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TRM Terraform repository for RDS module.

Tested on

Name Version
terraform 1.1.7
terragrunt 0.35.x
aws_provider 4.17


locals {
  rds_cluster_identifier = "rds-psql-cluster"
  vpc_id                 = "vpc-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
  role_for_rds           = "mock_arn_role"


module "trm-rds-module" {
  source = "./"

  ### --- Common variables --- ###
  vpc_id       = local.vpc_id
  number_of_az = "2"
  private_subnet_ids = [

  rds_security_group = {
    name        = local.rds_cluster_identifier
    vpc_id      = local.vpc_id
    description = "Allow trafic to/from RDS."

    ingress_rules = [{
      description = "Allow traffic to RDS."
      from_port   = 5432
      to_port     = 5432
      protocol    = "tcp"
      cidr_blocks = [""]

    egress_rules = [{
      description = "Outcoming traffic from RDS."
      from_port   = 0
      to_port     = 0
      protocol    = "-1"
      cidr_blocks = [""]

    tags = {
      Name = "${local.rds_cluster_identifier}-sg"

  aws_db_subnet_group_tags = {
    Name = "DB-SG-TAG-NAME"

  ### --- Cluster variables --- ###
  rds_cluster_identifier  = local.rds_cluster_identifier
  cluster_instance_identifier =- local.rds_cluster_identifier
  cluster_instance_number = "2"
  instance_class          = "db.r5.large"
  cluster_storage_encrypted = true
  db_name         = "deleteDB"
  secretsmanager_password_secret_name = "database_password"
  rds_cluster_tags = {

  ## --- Parameter group variables --- ###
  parameters_group = {
    name                                        = local.rds_cluster_identifier
    aws_rds_cluster_parameter_group_description = "DB cluster parameter group. Managed by terraform."
    parameters = [
        name  = "rds.force_ssl"
        value = "1"

  roles_feature_names = {
    local.role_for_rds = "s3Export"

  ### --- Providers variables --- ###
  aws_region          = "us-east-2"
  owner               = ""
  value_stream        = ""
  product             = ""
  component           = ""
  environment         = "Personal"
  data_classification = "Internal"
  created_using       = "Terraform"



Name Description Type Default Required
vpc_id VPC ID. string yes
private_subnet_ids Private subnet IDs. list(string) yes
number_of_az Number of Availability zones. string "2" no
rds_security_group A list of maps containing key/value pairs that define the rds security group to be created. any [] yes
aws_db_subnet_group_name The name of the DB subnet group. string "rds-subnet-group-name" no
aws_db_subnet_group_tags Tags for the DB subnet group map(string) null no
rds_cluster_identifier The cluster identifier. string yes
master_password_length The length of the string desired. number 16 no
master_password_special Supply your own list of special characters to use for string generation. string "!#*()-_=[]{}<>:?" no
secretsmanager_password_secret_name The name of the database password secret to retrieve from the AWS Secrets Manager. string yes
engine_version Database engine version. string "13.4" no
db_name DB name. string yes
roles_feature_names A map of ARNs for the IAM roles to associate to the RDS Cluster and name of the feature for association map(string) {} no
cluster_kms_key The ARN for the KMS encryption key. string null no
cluster_storage_encrypted Specifies whether the DB cluster is encrypted. bool false no
master_username Username for the master DB user. string "postgres" no
skip_final_snapshot Determines whether a final DB snapshot is created before the DB cluster is deleted. If true is specified, no DB snapshot is created. string "false" no
backup_retention_period The backup retention period. Retention period must be between 1 and 35 string "1" no
preferred_backup_window The daily time range during which automated backups are created if automated backups are enabled using the BackupRetentionPeriod parameter.Time in UTC. Default: A 30-minute window selected at random from an 8-hour block of time per regionE.g., 04:00-09:00 string "" no
deletion_protection The database can't be deleted when this value is set to true. string "false" no
cluster_cloudwatch_logs Set of log types to export to cloudwatch. Types are supported: audit, error, general, slowquery, postgresql. list(any) ["postgresql"] no
vpc_security_group_ids List of VPC security groups to associate with the Cluster. list(string) [] no
rds_cluster_tags Tags for the aws_rds_cluster. map(string) null no
cluster_instance_identifier The identifier for the RDS cluster instance. map(string) "trm-rds-instance-identifier" no
instance_class The instance class to use. string "db.r5.large" no
cluster_instance_number umber of clister instance. string "2" no
cluster_instance_tags Tags for the aws rds cluster instances. string "trm-aurora-psql-cluster" no
cluster_instance_monitoring_role_arn "The ARN for the IAM role that permits RDS to send enhanced monitoring metrics to CloudWatch Logs. string null no
cluster_instance_monitoring_interval The interval, in seconds, between points when Enhanced Monitoring metrics are collected for the DB instance. number 0 no
parameters_group Set of aws_rds_cluster_parameter_group options. any null no

Provider Inputs

Name Description Type Default Required
aws_region The AWS region to use for provisioning string yes
owner The group that supports the environment string yes
value_stream The name of the Stream (e.g. Information Technology) string yes
product High level product that is sold to customers or used internally. string yes
component The name of the system components string yes
environment Specifies the current environment string yes
data_classification Type of data confidentiality string yes
created_using Tool that was used to create the application string "Terraform" no
source_code The location of the source code for creating this resource string "trm-infra-rds" no


Name Description
rds_cluster_security_group_id ID of the rds cluster security group.
rds_cluster_security_group_arn Arn of the rds cluster security group.
rds_cluster_db_subnet_group_id ID of the rds cluster subnet group.
rds_cluster_db_subnet_group_arn Arn of the rds cluster subnet group.
rds_cluster_id The RDS Cluster Identifier.
rds_cluster_arn Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of cluster.
rds_cluster_write_endpoint The DNS address of the RDS instance.
rds_cluster_read_endpoint A read-only endpoint for the Aurora cluster, automatically load-balanced across replicas.
rds_cluster_hosted_zone_id The Route53 Hosted Zone ID of the endpoint.
rds_cluster_instance_arn Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of cluster instance.
rds_cluster_instance_id The Instance identifier.
rds_cluster_parameter_group_id The db cluster parameter group id.
rds_cluster_parameter_group_arn The ARN of the db cluster parameter group.

Example of variables

  rds_security_group = {
    name        = local.rds_cluster_identifier
    vpc_id      = local.vpc_id
    description = "Allow trafic to/from RDS."

    ingress_rules = [{
      description = "Allow traffic to RDS."
      from_port   = 5432
      to_port     = 5432
      protocol    = "tcp"
      cidr_blocks = [""]

    egress_rules = [{
      description = "Outcoming traffic from RDS."
      from_port   = 0
      to_port     = 0
      protocol    = "-1"
      cidr_blocks = [""]

    tags = {
      Name = "${local.rds_cluster_identifier}-sg"
  parameters_group = {
    name                                        = local.rds_cluster_identifier
    aws_rds_cluster_parameter_group_description = "DB cluster parameter group. Managed by terraform."
    parameters = [
        name  = "rds.force_ssl"
        value = "1"