Used to make customized automatic search for very specific eBay listings.
Saves the found listing in a mySQL database called "eBayLinks"
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev // (if not already done)
sudo pip install mysqlclient (or pip install MySQL-python)
sudo pip install selenium
Download and add 'chromedriver' to the path you want. Edit line 4 in to designate the correct path to 'chromedriver'.
first_window = webdriver.Chrome("/home/carl/chromedriver")
Also be sure to have Chrome browser installed on your server/system:
Set up a XAMPP mySQL server and a webpage to display the databese contents.
For a simple demo:
Copy eBayLinks folder with *.php files to path '/opt/lampp/htdocs' if you are on Linux and run the webpage by pasting http://localhost/eBayLinks/GPUs.php in a browser.
For Amazon EC2 setup:
SFTP file transfer between the EC2 and your PC using FileZilla: