- First create an angular app using
- Configure aws amplify
- Add storage by :
amplify add storage
which will create an S3 bucket. - Our angular build files will be copied to this S3 bucket.
- My deploy command is as follows:
ng build --prod
aws s3 cp dist/zettle/ s3://zettle96c8102a10ad40f38724d80d4dd72811/ --recursive --acl public-read
- Got S3 bucket settings and enable static site hosting with index.html as index document.
- Now the site will be available at
, but the routing won't work. - For routing to work, we need aws cloudfront. Got to aws cloudfront and create a new distribution.
- Origin domain should be the one url mentioned above.
- If we do not have any subfolders orgin path should be empty. Rest of the things are default.
- Add two error pages for 400 and 403 to reroute to index.html. Now angular routing should work.