From fef9ca86ac690787dcaf45bfad219c8f40c58b7a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Pawe=C5=82=20Kosiec?= Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2022 12:19:32 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Investigate persistent configuration for BotKube commands --- | 418 ++++++++++++++++++ .../assets/communicationsecret.yaml | 27 ++ 2 files changed, 445 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/investigation/configuration/ create mode 100644 docs/investigation/configuration/assets/communicationsecret.yaml diff --git a/docs/investigation/configuration/ b/docs/investigation/configuration/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..34817807b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/investigation/configuration/ @@ -0,0 +1,418 @@ +# Persistent configuration from BotKube commands + +Created on 2022-09-07 by Paweł Kosiec ([@pkosiec]( + + + +- [Goal](#goal) +- [Current approach](#current-approach) + * [Configuration persistence for BotKube commands](#configuration-persistence-for-botkube-commands) + * [Reloading configuration](#reloading-configuration) +- [Single source of truth](#single-source-of-truth) + * [Simple PoC](#simple-poc) + * [Helm chart installation](#helm-chart-installation) + + [Do external state change](#do-external-state-change) + + [Upgrade Helm chart](#upgrade-helm-chart) + + [Rollback](#rollback) + * [Implementation](#implementation) +- [Setting configuration from BotKube commands](#setting-configuration-from-botkube-commands) + * [1. Dedicated command for manual restart](#1-dedicated-command-for-manual-restart) + * [2. Restart app every time and post an updated message](#2-restart-app-every-time-and-post-an-updated-message) + * [3. Distinguish two types of commands and restart if necessary](#3-distinguish-two-types-of-commands-and-restart-if-necessary) + * [Rejected: Reload config dynamically](#rejected-reload-config-dynamically) +- [Consequences](#consequences) + + + +## Goal + +- Make configuration done with `@BotKube` commands persistent. +Read configuration both from installation/upgrade config (ConfigMap) and also commands. + +## Current approach + +### Configuration persistence for BotKube commands + +BotKube commands change runtime configuration and it is not persisted. + +### Reloading configuration + +Config watcher watches for ConfigMap changes and restarts the app if it was updated. + +Before restart, BotKube messages: + +> Looks like the configuration is updated for cluster 'not-configured'. I shall halt my watch till I read it. + +and then: + +> My watch has ended for cluster 'not-configured'! +Please send @BotKube notifier start to enable notification once BotKube comes online. + +Once online, BotKube says: + +> ...and now my watch begins for cluster 'not-configured'! :crossed_swords: + +So there are 3 messages in total when reloading the configuration. + +## Single source of truth + +While I was considering different approaches, I wanted to make sure we have a single source of truth for our config - a ConfigMap. The idea is that every `@BotKube` command that saves some state (e.g. `@BotKube notifier stop`), writes the state to the same ConfigMap. If we're using ConfigMap, the concurrent write already resolved by Kubernetes itself (`resourceVersion`). + +- As it is right now, BotKube always loads the configuration during it start from the files (including mounted ConfigMap). +- `@BotKube` commands results in Kubernetes API calls which modify ConfigMap with config. +- As the ConfigMap is mounted, Config Watcher detects the change. + +To support Helm upgrade and `@BotKube` commands, I modified the Helm chart to make it work. + +### Simple PoC + +This scenario proves that the single source of truth works as expected. It imitates changes done by `@BotKube` commands and Helm upgrade. +While in this scenario I used Secret, same thing can be achieved with ConfigMap. + +Patch the `communicationsecret.yaml` file. + +```bash +cp docs/investigation/configuration/assets/communicationsecret.yaml ./helm/botkube/templates/communicationsecret.yaml +``` + +### Helm chart installation + +Create the following file and install Helm chart. + +- Mattermost `default` channel has `notifications.disabled=false` +- Slack `default` channel has `notifications.disabled=true` + +```bash +cat > /tmp/values.yaml << ENDOFFILE +communications: + 'default-group': + # Settings for Slack + slack: + enabled: false + token: token + channels: + 'default': + name: botkube-test + notifications: + disabled: true + bindings: + executors: + - kubectl-read-only + - kubectl-read-only2 + sources: + - k8s-events + + mattermost: + enabled: false + botName: botkube + notiftype: short + team: org + token: token + url: http://mattermost-team-edition.default:8065 + channels: + 'default': + name: "general" + notifications: + disabled: false + bindings: + executors: + - kubectl-read-only + sources: + - k8s-events + 'test': + name: "test" + bindings: + executors: + - kubectl-read-only + sources: + - k8s-events + notification: + type: short # Change notification type short/long you want to receive. Type is optional and default is short. +settings: + clusterName: dev +executors: + 'kubectl-read-only': + kubectl: + enabled: true +analytics: + disable: true +ENDOFFILE +helm install botkube ./helm/botkube --namespace botkube --create-namespace -f /tmp/values.yaml +``` + +See the secret: +```bash +kubectl get secret -n botkube botkube-communication-secret -o go-template='{{ index .data "comm_config.yaml" | base64decode }}' +``` + +#### Do external state change + +Let's imitate a change, which will be done by `@BotKube` commands. +Get secret `k get secret -n botkube botkube-communication-secret -oyaml` and change Slack `notifications.disabled=false` for Slack `default` channel, and add `notifications.disabled=true` for Teams. + +Alternatively, trust me and apply the Secret update: + +It changes `notifications.disabled=false` for Slack `default` channel, and adds `notifications.disabled=true` for Teams. + +```bash +cat > /tmp/secret.yaml << ENDOFFILE +apiVersion: v1 +data: + comm_config.yaml: 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 +kind: Secret +metadata: + annotations: + botkube + botkube + labels: + botkube + Helm + botkube + botkube-v0.13.0 + name: botkube-communication-secret + namespace: botkube +type: Opaque +ENDOFFILE +kubectl apply -f /tmp/secret.yaml -n botkube +``` + +See the modified secret: +```bash +kubectl get secret -n botkube botkube-communication-secret -o go-template='{{ index .data "comm_config.yaml" | base64decode }}' +``` + +#### Upgrade Helm chart + +Create modified `values2.yaml` file. It doesn't specify notifications for Slack and Teams, but sets `notifications.disabled=true` for Mattermost `default` channel. Upgrade the release: + +```bash +cat > /tmp/values2.yaml << ENDOFFILE +communications: + 'default-group': + # Settings for Slack + slack: + enabled: false + token: token + channels: + 'default': + name: botkube-test + bindings: + executors: + - kubectl-read-only + - kubectl-read-only2 + sources: + - k8s-events + + mattermost: + enabled: false + botName: botkube + notiftype: short + team: org + token: token + url: http://mattermost-team-edition.default:8065 + channels: + 'default': + name: "general" + notifications: + disabled: true + bindings: + executors: + - kubectl-read-only + sources: + - k8s-events + 'test': + name: "test" + bindings: + executors: + - kubectl-read-only + sources: + - k8s-events + notification: + type: short # Change notification type short/long you want to receive. Type is optional and default is short. +settings: + clusterName: dev +executors: + 'kubectl-read-only': + kubectl: + enabled: true +analytics: + disable: true +ENDOFFILE +helm upgrade botkube ./helm/botkube --namespace botkube -f /tmp/values2.yaml +``` + +Get secret and see its value: + +```bash +kubectl get secret -n botkube botkube-communication-secret -o go-template='{{ index .data "comm_config.yaml" | base64decode }}' +``` + +The result is: + +- Slack `default` channel has `notifications.disabled=false` (from the external Secret change) +- Mattermost `default` channel has `notifications.disabled=true` (from the Helm upgrade) +- MS Teams has `notifications.disabled=true` (from the external Secret change) + +The merge implementation works properly, and we can use it to support config set by both upgrade + commands. + +#### Rollback + +Do a rollback and get the secret: + +```bash +helm rollback -n botkube botkube +kubectl get secret -n botkube botkube-communication-secret -o go-template='{{ index .data "comm_config.yaml" | base64decode }}' +``` + +Now the secret is restored to the state after Helm chart installation: +- Slack `default` channel has `notifications.disabled=true` (from the initial Helm chart installation) +- Mattermost `default` channel has `notifications.disabled=false` (from the initial Helm chart installation) +- MS Teams doesn't have `notifications.disabled` specified (like during initial Helm installation) + +The external change is not taken into account when rolling back. While it could be perceived as a limitation, I don't think there's a problem with this behavior - we just need to document it well. + +### Implementation + +To make sure we know where to write the state with commands, and to enable support for custom `communication` (`existingCommunicationsSecretName` in values) secrets and other files, the state ConfigMap should be separate from all different configurations. + +The state ConfigMap name and namespace is provided as a part of config. + +```yaml +settings: + state: + configMap: + name: "botkube-state" + namespace: "botkube" +``` + +The ConfigMap data would look like this: + +```yaml +kind: ConfigMap +metadata: + name: botkube-state + namespace: botkube +data: + communications: + 'default-group': + slack: + channels: + 'default': + notifications: + disabled: true # notifier start/stop for a given channel + sources: # notification presets + - foo + - bar + sources: # someday + 'default-group': + kubernetes: + filters: + namespaceChecker: + enabled: true + objectAnnotationChecker: + enabled: true +``` + +As we use `koanf` library for loading config, these values will be merged with other files and we'll still have the same single struct in the app as before. +The state ConfigMap is provided as the last item in loaded files, that's why it takes the precedence over other files. + +However, in the `values.yaml` file we still are able to inline them. + +```yaml +communications: + 'default-group': + # Settings for Slack + slack: + enabled: false + token: token + channels: + 'default': + name: botkube-test + notification: + type: short # deprecated, should be moved to `notifications` + notifications: + disabled: true + sources: # presets + - foo + - bar +``` + +Initially, we could have duplication over these "state" properties, that is, have them both in communication Secret and "state" ConfigMap. However, as pointed before, the state ConfigMap will take precedence over the Secret. +Later, we could iterate over all nested elements and check whether it should be filtered from the e.g. Communication Secret or State ConfigMap. So we'd iterate over the full object twice (once in state ConfigMap, and second time in Communications secret). + +## Setting configuration from BotKube commands + +### 1. Dedicated command for manual restart + +Once user changes the configuration with `@BotKube` commands, config watcher detects the changes. It doesn't quit BotKube, but just informs about config reload instead, (e.g. only the first time): + +> "Configuration has been updated. Apply it with the `@BotKube reload` command." + +The `@BotKube reload` is executed manually to apply new configuration, which would result in the app restart. This would + +We don't need to change the "goodbye" and "hello" messages. + +Pros: +- Very easy to implement and maintain +- Allows to fully control the time BotKube app restarts by the user (batch multiple configuration changes) + +Cons: +- UX is not great, as user needs to execute the command manually +- Current `notifier start/stop` commands won't apply the change instantly, but the reload will be needed + +### 2. Restart app every time and post an updated message + +Every command, even `notifier start/stop` restarts the app. But we don't post "config change detected", "goodbye" and "hello" messages. + +Instead, we post a notification when BotKube is online: `BotKube configuration for cluster "dev" has been reloaded 👍`. + +How to implement it? There would be another "state" BotKube ConfigMap, which is not monitored by Config Watcher, but still loaded during BotKube startup. Let's call it "startup-state" for now. + +When detecting new configuration, Config Watcher writes to the "startup-state": + +```yaml +lastExitReason: "ConfigReloaded" +``` + +When BotKube launches again, it reads the config and posts `BotKube configuration for cluster "dev" has been reloaded 👍`. Then, it modifies the "startup-state" ConfigMap and removes the `lastExitReason` field, to not post the same message next time. + +Initially, it is posted for all channels as it is right now. Later, we can include the channel name in the state and post it only to the channel where the command was executed. + +Pros: +- Quite easy to implement and maintain +- BotKube reload is "hidden" + +Cons: +- Current `notifier start/stop` commands will also reload BotKube. That shouldn't make big difference though, as it would be "hidden". + +### 3. Distinguish two types of commands and restart if necessary + +This is a variation of the previous approach. We could distinguish two types of commands: +- commands that don't restart BotKube, e.g. `notifier start/stop` + - they save the state in runtime config and another ConfigMap, which is not monitored by Config Watcher, but still loaded during BotKube startup. +- commands that restart BotKube instantly, such as commands for notification presets + - they post "Reloading configuration..." message and restart the app. + +Initially, the "goodbye" and "welcome" messages could be kept as they are. Later we can combine it with option 2. + +Pros: +- Quite easy to implement and maintain +- Current `notifier start/stop` still work instantly + +Cons: +- If we want to combine it with option 2 approach to hide BotKube restart, it would be a bit more time-consuming to implement. + +### Rejected: Reload config dynamically + +This doesn't change much as basically it would be restarting all components without the app itself; there would be still the same issues as with current approach. Kubernetes spawns a new Pod instantly, so there shouldn't be much time difference. +It would complicate the code though (as we would need to have another level of abstraction to watch over full app and ensure it's not finished, but restarted instead). + +Doing a diff and restarting just some updated components (e.g. just Slack Bot or whole source router) doesn't sound like something we'd like to implement and maintain, as it'll bring too much complexity into our code, and, in a result, unpredictability in the behavior. + +## Consequences + +TBD - once we decide on the approach. + + + + diff --git a/docs/investigation/configuration/assets/communicationsecret.yaml b/docs/investigation/configuration/assets/communicationsecret.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..60e77dfd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/investigation/configuration/assets/communicationsecret.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +{{- if not .Values.existingCommunicationsSecretName -}} +{{- $secretName := printf "%s-%s" (include "botkube.fullname" .) "communication-secret" -}} +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Secret +metadata: + name: {{ include "botkube.CommunicationsSecretName" . }} + labels: + {{ include "" . }} + {{ include "botkube.chart" . }} + {{ .Release.Name }} + {{ .Release.Service }} +stringData: + {{- $previous := lookup "v1" "Secret" .Release.Namespace $secretName }} + {{- if $previous }} + comm_config.yaml: | + {{- $prev := b64dec (index $ "comm_config.yaml") -}} + {{- $prevYaml := $prev | fromYaml -}} + {{- $merged := mustMergeOverwrite (mustDeepCopy (default (dict) $prevYaml.communications )) (mustDeepCopy .Values.communications) }} + communications: + {{ $merged | toYaml | indent 8 -}} + {{- else }} + comm_config.yaml: | + # Communication settings + communications: + {{- .Values.communications | toYaml | nindent 6 }} + {{ end }} +{{- end }}