will show available options for viewing and downloading the code as you see fit. Clicking on "Downloads" will present you with several options including "Download .tar.gz" and "Download .zip." Additionally, you can use git directly:
git clone git://
To build the code, simply type:
This should build the code. Assuming no errors, it can be run like so:
./render <parameters>
Typically parameters involve input files and number of photons to shoot. A good start would be something like this:
./render -input refloormapsobj/AE_quads.obj -num_photons_to_shoot 500
Additionally, we added the d command. Once the photons have completed firing, i.e. after the p key has been pushed and it has completed, pushing the d key will light the spheres according to a conventional color scheme. Green is good and means the sphere received enough photons for communication to take place. Red is bad and means it did not receive enough photons. Colors will vary between these two extremes as appropriate.
To repeat our experiments, you may run the following commands:
./render -input refloormapsobj/AE_Quads_Control.obj -num_photons_to_shoot 10000
./render -input refloormapsobj/AE_Quads_No_Transmit.obj -num_photons_to_shoot 10000
Of course, shooting 10000 photons will take quite a while. Consider using a smaller number (such as 500 or 1000).