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Lateralus is terminal based phishing campaign tool


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Terminal based phishing campaign tool.

What is Lateralus and why?

Lateralus is tool built to help with phishing campaigns. It has a lot of customizable report and template injection points for your emails. In the future it will also provide integration with Modlishka result file.


How does it work?

  • Run lateralus generate -n config.yaml
  • Edit config.yaml file to match your needs
  • Pass the config.yaml to lateralus run as lateralus run -c config.yaml
  • Wait


You can install it with: go get -u or build it from sources by cloning the directory and running the go build.

Tracking server

Lateralus also supports injecting the email with tracking pixel with each mail having its own distinct uuid.

For your own tracking server, you can create the simple web server which will handle get request with id as url param or you can use laserver. It also supports connecting the lateralus json report to see exactly who has opened mail.

Setting up

Creating template

In yaml config: template:

The first step is to create the email template which you will be sending to your targets. Possible fields inside template are

  • {{.Name}} - This will be substituted for target name from .csv file
  • {{.Email}} - This will be substituted for target email from .csv file
  • {{.URL}} - URL to include inside email
  • {{.AttackerName}} - It says it all for itself

Example of template file can be found at templates/

Greetings {{.Name}},

My resume is available at following url {{.URL}}

Best regards,

Creating targets

In yaml config: targets:

Targets needs to be in .csv format in format Name,Email like so:

Choosing URL mode

You have two options for URLs:

  • Single - every user get's the same url link ( when the generate: False inside the config file)
  • Generate - every user get's different url, with the part <CHANGE> inside link: being present (when the generate: True inside the config file)

You also have an option to provide the length of the generated part, by default it will be 10 characters long. (Configurable via length: in config file).


After we have configured our .yaml config file let's run it now.

$ cat config.yaml
  generate: True
  link: "<CHANGE>"
  length: 10
  name: Attacker
  from: Not Attacker
  subject: Not phishing mail
  custom: ""
  targets: targets.csv
  template: /path/to/your/template/file
  signature: /path/to/your/signature
  port: 587
  username: "[email protected]"
  password: "somePassword"
  encryption: tls

  bulk: False
  bulkDelay: 60
  bulkSize: 3
  delay: 5
  separator: ","

NOTE: If you don't provide template path, templates/sample will be used. If you want to include signature in your emails, provide the path in signature inside config file.

Example run


Greetings {{.Name}},

My resume is available at following url {{.URL}}

Best regards,

Targets file:


$ lateralus run -c config.yaml
[INFO] Starting campaign at 2021-05-07 11:40:16
[INFO] Template not provided, using default template
[INFO] Output not provided, will use default output (Subject_startTime)
[INFO] Parsing config from "config.yaml"
[INFO] Output filename will be "Notphishingmail_2021-05-0711:40:16"
[INFO] Parsing targets from "targets.csv"
[INFO] Starting to send the mails. Hope for the best
Sending mails: 2 / 3 [===============================================================================>_______________________________________] 1 mail/s 66.67%

If we check inbox of user [email protected], we can see that email has been sent.


Config options

Why lateralus as a name

I really love that album.