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File metadata and controls

165 lines (118 loc) · 4.01 KB

Guide for developers

This repository contains Kubernetes manifests that will be delivered to Neco data centers automatically by Argo CD.

Adding a new application

Determine the name of the new application, then make base directory for it:

$ APP_NAME=foo
$ mkdir -p ${APP_NAME}/base

Common manifests

Manifests that are common to all environments go to base directory.

A manifest can be incomplete as long as it will be complemented by overlays as described later.

Note that manifests extension should be .yaml instead of .yml because ArgoCD searches only *.yaml files.

$ edit ${APP_NAME}/base/deployment.yaml
$ edit ${APP_NAME}/base/service.yaml

Then, create kustomization.yaml for Kustomize.

$ cat <<EOF > ${APP_NAME}/base/kustomization.yaml
kind: Kustomization
- deployment.yaml
- service.yaml

Environment-specific manifests

For each data center such as gcp, stage0, tokyo0, you may create patch manifets as follows:

$ ENV=stage0
$ mkdir -p ${APP_NAME}/overlays/${ENV}
$ vi ${APP_NAME}/overlays/${ENV}/deployment_replicas.yaml

Create kustomization.yaml to apply patches to base manifets.

$ cat <<EOF > ${APP_NAME}/overlays/${ENV}/kustomization.yaml
kind: Kustomization
- ../../base
- deployment_replicas.yaml

Verify manifests

$ (cd test; make setup)
$ kustomize build ${APP_NAME}/base > /tmp/app.yaml
$ kustomize build ${APP_NAME}/overlays/${ENV} > /tmp/app_${ENV}.yaml
$ diff -u /tmp/app.yaml /tmp/app_${ENV}.yaml

Apply the generated manifest using kubectl apply --dry-run -f FILE in the dctest environment.

Add the application to Argo CD

Add following files under argocd-config directory:

$ edit argocd-config/base/${APP_NAME}.yaml
$ edit argocd-config/overlays/${ENV}/${APP_NAME}.yaml

Examples are argocd-config/base/metallb.yaml and argocd-config/overlays/stage0/metallb.yaml.

Add the filenames to kustomization.yaml for ArgoCD.

$ edit argocd-config/base/kustomization.yaml
$ edit argocd-config/overlays/${ENV}/kustomization.yaml


Tests should be written using ginkgo and gomega as follows:

$ edit ${APP_NAME}/test/suite_test.go
$ edit ${APP_NAME}/test/some_test.go

Add the new test to TESTS in test/Makefile.


Deploy to staging environments

Merged changes to master branch will be applied automatically.

Deploy to production environments

Argo CD in production environments refers to release branch.

CircleCI will create a pull request to update release branch when a tag is pushed as follows:

$ git checkout master
$ TAG=release-$(date +%Y.%m.%d)-1
$ git tag $TAG
$ git push origin $TAG

Then merge the pull request.

Trouble shooting

Make sure you are logging in Argo CD.

Out of sync

When argocd app list shows OutOfSync status for an application as follows:

$ argocd app list
NAME           CLUSTER                         NAMESPACE       PROJECT  STATUS     HEALTH       SYNCPOLICY  CONDITIONS
argocd-config  https://kubernetes.default.svc  argocd          default  Synced     Healthy      <none>      <none>
metallb        https://kubernetes.default.svc  metallb-system  default  Synced     Progressing  <none>      <none>
monitoring     https://kubernetes.default.svc  monitoring      default  OutOfSync  Missing      <none>      <none>

Try manual synchronization or investigate further details:

$ argocd app sync monitoring
$ argocd app get monitoring

Or use kubectl describe for Kubernetes resources:

$ kubectl describe -n monitoring deployment alertmanager