This guide outlines the changes needed when upgrading from Langfuse Helm Chart v0.13 to v1.0. For an example of a migration for a minimal example, see the upgrade example.
- Langfuse Configuration
Most core configurations are now handled under the
section:# Old serviceAccount: [...] podAnnotations: {} podSecurityContext: {} securityContext: {} service: [...] resources: {} nodeSelector: {} tolerations: [] affinity: {} # New langfuse: serviceAccount: [...] pod: annotations: {} podSecurityContext: {} securityContext: {} resources: {} nodeSelector: {} tolerations: [] affinity: {} web: service: [...]
The replicaCount parameter got renamed to replicas, and can be overridden per component:
# Old replicaCount: 1 # New langfuse: replicas: 1
Alternatively, you can set the replicas directly for each component:
langfuse: web: replicas: 2 worker: replicas: 3
- Authentication and Security
is now structured differently:# Old langfuse: salt: changeme # New langfuse: salt: value: "" # Direct value secretKeyRef: # Or use an existing secret name: "" key: ""
configuration instead ofENCRYPTION_KEY
environment variable# Old langfuse: additionalEnv: - name: "ENCRYPTION_KEY" value: "<encryption-key>" # New langfuse: encryptionKey: value: "<encryption-key>"
Alternatively, you can use an existing secret for the encryption key:
langfuse: encryptionKey: existingSecret: <secret-name> existingSecretKey: <secret-key>
are now handled moved into a dedicatednextauth
section:# Old langfuse: nextauth: url: "<url>" secret: "<secret>" # New nextauth: url: "<url>" secret: value: "<secret>"
Alternatively, you can use an existing secret for the secret:
nextauth: secret: existingSecret: <secret-name> existingSecretKey: <secret-key>
- Redis Configuration
section has been renamed toredis
. To keep the same name, you can set thenameOverride
. -
Previously configured environment variables in
have been integrated into the chart structure:# Old Redis Configuration langfuse: additionalEnv: - name: "REDIS_CONNECTION_STRING" value: "redis://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database>" # New Redis Configuration redis: nameOverride: valkey host: <host> port: <port> auth: username: <username> password: <password> database: <database>
You can also use an existing secret for the password, instead of setting the password directly:
redis: auth: existingSecret: <secret-name> existingSecretPasswordKey: <password-key>
- Clickhouse Configuration
Previously configured environment variables in
have been integrated into the chart structure:# Old Clickhouse Configuration (in additionalEnv) langfuse: additionalEnv: - name: "CLICKHOUSE_MIGRATION_URL" value: "clickhouse://<host>:<native-port>" - name: "CLICKHOUSE_URL" value: "http://<host>:<http-port>" - name: "CLICKHOUSE_USER" value: "<username>" - name: "CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD" value: "<password>" # New Clickhouse Configuration clickhouse: host: <host> httpPort: <http-port> nativePort: <native-port> auth: username: "<username>" password: "<password>" migration: url: "clickhouse://<host>:<native-port>"
You can also use an existing secret for the password, instead of setting the password directly:
clickhouse: auth: existingSecret: <secret-name> existingSecretPasswordKey: <password-key>
- S3/MinIO Configuration
section has been renamed tos3
. To keep the same name, you can set thenameOverride
. -
Previously configured environment variables in
have been integrated into the chart structure:# Old S3/MinIO Configuration (in additionalEnv) langfuse: additionalEnv: - name: "LANGFUSE_S3_EVENT_UPLOAD_ENABLED" value: "true" - name: "LANGFUSE_S3_EVENT_UPLOAD_BUCKET" value: "<bucket>" - name: "LANGFUSE_S3_EVENT_UPLOAD_REGION" value: "<region>" - name: "LANGFUSE_S3_EVENT_UPLOAD_ACCESS_KEY_ID" value: "<access-key-id>" - name: "LANGFUSE_S3_EVENT_UPLOAD_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" value: "<secret-access-key>" - name: "LANGFUSE_S3_EVENT_UPLOAD_ENDPOINT" value: "<endpoint>" - name: "LANGFUSE_S3_EVENT_UPLOAD_FORCE_PATH_STYLE" value: "true" # New S3/MinIO Configuration - global settings s3: nameOverride: minio bucket: <bucket> region: <region> endpoint: <endpoint> forcePathStyle: true accessKeyId: value: "<access-key-id>" secretAccessKey: value: "<secret-access-key>" eventUpload: prefix: "events/" batchExport: prefix: "exports/" mediaUpload: prefix: "media/"
Alternatively, you can configure the buckets, endpoints, etc. per upload type:
s3: nameOverride: minio eventUpload: bucket: <bucket> [...] batchExport: bucket: <bucket> [...] mediaUpload: bucket: <bucket> [...]
- Feature Flags
- Feature flags have been restructured under
:# Old langfuse: telemetryEnabled: true nextPublicSignUpDisabled: false enableExperimentalFeatures: false # New langfuse: features: telemetryEnabled: true signUpDisabled: false experimentalFeaturesEnabled: false
- Image Configuration
- Image configuration has been restructured and can now be overridden per component:
# Old image: repository: langfuse/langfuse pullPolicy: Always tag: 3 # New langfuse: image: tag: 3 pullPolicy: Always pullSecrets: [] web: image: repository: langfuse/langfuse tag: null # Inherits from langfuse.image.tag if not set pullPolicy: null # Inherits from langfuse.image.pullPolicy if not set worker: image: repository: langfuse/langfuse-worker tag: null # Inherits from langfuse.image.tag if not set pullPolicy: null # Inherits from langfuse.image.pullPolicy if not set
- Logging Configuration
- New logging configuration section:
langfuse: logging: level: info # trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal format: text # text or json
- Health Checks
- New health check configurations for web and worker components:
langfuse: web: livenessProbe: path: "/api/public/health" initialDelaySeconds: 20 periodSeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 5 failureThreshold: 3 successThreshold: 1 readinessProbe: path: "/api/public/ready" initialDelaySeconds: 20 periodSeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 5 failureThreshold: 3 successThreshold: 1
The following configurations have been removed or replaced:
- Now handled
- Replaced by new health check configurationslangfuse.additionalEnv
still available, but mostly moved to the new integrated structure
- Required Actions
- Move your global configurations to the new structure under
- Update your image configuration to use the new structure
- Update relevant secret values or references for the salt, encryption key, license key and nextauth secret to the new structure:
- If you are referencing by value, use
- If you are referencing by secret, use
- If you are referencing by value, use
- Migrate your environment variables to the new integrated structure:
- Move Redis configuration from
, add thenameOverride
- Move Clickhouse configuration from
- Move S3/MinIO configuration from
, add thenameOverride
- Move the encryption key to the new structure under
- Move Redis configuration from
- Optional Configurations
- Configure the new logging settings if needed
- Set up health check parameters if you need custom values
- Review and configure the new feature flags structure
- Dependencies
- Review the configuration of dependent services (Redis, PostgreSQL, Clickhouse, MinIO)
- Check that all required environment variables are properly migrated to the new structure
- Any remaining custom environment variables can still be set in
- The chart now supports better separation of concerns between web and worker deployments
- New configurations provide more flexibility for production deployments
- Health checks are more configurable and robust
- Secret management is more secure with the new structure
- Environment variables are now better organized and integrated into the chart structure
For more detailed information, please refer to the official Langfuse documentation.