These documents are intended to be read on This is because some of the documents are written by LaTeX format to display mathematical expressions by MathJax.
Japanese version is here.
- 1: Multiples of 3 or 5
- 2: Even Fibonacci Numbers
- 3: Largest Prime Factor
- 4: Largest Palindrome Product
- 5: Smallest Multiple
- 6: Sum Square Difference
- 7: 10001st Prime
- 8: Largest Product in a Series
- 9: Special Pythagorean Triplet
- 10: Summation of Primes
- 11: Largest Product in a Grid
- 12: Highly Divisible Triangular Number
- 13: Large Sum
- 14: Longest Collatz Sequence
- 15: Lattice Paths
- 16: Power Digit Sum
- 17: Number Letter Counts
- 18: Maximum Path Sum I
- 19: Counting Sundays
- 20: Factorial Digit Sum
- 21: Amicable Numbers
- 22: Names Scores
- 23: Non-Abundant Sums
- 24: Lexicographic Permutations
- 25: 1000-digit Fibonacci Number
- 26: Reciprocal Cycles
- 27: Quadratic Primes
- 28: Number Spiral Diagonals
- 29: Distinct Powers
- 30: Digit Fifth Powers
- 31: Coin Sums
- 32: Pandigital Products
- 33: Digit Cancelling Fractions
- 34: Digit Factorials
- 35: Circular Primes
- 36: Double-base Palindromes
- 37: Truncatable Primes
- 38: Pandigital Multiples
- 39: Integer Right Triangles
- 40: Champernowne's Constant
- 41: Pandigital Prime
- 42: Coded Triangle Numbers
- 43: Sub-string Divisibility
- 44: Pentagon Numbers
- 45: Triangular, Pentagonal, and Hexagonal
- 46: Goldbach's Other Conjecture
- 47: Distinct Primes Factors
- 48: Self Powers
- 49: Prime Permutations
- 50: Consecutive Prime Sum
- 51: Prime Digit Replacements
- 52: Permuted Multiples
- 53: Combinatoric Selections
- 54: Poker Hands
- 55: Lychrel Numbers
- 56: Powerful Digit Sum
- 57: Square Root Convergents
- 58: Spiral Primes
- 59: XOR Decryption
- 60: Prime Pair Sets
- 61: Cyclical Figurate Numbers
- 62: Cubic Permutations
- 63: Powerful Digit Counts
- 64: Odd period square roots
- 65: Convergents of $e$
- 66: Diophantine Equation
- 67: Maximum path sum II
- 68: Magic 5-gon Ring
- 69: Totient Maximum
- 70: Totient Permutation
- 71: Ordered Fractions
- 72: Counting Fractions
- 73: Counting Fractions in a Range
- 74: Digit Factorial Chains
- 75: Singular Integer Right Triangles
- 76: Counting Summations
- 77: Prime Summations
- 78: Coin Partitions
- 79: Passcode derivation
- 80: Square root digital expansion
- 81: Path Sum: Two Ways
- 82: Path Sum: Three Ways
- 83: Path Sum: Four Ways
- 84: Monopoly Odds
- 85: Counting Rectangles
- 86: Cuboid Route
- 87: Prime Power Triples
- 88: Product-sum Numbers
- 89: Roman Numerals
- 90: Cube Digit Pairs
- 91: Right Triangles with Integer Coordinates
- 92: Square Digit Chains
- 93: Arithmetic Expressions
- 94: Almost Equilateral Triangles
- 95: Amicable Chains
- 96: Su Doku
- 97: Large Non-Mersenne Prime
- 98: Anagramic Squares
- 99: Largest Exponential
- 100: Arranged probability