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Commands & Permissions

kruthers edited this page May 6, 2020 · 1 revision

Commands and Permissions

All the commands and permissions used by the plugin with a description and use for each


[] are used for required and <> are used for optional in most cases the optional is for extra abilities and requires more permissions

Command arguments Usage Aliases
/nickname [nickname] Used to change the nickname of yourself or of another person /nick
/realname [nickname] Displays the real name of the person using that nickname given ---
/resetnick Will reset yours or another players nickname /nickname reset, /resetnickname
/nicknames <version | reloadconfig > This allows for displaying of the version and reloading of the config ---


Permission Usage Default
nicknames.default allows the running of the /nicknames command everyone
nicknames.realname Allows for the use of /realname to get players names everyone
nicknames.nickname Allows you to nickname yourself with /nickname everyone
nicknames.colour When nicknaming allows you to use colours in it op's
nicknames.formatting When nicknaming allows for the use of format codes op's
nicknames.anycharacter Allows for non standard characters in nicknames op's
nicknames.reload Allows for reloading the config with /nicknames reload op's
nicknames.nickname.other Allows you to nickname other people op's
nicknames.bypass Allows for the bypassing of all checks when nicknaming no one
nicknames.bypassprefix When nicknames the chosen prefix will not be vissible when they talk or in tab no one
nicknames.* Wild card permissions, will give them all plugin permissions no one
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