Releases: krazzer/kikcms
Releases · krazzer/kikcms
- Added red outline when tinymce5 field has errors
- Fix for having multiple forms with recaptcha on one page
- Added lcfirst filter for Twig
- Added css class to webform submit
- Check if the alias entry itself has a template instead of the aliased page
- Make the datatable image upload classname less generic
- Add ability to clear cache when a htaccess authentication is present
- Change text to 'Pick files' when selecting multiple files in the file picker
- Derive address from address, zip and city instead of a single string
- Derive address from address, zip and city instead of a single string
- Show a more friendly error message to users when a fatal error occurs, and use the website's logo instead of kikcms logo
- Attemting to load a menu will now result in a 404
- Won't add has-errors class to form fields anymore when there are no error messages
- Fix direct upload by correctly adding all needed datatable parameters
- Added a memory cache layer on top of the KeyValue disk cache storage by default
- Separate frontend message css and make it customizable
- Handle empty cache error better
- Updated tinyMCE to TinyMCE 5
- Added tinyMceApiKey as config for TinyMCE 5
- Fix filepicker for tinyMCE 5
- Re-enabled bulletlist for tinyMCE 5
- Improved styling for TinyMCE5
- Add alias to sortable field to prevent ambiguty
- Update nested set after saving a pageForm
- Display a friendlier message when the database connection was lost
- Added a setting to enable maintenance mode
- Correctly update nested set after a rearrange
- Fixed bug where default template would override selected template in a pagesFlatDataTable
- Fixed Command+s in DataTables for new safari version
- Make file field red when there is a user error
- Made updating the display order when changing a parent more elegant
- Only use tree rearrange if the order field is default
- Added BOM for CSV exports for Excel compatibility
- Added option to set wysiwyg field height
- Prevent error when trying to edit a non-editable datatable
- Notify user how to solve a temporary key duplicate entry error
- Fix check if a page parent has changed when updating
- Don't alert if the value is empty in Forms
- Added alert error for hidden fields
- Only give key error when its actually provided when editing a page
- Added functionality to send attachments in MailForm
- Fix calling method magically by setting a page display order
- Fix notice when storing alias
- Fix get first template from available templates
- Diff issues are now fixed using .gitattributes
- Added js/css back to master repo for simpler deployment
- Correctly mark alias pages as selected in menus
- Limit file search results to 1000
- DataTable search correctly using ORM bindParams
- Correctly update the display_order and nested set/urls/cache when a page's parent or display_order has changed
- Added method to quickly retrieve a list of page content values
- Added task to clean up broken symlinks
- Remove unused getAliasName and fixed path for aliases
- Display a parent node's value in the CacheManager if it has one
- Added new Model class, so save auto logs errors and a new method to throw exceptions
- Make language switch variables available on any page
- Correctly show alias pages in menu's and correctly fetch a page from an alias url
- Added query logger and improved caching and performance
- Use KikCMS Injectable class erverywhere instead of Phalcon's default
- Added function to bind a template to a specific page key.
- Clear cache more precisely after rearrange
- Added PageLanguageService::getByIdList + improve local caching
- Add confirm option to DataTable table button
- Warn the developer if both multilingual and monolingual values exist for the same field
- Fix menu caching for multiple templates
- Allow a menu to allow multiple templates
- Translations no longer fail if the database fails. This makes db connection errors more obvious to the debugger.
- Fix WebsiteSettings::getServices being called only once
- Fix WebsiteSettings::getServices being called only once
- Also provide the current form object when checking field display conditions
- Allow pages to be placed inside a page that has no parent and is not a menu. And update the nestedset accordingly
- Always show form errors directly, unless it's because they're empty
- Fix test PS4 namespace conventions
- Fix RelationKeyed DataTables and added getFieldDisplayConditions
- Show SubDataTable with multi-relation key
- Improve select map style
- Improve filenames for symlinked media files
- Allow recaptcha response to be null
- Improve checking order integrity for rearranging items
- Correcly check if filetype is allowed before uploading. Improved upload progressbar.
- Allow multi-template PagesFlat & prevent editing alias pages
- Make sure a PagesFlat datatable rearrange uses the tree-rearrange version
- Retrieve aliases correctly when building a menu