More content and details can be found in our Survey Paper: Event-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: A Comprehensive Survey
Year | Publication | Title | Method | Type | Event Representation | Task | Code |
2011 | IJCNN | Interacting maps for fast visual interpretation | Optimization | - | Event frame | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2012 | ROBIO | Event-based particle filtering for robot self-localization | Filter | Feature | - | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2013 | ICVS | Simultaneous localization and mapping for event-based vision systems | Filter | Feature | - | Mapping | - |
2014 | BMVC | Simultaneous mosaicing and tracking with an event camera | Filter | Direct | - | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2014 | ICRA | Low-latency event-based visual odometry | Filter | Direct | Event packet | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2014 | ICRA | Event-based 3D SLAM with a depth-augmented dynamic vision sensor | Filter | Feature | - | Visual odometry | - |
2014 | IROS | Event-based, 6-DOF pose tracking for high-speed maneuvers | Optimization | Feature | Event packet | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2015 | ArXiv | Event-based camera pose tracking using a generative event model | Filter | Direct | - | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2015 | RSS | Continuous-time trajectory estimation for event-based vision sensors | Optimization | Feature | Event packet | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2016 | ECCV | Real-time 3D reconstruction and 6-DoF tracking with an event camera | Filter | Direct | - | Visual odometry | - |
2016 | ICRA | Fast localization and tracking using event sensors | Optimization | Feature | Event frame | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2016 | IROS | Low-latency visual odometry using event-based feature tracks | Optimization | Feature | Local point set | Visual odometry | - |
2016 | RA-L | EVO: a geometric approach to event-based 6-DOF parallel tracking and mapping in real time | Optimization | Direct | Edge Map | Visual odometry | Code |
2017 | BMVC | Real-time visual-inertial odometry for event cameras using keyframe-based nonlinear optimization | Optimization | Feature | Motion-compensated event frame | Visual inertial odometry | - |
2017 | CVPR | Event-based visual inertial odometry | Filter | Feature | Motion-compensated event packet | Visual inertial odometry | Code |
2017 | ICCP | Real-time panoramic tracking for event cameras | Optimization | Feature | Event packet | Visual odometry | - |
2017 | RA-L | Accurate angular velocity estimation with an event camera | Optimization | Motion-compensation | Motion-compensated event frame | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2017 | R-AL | Ultimate SLAM? combining events, images, and IMU for robust visual SLAM in HDR and high-speed scenarios | Optimization | Feature | Motion-compensated event frame | Visual inertial odometry | Code |
2017 | TPAMI | Event-based, 6-DOF camera tracking from photometric depth maps | Filter | Direct | - | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2018 | CVPR | A unifying contrast maximization framework for event cameras, with applications to motion, depth, and optical flow estimation | Optimization | Motion-compensation | Motion-compensated event frame | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2018 | T-RO | Continuous-time visual-inertial odometry for event cameras | Optimization | Feature | Event packet | Visual inertial odometry | - |
2019 | CVPR | Unsupervised event-based learning of optical flow, depth, and egomotion | Optimization | Deep learning | Voxel grid | Visual odometry | - |
2019 | ICRA | Event-based, direct camera tracking from a photometric 3D map using nonlinear optimization | Optimization | Direct | Brightness incremental image | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2019 | ROBIO | Neuromorphic Visual Odometry System For Intelligent Vehicle Application With Bio-inspired Vision Sensor | Optimization | Feature | Motion-compensated event frame | Visual odometry | - |
2020 | BMVC | High-speed event-based camera tracking | Filter | Feature | - | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2020 | CVPR | Globally Optimal Contrast Maximisation for Event-Based Motion Estimation | Optimization | Motion-compensation | Motion-compensated event frame | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2020 | EBCCSP | Embedded Event-based Visual Odometry | Optimization | Feature | Event packet | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2020 | ECCV | Entropy Minimisation Framework for Event-Based Vision Model Estimation | Optimization | Motion-compensation | Motion-compensated event packet | Ego-motion estimation | Code |
2020 | ECCV | Globally-Optimal Event Camera Motion Estimation | Optimization | Motion-compensation | Motion-compensated event frame | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2020 | ICRA | Event-Based Angular Velocity Regression with Spiking Networks | Optimization | Deep learning | - | Ego-motion estimation | Code |
2020 | IROS | Unsupervised learning of dense optical flow, depth and egomotion with event-based sensors | Optimization | Deep learning | Event frame and time surface | Visual odometry | - |
2020 | IROS | IDOL: A Framework for IMU-DVS Odometry using Lines | Optimization | Feature | Event packet | Visual odometry | - |
2020 | TCI | Robust Motion Compensation for Event Cameras With Smooth Constraint | Optimization | Motion-compensation | Motion-compensated event frame | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2021 | CVPR | Spatiotemporal Registration for Event-based Visual Odometry | Optimization | Feature | Event packet | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2021 | ECMR | Feature-based Event Stereo Visual Odometry | Optimization | Feature | Time surface | Stereo visual odometry | - |
2021 | ICCV | The Spatio-Temporal Poisson Point Process: A Simple Model for the Alignment of Event Camera Data | Optimization | Motion-compensation | Motion-compensated event frame | Ego-motion estimation | Code |
2021 | R-AL | Real-Time Rotational Motion Estimation With Contrast Maximization Over Globally Aligned Events | Optimization | Motion-compensation | Motion-compensated event frame | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2021 | Sensors | Visual Odometry with an Event Camera Using Continuous Ray Warping and Volumetric Contrast Maximization | Optimization | Motion-compensation | Event packet | Visual odometry | - |
2021 | T-RO | Event-Based Stereo Visual Odometry | Optimization | Direct | Time surface | Stereo visual odometry | Code |
2022 | ArXiv | PL-EVIO: Robust Monocular Event-based Visual Inertial Odometry with Point and Line Features | Optimization | Feature | Motion-compensated time surface | Visual inertial odometry | - |
2022 | CVPR | Event-aided Direct Sparse Odometry | Optimization | Direct | Brightness incremental image | Visual odometry | Code |
2022 | ICRA | DEVO: Depth-Event Camera Visual Odometry in Challenging Conditions | Optimization | Direct | Time surface | Visual odometry | - |
2022 | ICRA | Asynchronous Optimisation for Event-based Visual Odometry | Optimization | Feature | - | Visual odometry | - |
2022 | IROS | Monocular Event Visual Inertial Odometry based on Event-corner using Sliding Windows Graph-based Optimization | Optimization | Feature | Time surface | Visual inertial odometry | - |
2022 | IROS | A Tightly-Coupled Event-Inertial Odometry using Exponential Decay and Linear Preintegrated Measurements | Filter | Feature | Time surface | Visual inertial odometry | - |
2022 | R-AL | Event-Based Line SLAM in Real-Time | Filter | Feature | - | Visual odometry | - |
2022 | R-AL | Exploring Event Camera-Based Odometry for Planetary Robots | Filter | Feature | Brightness incremental image | Visual inertial odometry | Code |
2022 | TPAMI | Globally-Optimal Contrast Maximisation for Event Cameras | Optimization | Motion-compensation | Motion-compensated event frame | Ego-motion estimation | - |
2022 | TPAMI | Robust Event-Based Vision Model Estimation by Dispersion Minimisation | Optimization | Motion-compensation | Motion-compensated event packet | Ego-motion estimation | Code |
2023 | Sensors | ESVIO: Event-Based Stereo Visual-Inertial Odometry | Optimization | Direct | Time surface | Stereo visual inertial odometry | - |
Name | Publication | Motion | Devices | Resolution | Sensor | Dataset |
ECDS | IJRR | rotation, translation, 6DoF | Hand-held | 240*180 | Event, IMU | Dataset |
rpg | ECCV | 6DoF | Hand-held | 240*180 | Stereo Event | Dataset |
MVSEC | RA-L | 6DoF | Hexacoptor, Car, Hand-held, Motorcycle | 346*240 | Stereo Event, Stereo Frame, IMU, Lidar, GPS | Dataset |
UZH-FPV | ICRA | 6DoF | Drone | 640*480 | Event, Frame, IMU | Dataset |
DSEC | RA-L | 6DoF | Car | 640*480 | Stereo Event, Stereo Frame, Lidar, GPS | Dataset |
TUM-VIE | IROS | 6DoF | Hand-held | 1280*720 | Stereo Event, Stereo Frame, IMU | Dataset |
EDS | CVPR | 6DoF | Hand-held | 640*480 | Event, Frame, IMU | Dataset |
VECtor | RA-L | 6DoF | Hand-held | 640*480 | Stereo Event, Stereo Frame, RGB-D, IMU, Lidar | Dataset |
M2DGR | ICRA | 6DoF | Ground Robot | 640*480 | Event, Frame, IMU, Lidar, GPS, Thermal | Dataset |
vicon | IROS | 6DoF | Quadrotor | 346*240, 640*480 | Event, IMU | Dataset |
ViViD++ | RA-L | 6DoF | Hand-held, Car | 240*180, 640*480 | Event, Frame, RGB-D, Thermal, Lidar, GPS | Dataset |
VISTA 2.0 | ICRA | 6DoF | Synthetic | - | Event, RGD, Lidar | Dataset |
FusionPortable | IROS | 6DoF | Hand-held, Quadruped Robot | 346*240 | Stereo Event, Stereo Frame, IMU, Lidar, GPS | Dataset |
The survey and benchmark are only made available for academic research purpose.
Author = {Kunping Huang and Sen Zhang and Jing Zhang and Dacheng Tao},
Title = {Event-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: A Comprehensive Survey},
Year = {2023},
Journal = {arXiv:2304.09793}