Note, the minutes and agenda have moved to Google Docs.
- Intro / Agenda
- Brian Hardock of the Deis Helm team will demo Helm.
- Helm is a tool for creating and managing Kubernetes native applications.
- Adnan Abdulhussein from Bitnami will walk us through example helm charts for Kubernetes native applications
- Intro / Agenda
- PoC demo and discussion of AppController
- Working discussion of Pet Set beta steps led by Clayton Coleman and Prashanth B.
- Demo of nanokube by Mike Metral
August 3, 2016 [notes]
- Intro / Overview of Agenda
- Ryan Jarvinen will talk about "Defining "Applications" for Kubernetes (and OpenShift)"
- In a world of distributed architecture, the term "Application" can be a difficult thing to define. RyanJ will provide a few examples of how to package and distribute applications for Kubernetes.
- Open discussion / questions
July 27, 2016 [notes]
- Intro
- Gerred Dillon will do a demo of Deis
- Group discussion on Deis
- Matt Farina will give an update on results of the sig-apps survey
- Open discussion around sig-apps survey
July 20, 2016 [notes & video]
- Intro
- Janet Kuo, Software Engineer at Google working on Kubernetes, will do a demo of deployment features in Kubernetes and give an overview of Deployments, Replica Sets, and Replication Controllers. (needs confirmation)
- Saad Ali, Software Engineer at Google working on Kubernetes, will do a demo and discussion around Volume features.
July 13, 2016 [notes & video]
- Intro
- Christian from Jetstack will do a demo of Kube-Lego
Mackenzie Burnett of Redspread will do a demo of Spread- Matt Farina will update us on the analysis of the SIG-Apps survey
July 6, 2016 [notes & video]
- Intro
- Chris Love will be talking about the covering deploying Cassandra on Kubernetes 1.3 at scale.
- Chris is a Senior DevOps Open Source Consultant for Datapipe, and head of DevOps RnD for Apollobit.
- His demo application is located at
- Open discussion / questions
June 29, 2016 [notes & video]
- Intro
- Bart Spaans, author of KubeFuse, will do a demo and discussion.
- The DRUD team from New Media Denver will do a demo and discussion of how they use Kubernetes Jobs
- Follow up on SIG-Apps survey status
June 22, 2016 [notes]
- Intro
- Antoine Legrand will demo KPM
- Open discussion / questions
June 15, 2016 [notes & video]
- Intro
- Eric Chiang of CoreOS will demo and discuss the freshly merged role based access control features in 1.3
- Ben Hall, founder of Katacoda, will talk about the Kubernetes scenarios on Katacoda.
June 8, 2016 [notes & video]
- Intro
- Adnan Abdulhussein from Bitnami will demo the Stacksmith workflow
- Follow up on PetSet feedback
- Follow up on SIG-Apps survey status
- Canceled in honor of a short week
May 25, 2016 [notes & video]
- Intro
- Mike Metral of Rackspace will demo how to recursively process configuration files with the -R flag
May 18, 2016 [notes]
- Intro
- Discussion on the future of SIG-Apps
- Pranshanth B. of Google will demo PetSet