Since version 1.11.0
, library supports plugins.
Plugins are objects exposing specific functions, called by the library at specific times.
Import your plugin, instanciate them (if needed), and give them in the plugins
array of client settings.
import { TwitterApi } from 'twitter-api-v2'
import { TwitterApiCachePluginRedis } from '@twitter-api-v2/plugin-cache-redis'
const redisPlugin = new TwitterApiCachePluginRedis(redisInstance)
const client = new TwitterApi(yourKeys, { plugins: [redisPlugin] })
You can write object/classes that implements the following interface:
interface ITwitterApiClientPlugin {
// Classic requests
/* Executed when request is about to be prepared. OAuth headers, body, query normalization hasn't been done yet. */
onBeforeRequestConfig?: TTwitterApiBeforeRequestConfigHook
/* Executed when request is about to be made. Headers/body/query has been prepared, and HTTP options has been initialized. */
onBeforeRequest?: TTwitterApiBeforeRequestHook
/* Executed when a request succeeds (failed requests don't trigger this hook). */
onAfterRequest?: TTwitterApiAfterRequestHook
// Error handling in classic requests
/* Executed when Twitter doesn't reply (network error, server disconnect). */
onRequestError?: TTwitterApiRequestErrorHook
/* Executed when Twitter reply but with an error? */
onResponseError?: TTwitterApiResponseErrorHook
// Stream requests
/* Executed when a stream request is about to be prepared. This method **can't** return a `Promise`. */
onBeforeStreamRequestConfig?: TTwitterApiBeforeStreamRequestConfigHook
// Request token
/* Executed after a `.generateAuthLink`, mainly to allow automatic collect of `oauth_token`/`oauth_token_secret` couples. */
onOAuth1RequestToken?: TTwitterApiAfterOAuth1RequestTokenHook
/* Executed after a `.generateOAuth2AuthLink`, mainly to allow automatic collect of `state`/`codeVerifier` couples. */
onOAuth2RequestToken?: TTwitterApiAfterOAuth2RequestTokenHook
Every method is optional, because you can implement whatever you want to listen to.
Method types:
type TTwitterApiBeforeRequestConfigHook = (args: ITwitterApiBeforeRequestConfigHookArgs) => PromiseOrType<TwitterResponse<any> | void>
type TTwitterApiBeforeRequestHook = (args: ITwitterApiBeforeRequestHookArgs) => void | Promise<void>
type TTwitterApiAfterRequestHook = (args: ITwitterApiAfterRequestHookArgs) => PromiseOrType<TwitterApiPluginResponseOverride | void>
type TTwitterApiRequestErrorHook = (args: ITwitterApiRequestErrorHookArgs) => PromiseOrType<TwitterApiPluginResponseOverride | void>
type TTwitterApiResponseErrorHook = (args: ITwitterApiResponseErrorHookArgs) => PromiseOrType<TwitterApiPluginResponseOverride | void>
type TTwitterApiBeforeStreamRequestConfigHook = (args: ITwitterApiBeforeRequestConfigHookArgs) => void
type TTwitterApiAfterOAuth1RequestTokenHook = (args: ITwitterApiAfterOAuth1RequestTokenHookArgs) => void | Promise<void>
type TTwitterApiAfterOAuth2RequestTokenHook = (args: ITwitterApiAfterOAuth2RequestTokenHookArgs) => void | Promise<void>
A simple plugin implementation that logs GET requests can be:
class TwitterApiLoggerPlugin implements ITwitterApiClientPlugin {
onBeforeRequestConfig(args: ITwitterApiBeforeRequestConfigHookArgs) {
const method = args.params.method.toUpperCase()
console.log(`${method} ${args.url.toString()} ${JSON.stringify(args.params.query)}`)
const client = new TwitterApi(yourKeys, { plugins: [new TwitterApiLoggerPlugin()] })