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A dynamic markup language with support for custom directives and plugins
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Get started now{: .btn .btn-green .fs-5 .mb-4 .mb-md-0 .mr-2 } Source{: .btn .fs-5 .mb-4 .mb-md-0 }
# # Example KyoML document # # == Key/Value Pairs == noun = "world" greeting = "hello" # == String interpolation == sentence = "${noun} ${greeting}" # # == Blocks == # Main structural construct, can be nested # kyoml { # # == Directives == # Enrich your document with plugins and custom methods # @directives('rock') # == JSON-like data structures == array = [ 1001, 1003, 1002 ] # # == Pipes == # Allow passing values to directives # users = "" |> @fetch }
The root idea behind KyoML, is to create a markup language which you can enrich yourself.
It was designed in an attempt to customize the configuration experience provided to others.
In its raw form, KyoML isn't much different from JSON or Yaml but, thanks to directives, you can level it up, and add your own features to the language.
Note: KyoML does not ship with any directives, it's up to you to write your own
- Key/Value Pairs
- Arrays
- Blocks
- Maps
- Directives
- Mappers
- Pipes
- Plugins
- String interpolation