-guide 🎉. Following these guidelines help to communicate that you respect the time of the developers managing and developing this open source project. In return, they should reciprocate that respect in addressing your issue, assessing changes, and helping you finalise your pull requests.
If you've noticed a bug, have a question or just want to add a new study content, search the issue tracker to see if someone else has already created a ticket. If not, go ahead and make one!
If this is something you think you can fix, then fork study-guide and create a branch with a descriptive name.
A good branch name would be (where issue #225 is the ticket you're working on):
git checkout -b 225-add-new-topic
At this point, you're ready to make your changes! Feel free to ask for help; everyone is a beginner at first.
If a maintainer asks you to "rebase" your PR, they're saying that a lot of code has changed, and that you need to update your branch so it's easier to merge.
A PR can only be merged into master by a maintainer if it is approved.