# Site settings title: A blog about lauhee description: A blog about lauhee # baseurl: "/particle" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog # url: "localhost:3000" # the base hostname & protocol for your site e.g. http://willianjusten.com.br # User settings username: lauhee user_description: Bicycle rights irony actually neutra typewriter lyft. Man bun taxidermy put a bird on it, umami yr ramps pop-up ugh bushwick chia lo-fi. Occupy bitters pour-over snackwave you probably haven't heard of them small batch. Cornhole mustache man bun letterpress echo park VHS. user_title: Software Developer email: 962796039@qq.com twitter_username: lauheeliu github_username: lauheeliu gplus_username: lauheeliu # Google-analytics google-analytics: id: "" exclude: ['package.json', 'src' , 'node_modules']