Store a series of sensor readings for the given smart device.
- Path: /v1/smart_devices/:mac_address/readings
- Alternative Path: /smart_devices/:mac_address/readings
- HTTP Method: POST
- Request Format: JSON (encrypted)
- Required: -
- Optional: -
Body (encrypted)
- timestamp: Timestamp (UNIX time), indicating when the message was sent.
- readings: Sensor readings as nested array, with inner array in
the format
[timestamp (UNIX time), sensor_type_id, raw_value]
Optional: -
Response (encrypted)
Returns HTTP status code 201 on success. In case of failure, any other code (and possibly error information in JSON format) on error are returned.
Note: A status code 201 does not guarantee that the readings were added; in the future, the implementation may change so the server immediately answers with 201 Created and adds the readings later (which may then fail silently).
Response format: urlencoded
Content of response:
- current_time - timestamp for current UNIX time
- last_config_change - timestamp of last config change on server
- Accept:
- Content-Type:
- Body (after decryption):
{'timestamp': 123456789, 'readings': [[123123123, 1, 7], [123123124, 1, 7], [123123125, 1, 8]]}
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
- Body (after decryption):