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- To be a long-term support of gbXML Viewer
- To be a highly embeddable / not-invented-here friendly and accepting
- To be written with simple east-to-read code
- To have the minimum of dependencies
- Features are decided and prioritized by user needs as expressed via GitHub Issues
- Add FOSS as possible
- Work with all major libraries and languages
- As little UI exposed in the app as possible
- Make it easy for parent/outside apps to control the script through their UI
- Supply many example of doing this
- Able to support a gamut of uses from complex apps on desktops down to viewing files on old phones
- Read any gbXML file from Revit
- Default test case files accepted by OpenStudio geometry Viewer
- Any file accepted by OpenStudio geometry viewer fixes applied by gbXML Viewer
- All files accepted by FZK Viewer
Coming next
- Any gbXML file updated by the gbXML Viewer may be taken all the way through to creating an OpenStdio report without error
- any gbXML file updated by the gbXML Viewer may be read by FZK Viewer without issues
- Suggestions welcome
- Maintain a version that supports Chrome R45
- Make available via NPM
- Make available via Others ?
- Add test cases
- Minified versions?
- Generally follows practices used at
- Development based on
- Releases
- Issues
- Projects
- Milestones
- Easy peasy philosophy
- To support a broad range of CSS systems
- Ability to apply styles to HTML elements on-the fly- at run-time
- Add and edit text
- First commit